Cambridge EnerTech’s

Battery Recycling

Advanced Recycling Methods for Sustainable Battery Materials Supply

13-14 January 2020

As EV adoption becomes mainstream and more vehicles in all market sectors move to expand their EV product offerings, the need for sustainable battery materials from recycling sources will grow exponentially. This symposium will bring together the key international organizations in the battery recycling value chain including battery manufacturers, R&D, recyclers, OEMs and policy-makers to present the latest advances in recycling technologies, market overview, and international regulatory implementation.

Final Agenda

Monday, 13 January

8:00 Symposium Registration & Morning Coffee


Terrassen - Saal E

9:30 Chairperson’s Opening Remarks

Shriram Santhanagopalan, Senior Engineer, National Renewable Energy Laboratory

9:35 Challenges and Options for the Recycling of Present and Future Batteries

weil_marcelMarcel Weil, PhD, Director, Engineering, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis

Due to the finite nature of mineral resources and the sometimes high environmental impact of raw material extraction, recycling is seen as central to a positive environmental balance of battery storage application. Irrespective of this, some post-lithium storage systems are currently being developed, but very little is known about their recyclability in principle. This presentation will cover the technology development oriented towards the use of cost-effective materials that can lead to low economic incentives for recycling.

9:55 Recycling vs. Second Life: Not One Size Fits All

Grejtak_TimTim Grejtak, Analyst, Lux Research

The value of battery recycling is dependent on cell chemistry and recycling process, much like how second life is dependent on application and use case. Often, both are treated as binary choices in monolithic markets, but the reality is more nuanced. Lux will review where and when Li-ion battery recycling and second life use make sense, and identify what market opportunities are available for automakers, chemical companies, and utilities.

10:15 Closing the Battery Loop

Kristof Gabriel, Commercial Director, Recycling & Refinery, Umicore

TBased upon its long-lasting metals recycling experience and downstream knowledge, Umicore offers a unique closed battery loop: from the raw material sourcing, over the precursor and the cathode material production to end-of-life battery recycling. Our state-of-the-art recycling technology and processes allow us to recycle a complex mix of metals to their purest form without quality loss and ensure that the recycled metals can be used again in the original application. Recycling of batteries does not only offer the opportunity to recover valuable metals but will also complement primary supply and contribute to a sustainable solution for part of the future market demand. Closing the loop has a wide diversity of potential angles and we want to highlight the advantages and different schemes that are available.

10:35 Networking Coffee Break


11:05 Can the EU Regulation Support the Battery Industry Development in Europe?

Chanson_ClaudeClaude Chanson, PhD, General Manager, RECHARGE - The Advanced Rechargeable & Lithium Batteries Association

The EU Commission is currently revising the Batteries Directive 2006/66 in the framework of the strategic development of the industry associated to e-mobility. Can we expect practical regulatory requirements, enabling the control of a sustainable and circular economy, while at the same time boosting the European battery industry competitiveness? RECHARGE is closely cooperating with the EU Commission to define the key aspects of the future European regulation (updated Batteries Directive, Ecodesign Directive, and others). Opportunities and threats of the ongoing proposals, including RECHARGE positions, will be presented and discussed.

11:25 Multimodal Transport Rules for Lithium Batteries and Equipment Containing Lithium Batteries

Ottaviani_MarcoMarco Ottaviani, Battery Regulatory, Environmental and Safety Affairs - Dangerous Goods Safety Adviser, Italy

Compliance with transport rules of lithium batteries requires the preliminary identification of several parameters of the batteries to be transported because rules vary if they are new, waste, damaged and defectives or prototypes. Furthermore road, sea and air transport mode apply with different timing. An overview of multimodal transport regulations (ADR, IMDG, IATA) will be illustrated in the presentation along with the new rules and provision of packagings, marks, labelling and documents required for the shipment of lithium batteries and appliances containing such batteries.

11:45 Product Entropy and LCA as Tools to Estimate Environmental Impacts of Battery Recycling

Nicolas von Drachenfels, Technical University of Braunschweig

12:05 Q&A

12:30 Networking Lunch


13:55 Chairperson’s Remarks

Marco Ottaviani, Battery Regulatory, Environmental and Safety Affairs - Dangerous Goods Safety Adviser, Italy

14:00 xEV Batteries at End of Vehicle Life – Opportunities – Regulatory Requirements for OEM – Recycling

Matthe_RolandRoland Matthé, Technical Fellow Battery Systems & Electrification Architecture, Engineering Propulsion Systems, Opel Automobile GmbH

This presentation will cover current experience with repair, re-use, refurbish and recycling as well as future requirements for re-use and recycling and OEM motivation for improvement of methods and processes.


14:20 What Could Make EV Lithium-Ion Battery Recycling Economical?

Shriram Santhanagopalan, Senior Engineer, National Renewable Energy Laboratory

There are many technical, logistic, and economic challenges to the collection, storing, sorting, and transporting end of life EV batteries to recycling facilities. These challenges include lack of infrastructure, transportation cost, difficulty in disassembly and identification, lack of practices and designs for recyclability, and use of less valuable materials for recycling. In this presentation we will discuss what opportunities exist in the whole life cycle of lithium-ion batteries to potentially make Li-ion recycling economical.

14:40 Magnetic Separation Techniques in Recycling of Lithium-Ion Batteries

Rob Sommerville, PhD, Faraday Institution Research Fellow, University of Birmingham

15:00 Q&A

15:15 Refreshment Break

15:50 Chairperson’s Remarks

Marco Ottaviani, Battery Regulatory, Environmental and Safety Affairs - Dangerous Goods Safety Adviser, Italy

15:55 Opportunities to Improve Razor-Thin EV Margins through Safe & Efficient Recycling

Sloop_SteveSteven E. Sloop, President, OnTo Technology LLC

This presentation will outline OnTo’s three-part strategy for safe and efficient lithium-ion recycling: (1) Elimination of hazards to make batteries safe for transport, which addresses half of the end-of-life liability (2) Reclamation of candidate materials with cathode-healing™ for less than $5/kg, and refining of (3) New manufacturing, clean-precursors. For such a developed industry, the realities of a wholistic approach for sustainable (economic and otherwise) lithium-ion battery manufacturing are largely untapped. These approaches offer unique, scalable, patented methods to address it.

16:15 Overcoming Cost Barriers by Setting Up Affordable and Profitable Technology of Lithium-Ion Battery Recycling for Black Mass Exportation

Jayden Goh, CEO, Global Logistics Center, Anhua Taisen Recycling Technology Co. Ltd., China

The complete treatment of Li-ion batteries is expensive and not every country has enough investment in battery recycling to treat its own waste without the need for exportation to overseas. Within a wide analysis of the industry and its aspects, the study reveals the solution for the treatment of lithium-ion battery worldwide by the set-up of affordable and profitable equipment to treat waste batteries and export black mass.

16:35 Eco-Friendly Recycling of Lithium-Ion Batteries

Hanisch_ChristianChristian Hanisch, PhD, CEO, Duesenfeld

16:55 Q&A

Clarios 17:10 Grand Opening Welcome Reception with Poster Viewing

18:15 Dinner Tutorial Check-In*

18:30 Dinner Tutorials 4-7

20:30 Close of Day

Tuesday, 14 January

7:30 Symposium Registration & Morning Coffee


Terrassen - Saal E

8:30 Chairperson’s Opening Remarks

Steven E. Sloop, President, OnTo Technology LLC

8:35 Battery Characterization under Rapid Charging for Reuse and Recycling

Shuichi Uchikoga, PhD, Senior Fellow, Battery Division, Toshiba Corporation

There will be a need for a practical characterization method to evaluate batteries for reuse and recycling where large numbers of batteries are considered to emerge from the EV market. The proposed method combines impedance measurement and capacitance analysis under rapid charging which allows us to understand the cause of degradation together with state-of-health. The measurement completes during charging and obtained data is analytic to provide classification for reuse batteries.

8:55 NEW: Battery Recycling: A Sustainable Approach to Design

Mark Bedford, Business Development Director, Johnson Matthey

9:15 Increasing the Recycling Rate of Spent Lithium-Ion Battery Recycling by Recovering Spheroidized Graphite

Vanderbruggen_AnnaAnna Vanderbruggen, Post Doc, Engineering Department, Helmholtz Institute of Freiberg

Recycling of LiB has attracted a lot of attention and is particularly focusing on the valuable metals such as cobalt, nickel and lithium. Despite the growth in graphite consumption and the fact that it is counted as a critical material, there is little previous work focusing on graphite recycling. Thus, graphite usually remains in slags from the metallurgical treatments. The aim of this research is to increase the recycling recovery of the LiBs by developing a new innovative process, which minimizes metal losses and is able to recover graphite.

9:35 Creating a Secondary Source for Critical Battery Materials

Phalpher_KunalKunal Phalpher, Chief Commercial Officer, Li-Cycle Corporation

This presentation will explore the need for ‘mega’ scale lithium-ion battery resource recovery globally, the challenges of lithium-ion (Li-ion) recycling and how Li-Cycle™ is able to overcome these challenges to recover 80-100% of critical materials from Li-ion batteries. Li-ion batteries play an essential role in the global transition toward electrification. Being one of few companies focused on recycling Li-ion batteries, Li-Cycle has a unique insight to the challenges and opportunities of the industry, as well as the necessity for proper end-of-life logistics management.

9:55 Q&A

A123 10:10 Coffee Break with Exhibit & Poster Viewing


11:00 Chairperson’s Remarks

Steven E. Sloop, President, OnTo Technology LLC

11:05 Strategies for Water Treatment and Conservation in the Next Generation of Metals Recycling

Mohamed Abdou, PhD, Innovation Manager, Dupont

DuPont Water Solutions is the leading global supplier of wastewater treatment technologies, including reverse osmosis, nanofiltration, ultrafiltration, ion exchange resin, and others. Joined collaborations with key partners have resulted in the development of new strategies for wastewater treatment and conservation in the next generation of battery recycling and metal extraction. Preliminary results and the implication of these new strategies on wastewater treatment will be presented.

11:25 NEW: The Potential of Waterjet Technology for Battery Recycling

Sloop_SteveSteven E. Sloop, President, OnTo Technology LLC

The “Waterjet” as a tool represents a wide range of energetic fluid jet and abrasive-fluid jets capable of cutting materials safely and without heat effects. These tools promise to meet the multiple requirements of cutting batteries safely and economically for the purpose of recycling and transportation. In this presentation, we discuss a few examples such as Abrasive Waterjets (AWJ) which have been proven to be effective for cutting similar materials to those used in batteries in air and submerged under water. The implementation of waterjet tools however, will rely on the overall economic and environmental feasibility which is discussed.

11:45 Solution-Based Lead Recycling Using Deep Eutectic Solvents

Hekselman_OlaOla Hekselman, PhD, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Materials, Imperial College, London

In our work, we develop new low-temperature chemical and electrochemical routes for lead recycling via solution-based processing. We lower overall energy usage and significantly reduce lead-to-air emissions from lead recovery process by using deep eutectic solvents (DES). These solvents are composed of low-cost, easy to handle, environmentally benign chemicals and, most importantly, they have an ability to dissolve a wide range of inorganic compounds – including oxides. The talk will provide an insight into this unique behaviour by analysing speciation of Pb in DES.

12:25 Q&A

12:40 Networking Lunch

13:55 Dessert Break with Exhibit & Poster Viewing

14:40 Chairperson’s Remarks

Tobias Schulze Wettendorf, GRS Batterien Service GmbH

14:45 Use of Direct Recycled Active Materials in Li-Ion Batteries

Michael Slater, PhD, R&D Manager, Farasis Energy

Advanced recycling processes for Li-ion batteries can recover and reuse valuable active materials directly. This approach can improve value recovery from both manufacturing scrap and spent batteries over currently used recycling processes. As well as lowering the overall environmental burden associated with the Li-ion battery life cycle, improved recycling processes help meet regulatory requirements for recycling of end-of-life EVs/batteries. Characteristics of direct recycled active materials and the performance of Li-ion cells that utilize such materials will be presented.

15:05 Integrating Latin America to the Global Waste Lithium-Ion Battery Closed Loop: A Must for Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and an Opportunity for Sustainable Development

Pereira_GuillermoGuillermo Pereira, CEO, Fortech

Francisco Pereira, Project Manager, Fortech

There is a need of bringing regional solutions to the global need for recovery of valuable metals that shall be turned back into resources to be used by the manufacturers of new batteries. To make this possible, in our view, it is essential to launch more collection programs encouraging efficient and environmentally sound recycling throughout technological platforms able to include innovative “gamification” and “prize” incentives to the participants in the reverse logistics value chain. The programs must count with the support of the OEM’s, the wholesale, retail and repair/refurbish channels to succeed.


15:25 Safe Handling and Transportation of Lithium Batteries

Tobias Schulze Wettendorf, GRS Batterien Service GmbH

This presentation will cover the joint collection scheme for portable batteries. In addition we will discuss waste lithium batteries – a growing safety risk, GRS safety standard and multi-country collection of end-of-life EV batteries.

15:45 Environmental Benefits of Used Batteries from E-Vehicles as Stationary Energy Storage

Juergen Koelch, PhD, Associate Lecturer, EVA Fahrzeugtechnik GmbH

The environmental benefits of an electric vehicle face repeated criticism. Along with the use of CO2-intensive, coal-based electricity for vehicle operation, the ecological rucksack of the battery is the primary focus. When the battery is reused at the end of the vehicle’s service life, the environmental benefits far exceed those of just regular recycling.

16:05 Q&A

16:25 Networking Reception with Exhibit & Poster Viewing (Sponsorship Opportunity Available)

17:25 Dinner Tutorial Check-In*

18:00 Dinner Tutorials 8-11

20:00 Close of Day

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