Global Battery Raw Materials Symposium
Balancing Supply, Demand & Costs for Battery Component Materials
28-29 January 2019 (Room: Londres)
Understanding the complexities of the global supply chain for battery component materials from the mine to the market is critical to the successful commercialization of EV applications. An examination of the drivers of end user demand with a focus
on major new projects in the pipeline and how that demand will evolve over the near and long term will be presented. This symposium will cover the global markets from multiple angles including advances in mining and processing with an emphasis on
sourcing and cost control strategies by manufacturers with an outlook on the forecasted consumption trends for China, Japan, Korea, Europe and the United States. Don’t miss your opportunity to network with the major players within the global
battery supply chain.
Final Agenda
Monday, 28 January
8:00 Symposium Registration and Morning Coffee
9:30 Chairperson’s Opening Remarks
Andrew Leyland, Head, Forecasting & Consultancy, Benchmark Mineral Intelligence
9:35 Lithium Market Outlook
Bart Vanden Bossche, Director, SQM
Over the last 20 years, the Lithium Market has proven to be very dynamic and an exciting future is anticipated. The Lithium demand is currently growing very rapidly, mainly driven by the electrification of vehicles. Investments in adding production capacity
are being made to support the growth. Changing battery chemistries might further challenge the Lithium Industry. This presentation shares SQM’s view on the Lithium Supply/Demand situation and its outlook for the coming years.
9:55 Cinovec – Developing Europe’s Largest Lithium Resource
Keith Coughlan, Managing Director, European Metals Holdings Ltd.
European Metals Holdings Limited are developing the Cinovec Lithium-Tin deposit in Czech Republic. Cinovec contains the largest lithium deposit in Europe and is a historical underground tin mine. The Project is located in the north of the country on the
German border and is in close proximity to a number of significant auto and battery manufacturers. Studies completed by the company indicate the potential of Cinovec to supply long-term, low-cost lithium to the European battery industry.
10:15 Nickel – From Solution to Solution
Anne Oxley, Technical Director, Brazilian Nickel
BEVs numbers are growing to help reduce emissions and improve our environment. The raw materials behind the EV revolution should also be produced with this in mind. Brazilian Nickel’s hydrometallurgical process is at ambient conditions (no high
temperatures or pressures) and results in dissolved battery metals in sulphate solution. BRN plans to produce nickel hydroxide products with high percent nickel for improved transportation. These products are easy to re-dissolve by the cathode manufacturers,
but what are the other options and what is the best solution?
10:35 Networking Coffee Break with Poster Viewing
11:05 Advanced Conductive
Agents Tailored for Automobile Applications
Akira Yoda, MA, Researcher, Battery and Conductive Materials, Special Conductive Materials, Denka
In order to expand zero-emission vehicles in the world, various tasks must be solved to increase battery properties. One of the most urgent issues is “range”: we have identified that advanced conductive agents including DENKA's Acetylene Black
can decrease the carbon black amount in the battery and increase its properties.
11:25 Nickel and Cobalt Feed for Batteries: Supply Reaction to the Rapidly Growing Industry and Impact on Other Consuming Sectors by 2020 and Beyond
Denis Sharypin, Head, Market Research, MMC Norilsk Nickel
This presentation will examine assessing potential risks of Ni and Co physical shortage in the light of the booming battery industry. In addition, the development of new projects: progress status, economics and issues as well as evaluating trends in major
Ni & Co consuming industries will be presented.
11:45 Electrolyte for High Energy Density LiB
Le Yu, Director, Research & Development, Guangzhou Tinci Materials Technology Co., Ltd.
Dr. Yu Le will introduce Tinci R&D progress on electrolyte for high energy density LiB.He will show deterioration mechanism data and the solution.
12:05 Q&A
12:30 Networking Lunch
13:55 Chairperson’s Remarks
Anne Oxley, Technical Director, Brazilian Nickel
14:00 Challenge Cobalt: The Major Supply Chain Issues Faced in 2019
Caspar Rawles, Analyst, Cobalt & Cathodes, Benchmark Mineral Intelligence
How real is the perceived problem with the DRC, artisanal sources and child labor? How will new cobalt supply impact the battery market in 2019? The move to 811 cathode chemistry: Why even the most bullish of adoption cases won't change cobalt's trajectory.
14:20 Benchmarking the Origination, Development and Purity Levels of Raw Materials Supply to Avoid Thermal Runaway and Stabilize Costs
Raymond Malcolm Oei, CEO, PT Stern
The compliance-based Electric Vehicle & Energy storage industry has to set benchmarking on the origination, development and purity levels of raw material supply to avoid thermal runaways and to economically decide to focus on abundantly available
raw materials like Manganese to reduce the price/ kwh.
14:40 New Developments from Solvay Specialty Polymers to Further EV Battery Performances
Giovanni Boccaletti, Customer Technical Development E&E, Auto, A/T, Batteries EMEA, Solvay Specialty Polymers, Solvay
15:00 Q&A
15:15 Refreshment Break with Poster Viewing
15:50 Chairperson’s Remarks
Martin Steinbild, Director, Savannah Resources plc
15:55 Mina do Barroso - Spodumene Project in Portugal and the Impact on the Supply Chain in Europe
Martin Steinbild, Director, Savannah Resources plc
Savannah Resources' Mina do Barroso project in Portugal is a competitive lithium hard rock deposit. With this project, there is the opportunity to establish the supply chain for lithium ion batteries seamlessly in Europe. This supports the lithium raw
material security for the battery industry and could be a low-risk entry point for the first spodumene conversion plant in Europe.
16:15 The Changing Landscape of the Cobalt Market
David Weight, President, Cobalt Institute
The presentation will look at the historical changes to the cobalt market over the past 20 years, noting specifically the impact that cobalt containing Li-ion battery development has had while looking at the challenges cobalt faces in the global market
place, from chemical management to responsible sourcing.
16:35 PANEL DISCUSSION: Battery Raw Material Supply and Demand
Moderator: Martin Steinbild, Director, Savannah Resources plc
Panelists: Robert Baylis, Managing Director, Roskill Information Services Ltd., United Kingdom
David Weight, President, Cobalt Institute
Additional panelists to be announced
Electric mobility with lithium ion batteries is key for reducing GHG emissions to ease the impacts of climate change. Demand projections for electric vehicles show exponential growth. The fundamental question is: Can supply meet demand for battery raw
materials? In this panel we highlight factors influencing demand, like autonomous driving without the need to own a car anymore, and raw material changes in future battery technologies. On the supply side, the panel will identify constraints in the
value chain for main battery raw materials and ways of mitigating certain risks. A special focus will be on Europe's value chain.
17:10 Welcome Reception with Poster Viewing
18:15 Dinner Tutorial Check-In*
20:30 Close of Day
Tuesday, 29 January
7:30 Symposium Registration and Morning Coffee
8:30 Chairperson’s Opening Remarks
Steven Sloop, PhD, President, Onto Technologies
8:35 Focus on Innovation to Lead a Rapidly Growing Technology-Based Industry of LiB
Marina Yakovleva, Global Commercial Manager for New Product and Technology Development, FMC Corporation
This presentation will focus on the Lithium industry outlook, FMC’s product portfolio and technology roadmap for high energy density technologies as well as Lithium’s future beyond lithium ion applications.
8:55 Financing 2030: How Much Money and Material is Needed to Make the EV Supply Chain Happen?
Andrew Leyland, Head, Forecasting & Consultancy, Benchmark Mineral Intelligence
The presentation will look at demand forecasts for nickel, cobalt, lithium and graphite out to 2030 and explore the challenges each industry faces in financing rapid expansions. From political risk to lack of access to debt capital, all major battery
raw material markets face huge challenges in meeting future demand. With so much political and economic capital invested in EVs, can governments, OEMs and battery manufacturers allow raw material supply to fail to keep pace?
9:15 Europe’s Battery Ecosystem: What a Shift in Production from Asia Means for the Lithium-Ion Battery Industry Supply Chain and Raw Materials
Robert Baylis, Managing Director, Roskill Information Services Ltd., United Kingdom
As European automotive OEMs announce their short- and long- term electrification plans, their chosen dominantly Asian cell suppliers are bringing cell and pack manufacturing plants to Europe to link into the existing automotive just-in-time platform.
This paper looks at the evolving European supply chain ecosystem for batteries and the plans and opportunities for European raw material supply, in the context of geological, economic and other constraints, and the appetite of downstream consumers
for provenance over price which may ultimately be the determining factor.
9:35 Battery Raw Materials – Pricing and Price Outlook
William Adams, Head, Base Metals & Battery Research, Fastmarkets MB
There is a lot of interest in how lithium, cobalt and other battery raw materials are priced, so in this presentation we will explain the process through to assessing the prices as well as providing our outlook on lithium and cobalt from a supply
and demand and price forecast point of view. In addition, we will look at the key issues MB sees affecting the markets in 2019.
9:55 Q&A
10:10 Grand Opening Coffee Break
with Exhibit & Poster Viewing
11:00 Chairperson’s Remarks
Steven Sloop, PhD, President, Onto Technologies
11:05 Raw Materials Demand in an Electrified World – a Constraint to the EV Revolution?
Milan Thakore, Research Analyst, Battery Raw Materials, Wood Mackenzie
Automakers and governments are pushing towards an all-electric future, however our forecasts show that demand will rapidly outpace supply through the long-term. In this scenario, there will not be enough raw materials to supply battery producers and
consequently, EV makers. This could result in a much slower uptake of EVs as cost fails to come down. We look at the changes required for the EV revolution to come to fruition and what impact they could have on demand.
11:25 Feasibility of Intercalated Metal-Organic Framework Raw Materials as Sustainably Available Novel Electrodes for Next-Generation Lithium-Ion Batteries
Nobuhiro Ogihara, PhD, Senior Researcher, Battery Materials & Processing Lab, Environment & Energy Department, Toyota Central R&D Labs
In this talk I will introduce the feasibility of intercalated metal-organic framework (iMOF) raw materials as novel electrodes. Since the iMOF electrode operates at 0.7-0.8 V vs. Li/Li+ and exhibits a capacity of about 200 mAh/g, it is possible to
achieve both high safety margin due to suppression of internal short circuit caused by Li deposition and high voltage design as negative electrodes for Li-ion batteries. Finally, I will discuss the prospect of devices using iMOF electrodes for
automotive applications.
11:45 The Development of the Lithium-Ion Battery Supply Chain in Europe and its Influence on Critical Raw Materials – Lithium, Nickel & Cobalt
Vincent Ledoux Pedailles, Vice President, Infinity Lithium
There are many positive indications of forward mobility by Europe, not just in terms of EV production, but also all across the lithium-ion battery supply chain, building a number of cross value chain alliances. The crucial next step is to back integrated
production into cell components such as cathodes. Battery raw material production, such as nickel, is almost nonexistent in Europe. Is developing European based battery resources economically viable and how will a European based supply chain compete
against a traditional Asian equivalent? Developing cross value chain alliances across the continent as well as securing sufficient investments with the right partners could be the start of a long process making Europe the cornerstone to electric
mobility and energy storage, but many challenges are ahead.
12:05 Sponsored Presentation (Opportunity Available)
12:25 Q&A
12:40 Networking Lunch
13:55 Dessert Break with Exhibit & Poster Viewing
14:40 Chairperson’s Remarks
Robert Baylis, Managing Director, Roskill Information Services Ltd., United Kingdom
14:45 Expected Recycling Feed Based on Today's Li-Ion Cathode Material Trends
Maarten Quix, Manager, Recycling Development, Umicore
The purpose of this presentation is to give an estimation of the expected metals need, but also the available feed for recycling in the years to come. Umicore is a leading company in the field of active materials for LIB as well as the recycling of
LIBs and their associated production scrap. Today’s cathode materials are using a complex mix of specific metals (Lithium, Nickel, Manganese and Cobalt) as raw materials, depending on the addressed application. A short example of Umicore’s
approach will be given to round up the presentation.
15:05 Treatment Strategies for Cost Efficiency in Original Manufacturing
Steven Sloop, PhD, President, Onto Technologies
Low-cost, high-throughput surface and chemical treatments have shown the ability to improve energy of low cobalt electrode formulations in comparison to baseline materials. The design features allow for improvements in material utilization through
reuse of scraps from electrodes and batteries that can eliminate a 3% inefficiency in manufacturing.
15:25 Will Growth in Battery Recycling Ease Potential Bottlenecks in Raw Materials Supply Chain in Cell Manufacturing?
Asad Farid, Associate Director, Senior Analyst, Thematics Equity Research, Berenberg
While rising metal prices are slowing the downward cost trajectory of lithium-ion batteries, they are radically improving the economics of recycling. We think that the increased supply of recycled lithium and nickel from old EV batteries will negate
the possibility of structural bottlenecks emerging in the supply of these metals. We estimate that 30% of the incremental demand for lithium and nickel in 10 years’ time will be met by recycled metals.
15:45 The Role of Battery Recycling in Raw Material Supply for EV Applications
Zhangqi Wang, PhD, Research and Development, ACCUREC Recycling GmbH
Accurec has carried out an investigation in order to understand End-Of-Life battery market from EV application. In order to do so, data from battery Put-On-Market, battery life time and End-Of-Life scenarios were studied. Additionally, present available
European lithium-ion battery recycling processes were summarized. Trends of (PH)EV battery pack evolution in the future were estimated according to available data. Outlooks and challenges for battery recycling industrial due to the massively expanded
EOL (PH)EV lithium-ion battery market were also discussed.
16:05 Q&A
16:25 Networking Reception with Exhibit & Poster Viewing (Sponsorship Opportunity Available)
17:25 Dinner Tutorial Check-In*
20:30 Close of Day
* Separate registration required