EV Technology for Specialty Applications
Commercializing Advanced High-Energy Batteries for Heavy & Light EVs
30-31 January 2019 (Room: Auditorium Cassin)
Hybrid and zero-emission EVs for specialty applications present great commercial opportunities for advanced high-energy batteries. Battery requirements vary by application and offer viable alternatives for multiple technologies. In this track, we
will discuss the development of hybrid and electric vehicle battery systems and the latest developments in advanced batteries to be commercialized within the specialty EV battery market while assessing consumer demand, competing technologies, and
overcoming the challenges to commercialization.
Final Agenda
Wednesday, 30 January
8:00 Conference Registration & Morning Coffee
8:40 Chairperson’s Opening Remarks
Menahem Anderman, PhD, President, Total Battery Consulting, Inc.
8:45 Impact of the xEV Market Growth on Lithium-Ion Batteries and Raw Materials Supply 2019 –2030
Christophe Pillot, PhD, Director, Avicenne Energy
Today less than 1% of the automotive market is Electric Vehicle. With this very small market share, xEV already consume more than 60% of the total Li-ion battery production, more than 40% of the Cobalt production and more than 50% of the Lithium production.
With conservative xEV forecasts (5 Million EV sold per year in 2025), the impact on the Lithium ion battery market and supply chain will be huge.
9:05 The xEV Revolution – Will Customers Get on Board and the Battery Industry Behind It?
Stephanie Schenk, Senior Research Analyst, Advanced Industries - Automotive & Assembly, McKinsey & Co.
Markus Wilthaner, Associate Partner, McKinsey & Co.
Electrification is the most prominent trend of the four "ACES" trends that will revolutionize mobility. Driven by regulation, technology and consumer demand, EV sales have kept surging throughout 2018. Motivated by stringent CO2 and emission targets,
the industry has moved from a wait-and-see mode to one focused on “doing”. At the same time, customer familiarity and interest in EVs are increasing. All this is driving EV uptake in the coming years and, as a result, the demand for LiB.
The battery remains the key EV challenge for OEMs, customers and the society, therefore driving technological advancements and a ramp-up of battery production capacity. In this talk, we will share insights on xEV markets, the customer perspective
and the development of (European) cell supply and demand.
9:35 Chinese xEV Market Expansion: Opportunity or Challenge?
Mark Lu, PhD, Certified Senior Industrial Analyst, Industrial Economics & Knowledge Center (IEK), Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI)
Driven by strong policies, the Chinese xEV market has captured over one half of the global market share and has attracted related international companies to consider the “Chinese strategy”. However, such rapid promotion has also caused some
difficulties. This presentation will point out each important issue and effectiveness in the Chinese xEV and related battery industries, and highlight the next possible steps of the Chinese xEV battery technical strategies.
10:00 Global & Regional Outlook for Plug-In Vehicles and Related Battery Trends
Victor Irle, Market Analyst, EV-volumes.com
This presentation will give insight into detailed sales statistics around the world of plug-in passenger cars and heavy vehicles; which models and markets are growing fast vs the laggards, and also the outlook in the different regions. The presentation
will also use the sales data as an input to see the trends in battery demand, and which cathode chemistries are likely to grow in the future.
10:20 Coffee Break with Exhibit & Poster Viewing (Sponsorship Opportunity Available)
11:10 xEV Market Expansion
Menahem Anderman, PhD, President, Total Battery Consulting, Inc.
This presentation will assess the expansion of the xEV market. It will show that while xEV market expansion is now unstoppable, the pace of growth for each of the of xEV architectures is tied to i) regional-government regulations, ii) battery and vehicle
technology and cost development, and iii) consumer eagerness. Predicting the growth of both the xEV market and the batteries that will power the vehicles is thus tied to anticipating development in the above three areas. We will attempt to provide
some likely scenarios and estimate the resulting battery and xEV markets.
11:35 Price Elasticity of Supply for Cathode Materials in a Fast-Growing Vehicle Electrification Scenario
Kurt Vandeputte, Vice President, Rechargeable Battery Materials Business Unit, Umicore
Vehicle electrification is growing at a healthy pace which translates into unseen growth rates of cell making. Consequently, demand for the different cathode materials is high which in turn leads to imbalances on the market for key raw materials like
lithium, nickel and cobalt. For all these critical materials the emerging battery industry will be the dominant downstream use. Since these materials contribute significantly to the total $/KWh-cost of the battery, it is critical to have good insights
in the fundamental characteristics of these respective markets. In this presentation current and future supply/demand balances will be discussed, price elasticity of supply scenarios and its consequences towards battery cost curves will be highlighted.
11:55 Q&A
12:20 Networking Lunch (Sponsorship Opportunity Available)
13:30 Dessert Break with Exhibit & Poster Viewing
14:15 Chairperson’s Remarks
Jens Groot, PhD, ESS Specialist, Volvo Group Trucks Technology
14:20 Zero Emission Goals for HDVs in Norway - How to Evaluate the Options?
Franco Gonzalez, Principal Analyst, IDTechEx
Sigve Aasebo, Senior Advisor, Norwegian Public Roads Administration
14:40 Beyond the EV: Identifying Energy Storage Opportunities in Marine, Aviation, and Heavy-Duty Transport
Christopher Robinson, Analyst, Energy Storage, Lux Research
Hybridization and electrification have made significant impacts on the passenger vehicles and the broader automotive industry, but is rapidly expanding to other segments in mobility. Motivated by regulations reducing emissions and potentially lower
operating and lifetime costs, other sectors feeling the impact of electrification include the marine, aviation, and commercial transport industries. This discussion will focus on the most promising opportunities for hybridization and electrification,
and explore which energy storage and powertrain technologies are best suited to meet those needs.
15:00 The Emerging Battery Markets Beyond xEV
Axel Thielmann, PhD, Deputy Head, Competence Center for Emerging Technologies, Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation
This talk will provide an updated overview of the emerging battery markets beyond xEV. The status of battery market demand and future dynamics of commercial electric vehicles, buses, trucks, ebikes, industrial to stationary applications is discussed.
How do key battery performance parameters develop and which battery technology will be suitable for the upcoming applications? Which are the main cell producers and OEM and how do the markets develop compared to the xEV market?
15:20 Data-Driven Battery Product Development: Turn Battery Performance into a Competitive Advantage
Tal Sholklapper, PhD, CEO, Voltaiq
15:40 Refreshment Break with Exhibit & Poster Viewing
16:30 How Will Different Utilization Rates of Transport, Industrial and Autonomous Electric Vehicles Impact the Design and Service Policy of Advanced Battery Packs
Dirk Spiers, President, Spiers New Technologies
16:50 Electrifying Maritime Transportation – Challenges and Meeting Customer Needs
Pavel Calderon, Lead Innovation Manager, ABTERY
Electrifying the boat fleet is not only about climate and CO2 emissions, but also about keeping our waters clean and taking better care of sea life. At Abtery, we are developing turnkey-ready powertrain systems solutions for electric boats and ferries.
We will share our insights and experience so far, current status of the market and highlight future challenges.
17:10 E-Bus Battery Market 2018
Shmuel De-Leon, CEO, Shmuel De-Leon Energy, Ltd.
17:30 Q&A
18:00 Networking Reception with Exhibit & Poster Viewing (Sponsorship Opportunity Available)
19:00 Close of Day
Thursday, 31 January
7:30 Registration Open
8:00 Breakfast Roundtable Discussions
Join your colleagues and fellow delegates over breakfast for a focused, informal discussion moderated by a member of our speaking faculty. A small group format allows participants to meet potential collaborators, share examples from their own work
and discuss ideas with peers. View Details.
9:00 Chairperson’s Opening Remarks
Dirk Spiers, President, Spiers New Technologies
9:05 Thermal Simulations of Novel Cooling Concepts for Heavy-Duty xEVs
Jens Groot, PhD, ESS Specialist, Volvo Group Trucks Technology
Battery packs for heavy-duty applications xEVs are often especially challenging to design from a thermal perspective; high average power, very high peak power, short charging rates, large volume, physical arrangement in several sub-packs and operation
in diverse operating conditions. This presentation will cover some recent research activities within the Volvo Group related to Novel cooling concepts, including the use of phase-change materials, thermal simulations on pack level for large xEV
battery packs and suggested future focus areas for battery research.
9:25 Battery Challenges for HD xEVs
Fernanda Lodi Marzano, PhD, Development Engineer, Materials Technology R&D, Scania
The electrification of heavy duty transportation is picking up speed and is driven by several factors, among them are increased emission regulations. One tempting approach is to leverage the passenger car industry’s technology, supply chain
and scale for heavy duty transportation vehicles. However, there are key differences in requirements and operating conditions between passenger car and HD xEVs. This presentation will cover recent research activities within Scania evaluating and
testing battery technology from passenger cars to HD xEV applications.
9:45 Development of Cutting Edge Battery Packs Using Next-Generation Cell Chemistries
Wasim Sarwar, PhD, Senior Battery Systems Engineer, Williams Advanced Engineering
Williams Advanced Engineering is focused on the development of the world’s most power-dense and energy-dense batteries through the advancement and implementation of next-generation cell chemistries. This talk will explain how the design, monitoring
and control of battery systems will evolve as we shift from typical transition-metal oxide, graphite + SiOx li-ion cells, to next-generation cells (Si-dominant anode & Semi-Solid-State Systems).
10:05 Intelligent Flexibility Platforms Are Necessities for EV Uptake
Kotub Uddin, PhD, Head of R&D, OVO Energy
Along with our partners, Nissan, we produced and supply domestic V2g chargers. Along with our partners, BP and Chargmaster - we produced and supply domestic smart chargers. Auto OEMs (VW, Nissan and Daimler - in conversations with us) have outlined
how the grid will be a challenge to EV uptake. This needs to be presented and discussed. Before joining OVO Energy (Feb 2018), I was an academic and have published many technical papers in the areas of battery degradation, EVs and grid systems.
I’ll be presenting new data.
10:25 Coffee Break with Exhibit & Poster Viewing
11:10 Outlook for LEV Market and Standard 18650/21700 Cylindrical Li-Ion Battery Developments
Mo-Hua Yang, General Manager, TD HiTech Energy, Inc.; President, EnergyBus e.V.
In order to overcome the material limitation in the further capacity increasing and battery pack system cost down, a new form factor of standard battery 21700 has been proposed by battery and EV manufacturers. In spite of the blooming of EVs, LEV
(E-bike) as E-personal mobility has received attention in urban mobility for the first and last mile connection to the public transportation system. The LEV market trend and 18650/21700 Li-ion battery development status will be discussed in this
11:30 48V Multi Pack System with Dynamic ID Designation & Intelligent Charging for e-Scooters, e-Boats and Last Mile Delivery Vehicles
Maarten Kelder, CTO, Mechanical, Electronic Engineering & Production, Cleantron
Cleantron develops and produces in Amsterdam Modulair Batteries (24-72V) with MPS (Multi-Pack System); every Module is equipped with an Advanced Cleantron BMS allowing Inter-Module Communication for Dynamic ID Designation, Cycle Intelligent Charging
in between the modules and optimal safety. The system is used in e-Scooters (2 Modules) as well as in e-Boats and electric Last Mile Delivery Vehicles (up to 16 Modules) offering full flexibility in fleet management.
11:50 Distributed Storage – A Future for Grid Connected Batteries
Varun Raghunath, Program Management Engineer, GE Power
Increased penetration and use of Electric Vehicles (EVs) presents new opportunities for grid-connected storage. The challenges of using EV batteries include building and installing necessary infrastructure, minimum size of fleet for this to be effective,
effect on battery life and required design, and establishing the marketplace and control for such a system to exist. This presentation will elaborate on these topics and will highlight on certain paths being taken in this direction.
12:10 Q&A
12:40 Networking Lunch (Sponsorship Opportunity Available)
13:25 Dessert Break with Exhibit & Poster Viewing
13:55 Chairperson’s Remarks
Franco Gonzalez, Principal Analyst, IDTechEx
14:00 High-Energy Batteries versus High-Power Batteries in Daily Operation for Heavy EVs and Industrial Applications
Filip Jankun, e-Mobility Business Unit Manager, Impact Clean Power Technology S.A.
When choosing the right Li-ion battery for an application, one has to choose between different chemistries, cell formats, lifetime etc. Although high-energy batteries sometimes seem to be predestined regarding space, weight and investment costs, high-power
batteries with a high cycle life often result in lower TCO. Examples from battery systems for heavy applications in public transportation and industrial applications show the commercial and technical superiority of high performance batteries.
14:20 Prototyping and Industrialization of Solid State Battery Technology for Performance BEV and Electric Aircraft Propulsion System Applications
Robert Stanek, Partner, Lead ePowertrain, eMobility, P3 automotive GmbH
The technology maturity and feasibility of mass production of solid state battery technology is one of the greatest mind-term challenges for electric propulsion systems, both on land and in the air. After prototyping has led to the desired battery
cell design, the industrialisation and production ramp-up are the next milestones before reaching series production. Together with strong partners, P3 has developed the skills to assess the feasibility of such next-generation battery production.
Lastly, the application of mass produced next-generation battery technology for high-performance powertrain systems will be considered.
14:40 Improved Rate Capability and Cycle Life of Automotive Li-Ion Batteries Through Improved Thermal Management, Diversifying Cell Use Cases for Marine and Aerospace Applications
Alexander Holland, Research Assistant, Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College London
Luke George, Electrical Engineer, Rolls Royce
Experimental research assessing the feasibility of achieving increased cycle life and power density of high energy density, low C-rate capable automotive pouch cells through improved thermal management. Our work enables the potential use of these
cells in demanding high C-rate applications such as electric ferries, aerospace and EV fast charging.
15:00 Q&A
15:15 Refreshment Break
15:30 Chairperson’s Remarks
15:35 Charging Infrastructure in Europe: Development, Trends, and Outlook
Johanna Heckmann, Senior Consultant, eMobility & Team Lead Charging, P-3
Charging infrastructure is an essential element of the electric mobility eco system. The development of the infrastructure network in Europe gained speed with new players, such as Shell and ionity, entering the market and with ongoing funding
projects and political expansion plans. Where are we standing? What are the latest developments, especially regarding high power charging along main traffic axes and what are the latest trends, that will influence the market? With relevant
insights and outlooks to the charging infrastructure in Europe, the proposal gives an impression of one of the most important requirements to make electric mobility a success: The availability and accessibility of appropriate charging infrastructure.
15:55 Transport Regulations for Lithium-Ion Batteries and the Impact on the Automotive Market
David Brennan, Assistant Director, Cargo Safety & Standards, International Air Transport Association
Transport regulators continue to look at the potential hazards, and risks, posed by the transport of lithium batteries. Air transport regulators, through ICAO continue work on the development of a standard that can be used to test batteries
as prepared for air transport to validate that the batteries do not pose an unacceptable risk. In parallel the United Nations Subcommittee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods is considering revisions to lithium battery classification
to develop a hazard-based approach to the classification of lithium batteries, and by extension to the transport conditions. This presentation will look at potential developments to revise the transport regulations applicable to lithium
ion batteries across all modes of transport with then a focus on air transport.
16:15 EV Wireless Charging Drives the Future of Mobility
Peter Wambsganss, Director, Business Development AIMM - Europe Region, WiTricity Corporation
WiTricity is focused on improving the EV ownership experience—no more cables, and no worry about charging. We also recognize that the future of mobility is electrified, autonomous and shared, and wireless charging is an essential enabler
for fleets of robotaxis where there is no driver to plug in. EV wireless charging is an enabler for broad consumer EV adoption, lowering our carbon footprint, and can act as a catalyst for Vehicle to Grid which is important for expanding
renewable energy sources. We believe that V2G will be a game changer for EVs as it transforms cars into energy management systems, and not just forms of transportation.
16:35 Q&A
16:50 Closing Remarks
16:55 Close of Conference