Cambridge EnerTech’s

xEV Battery Technology, Application, and Market

Driving the Future Growth of Electric Vehicles Globally

14-15 June 2022


With the significant expansion of vehicle electrification across the globe, automakers are scrambling to develop the vehicles that will not only meet the upcoming stringent emission regulations, but also attract customers and provide viable financial return. In addition, to meet the automakers requirements, the industry must deliver on lower costs, higher energy densities, fast charging, as well as safety and durability. This conference will address the trends, challenges and opportunities that will drive future growth and how the key players are achieving success.

Tuesday, 14 June

13:00 Networking Lunch (Sponsorship Opportunity Available) (Kongress)
14:00 Dessert Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing (Rheinfoyer)

ROOM LOCATION: Gutenberg 1


14:30 Organizer's Remarks

Craig Wohlers, Executive Director, Conferences, Cambridge EnerTech


Chairperson's Remarks

Arnold Lamm, PhD, Founder & Executive Director, E-Mobility, e-Technologies GmbH

Stellantis – Electrification and Battery Strategy

Roland Matthe, Technical Fellow, Global Battery Systems; Manager, Electrical Architecture, Stellantis

Stellantis has been created through a merger of Peugeot S.A. (PSA) and Fiat-Chrysler-Alliance (FCA) on January 19th 2021 and is a global company with 14 iconic automotive brands. Stellantis has initiated transformation to become a sustainable mobility tech company. The electrification strategy is a key element and will be explained and with focus on battery-development to serve the 4 future electrified platforms. The approach for batteries contain strategic partnerships with suppliers and steps to implement “circular economy” principles.  The comprehensive approach for XEV battery life-cyle will presented.


Battery Development at Volvo Group

Faisal Altaf, PhD, Chief Engineer BMS, Electromobility, Volvo Group

Volvo group have been in the electrification journey from the beginning starting with buses. As the electrification trend is picking up strongly also for trucks the BEV volumes are increasing, and all segments now have BEV products. This talk will focus on the battery development in the diverse applications of the Volvo group.

Tal Sholklapper, CEO and Co-Founder, Voltaiq

Batteries are complicated—more like living organisms than inert mechanical or electronic components. Battery complexity can make or break your business. Leaders like Apple and Tesla invested heavily in expertise and infrastructure around batteries, and have created trillions in value. To compete in today’s electrifying economy, you need Enterprise Battery Intelligence. We’ll present a maturity model to illustrate how you stack up against market leaders, and provide a roadmap to catch up.


Session Wrap-Up

Panel Moderator:
Arnold Lamm, PhD, Founder & Executive Director, E-Mobility, e-Technologies GmbH
Roland Matthe, Technical Fellow, Global Battery Systems; Manager, Electrical Architecture, Stellantis
Faisal Altaf, PhD, Chief Engineer BMS, Electromobility, Volvo Group
Tal Sholklapper, CEO and Co-Founder, Voltaiq
16:00 Refreshment Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing (Rheinfoyer)

The Road to a Solid-State-Powered Future: Automotive Qualification and the “A-Sample” Cell

Derek Johnson, PhD, COO, Solid Power

Many believe solid-state batteries are the future of electric mobility, but they have yet to be commercialized for passenger electric vehicles. In this presentation, Solid Power’s Chief Operations Officer, Dr. Derek Johnson, will update the audience on Solid Power’s progress toward producing “A-Sample” EV cells and discuss the company’s upcoming journey through automotive qualification testing in order to commercialize its cells within the 2026 timeframe.


Sila’s Drop-In Technology Paving the Way for Increased Range

Kurt Kelty, Vice President, Automotive, Sila Nanotechnologies, Inc.

Sila VP Kurt Kelty will introduce an innovative drop-in-replacement nanocomposite, silicon-based anode powder - the first next-gen battery chemistry in the market - that enables product innovation without performance compromise.


Modeling and Machine Learning for Ultra-Fast Charging Cells

Benjamin Park, PhD, Founder & CTO, Enevate Corp.

Enevate uses modeling including machine learning to predict silicon anode-based cell behavior including assessing more accurate SOC and SOH. Enevate leverages different types of models and has demonstrated substantial performance improvement over linear models, highlighting the complex nonlinear relationships between input features and cell performance.


Session Wrap-Up

Panel Moderator:
Arnold Lamm, PhD, Founder & Executive Director, E-Mobility, e-Technologies GmbH
Derek Johnson, PhD, COO, Solid Power
Kurt Kelty, Vice President, Automotive, Sila Nanotechnologies, Inc.
Benjamin Park, PhD, Founder & CTO, Enevate Corp.
17:50 Networking Reception in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing (Rheinfoyer)
18:50 Close of Day

Wednesday, 15 June

06:45 Tutorial Registration and Morning Coffee (Rheinfoyer Garderobe)
07:15 Tutorials*

*All Access Package, or separate registration required. See Tutorial page for details.

08:30 Registration and Morning Coffee (Rheinfoyer Garderobe)

ROOM LOCATION: Gutenberg 1


09:00 Organizer's Remarks

Craig Wohlers, Executive Director, Conferences, Cambridge EnerTech


Chairperson's Remarks

Christian Rosenkranz, PhD, Vice President, Government Relations, EMEA, Clarios

Cost-Efficient Storage Solutions for Safety-Relevant 12V Power Supply

Eckhard Karden, PhD, Tech Expert, Battery & Energy Storage Technology, Ford Research Center

Many upcoming driver assistance and autonomy features require Functional Safety assessment of the 12V power supply system. The talk will show illustrative examples of upgraded power-supply systems, discuss battery requirements and how they can be verified. Sensitive system parameters that determine component sizing will be discussed. For the established 12V lead battery system, which consists of commodity parts, harmonization approaches will be highlighted for stack reliability, service concepts and diagnostics.


48V mHEV Batteries – Typical Application and Challenges

Horst Mettlach, Global Tech Specialist Propulsion Electrification, Stellantis

EU CO2 emission reduction targets are the main motivation for introduction of mHEV with 48V batteries in Europe. Depending on the 48V mHEV hybrid architecture P0 to P4, different functions like cold crank, pure electric driving, or all-wheel driving in addition to regenerative braking and boosting need to be enabled by the 48V battery. The paper will describe the different requirements, potential applications, and validation as well as an outlook for upcoming trends.


Next-Generation Auxiliary Battery Systems for xEVs

Christina Antonius, PhD, Manager Requirements Analysis, Lithium-Ion Batteries, Clarios Power Solutions

The proliferation of x-EV power trains and advanced driver-assist functionalities drives new requirements for 12V Auxiliary batteries. Clarios has introduced in 2020 the series production of 12V Li-Ion batteries for auxiliary applications and is presently working on the next generation to meet upcoming requirements. As part of the product portfolio to serve vehicles with autonomous drive functionality, Clarios has announced the new smart-AGM technology which will combine the features of a proven Pb-battery technology with onboard electronics to communicate vital information to the vehicle’s powertrain.


Session Wrap-Up

Panel Moderator:
Christian Rosenkranz, PhD, Vice President, Government Relations, EMEA, Clarios
Eckhard Karden, PhD, Tech Expert, Battery & Energy Storage Technology, Ford Research Center
Horst Mettlach, Global Tech Specialist Propulsion Electrification, Stellantis
Christina Antonius, PhD, Manager Requirements Analysis, Lithium-Ion Batteries, Clarios Power Solutions
10:30 Networking Coffee Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing (Rheinfoyer)



Actual Status of xEV-Batteries: Market, Technology Trends and Outlook

Arnold Lamm, PhD, Founder & Executive Director, E-Mobility, e-Technologies GmbH

More than 35 million new xEVs in 2030 can be expected based on P3´s model predictions. Besides the xEV market overview, the presentation will give a deeper look into actual technology trends including cell-to-pack/vehicle, component innovations, and next-generation materials, safety requirements, and solutions with focus on thermal propagation, sustainable production, and recycling as well as an outlook on solid-state cell technologies – options and maturity, production aspects, and development timeline.


Preparation for the Near Future: Market & Technical Planning of the Asian xEV LIB Manufacturers in 2025

Mark H.L. Lu, PhD, Senior Industrial Analyst, Industrial Economics & Knowledge Center, Industrial Technology Research Institute

The global automobile industry has established a long-term trend toward electrification technology, attracting industry chain manufacturers to rush to invest. The Asian battery manufacturers plan to respond a series of challenges like to balance of supply and demand on cellmaking and materials side, ensure the source of mineral and all materials and technical competition between Japanese, Korean and Chinese manufacturers. This presentation will provide an overview of the above cellmakers’ planning, especially cover both the technical comparison, market and product segmentation to show the future development in Asian xEV LIB Manufacturers.

Liwu Wang, Dr., Director of Business Development & Marketing, BD & Marketing, AEM Components

The solid, robust structure of the SMD fuses assures reliable operation in environments where temperature cycling and high mechanical vibration are present. The patented compact design in construction and arc suppression materials make achieving one of the best safe power density in high power applications. The devices singular fuse link/terminal construction eliminates problems that occur with conventional ceramic tube fuses. One single CMF 2822 case size covers the current ratings 20A-125A.


Session Wrap-Up

Panel Moderator:
Christian Rosenkranz, PhD, Vice President, Government Relations, EMEA, Clarios
Arnold Lamm, PhD, Founder & Executive Director, E-Mobility, e-Technologies GmbH
Mark H.L. Lu, PhD, Senior Industrial Analyst, Industrial Economics & Knowledge Center, Industrial Technology Research Institute
Liwu Wang, Dr., Director of Business Development & Marketing, BD & Marketing, AEM Components
12:25 Networking Luncheon (Sponsorship Opportunity Available) (Kongress)
13:25 Dessert Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing – Last Chance for Viewing



Chairperson's Remarks

Roland Matthe, Technical Fellow, Global Battery Systems; Manager, Electrical Architecture, Stellantis

Impact of the xEV Market Growth on Lithium-Ion Batteries and Raw Materials Supply 2021-2031

Fabrice Renard, Senior Advisor, Avicenne Energy

Today less than 2% of the automotive market is Electric Vehicle. With this very small market share, xEV already consume nearly 70% of the total Li-ion battery production, more than 40% of the cobalt production and more than 50% of the lithium production. With conservative xEV forecasts nearly 10 million EV sold per year in 2026, the impact on the lithium-ion battery market and supply chain will be huge.


EV Sales Review of 2021 and 2022, Expectations Going Forward and Implications on Battery Demand

Viktor Irle, Co-Founder & Market Analyst, EV Volumes

The EV Sales Review of 2021 and 2022, Expectations Going Forward and Implications on Battery Demand presentation will share the latest insights from collecting the facts in the EV industry.

You will understand the best sellers, which countries and regions are doing to most for EV adoption, and what to expect in the future, both short term, and long term. These forecasts will also be translated into the battery demand.



Glimpses into BEV Batteries on the Market – AVL Series Battery Benchmarking

Wenzel Prochazka, Senior Product Manager, Battery Systems, AVL List GmbH

AVL’s series battery benchmarking program provides a database for objective comparison in technical attributes as well as in engineering methodology for BEV battery market competitors for clear system target definition of high performing, reliable and safe batteries. 270 different criteria are evaluated through AVL benchmarking metrics displayed in 8 high-level attributes. The found integrated system performance values are pointed out to support current and future development programs.


Session Wrap-Up

Panel Moderator:
Roland Matthe, Technical Fellow, Global Battery Systems; Manager, Electrical Architecture, Stellantis
Fabrice Renard, Senior Advisor, Avicenne Energy
Viktor Irle, Co-Founder & Market Analyst, EV Volumes
Wenzel Prochazka, Senior Product Manager, Battery Systems, AVL List GmbH
15:20 Networking Refreshment Break (Rheinfoyer Garderobe)
Matthias Kuipers, MSc, ACCURE Battery Intelligence
Speaker To Be Announced, ACCURE Battery Intelligence GmbH

Data analytics play a key role in tracking and improving battery safety, reliability, and longevity. But battery data is usually complex, inconsistent and error prone. This presentation will give an overview of the tools and methods that are available to collect, manage, and draw conclusions from battery data using real-life examples from a platform with over 300,000 modules under management.


High-Throughput Approach to LIB Roadmap Development

Dee Strand, PhD, CSO, R&D, Wildcat Discovery Technologies, Inc.

Development of a multi-product roadmap or portfolio of cell chemistry options for automotive applications is time-consuming and expensive. Cell models provide the first step to guide material selection and electrode design parameters necessary to achieve energy density targets. However, even within that framework, there are too many choices of active materials and material combinations to ensure selection of the lowest cost highest performing bill of materials. Furthermore, understanding the trade-offs with cell design and material selection opens up the parameter space even further. This presentation will highlight systematic sequential experimental sets to define cell chemistries for product development series that have increasing cell energy density.


Powering Electric Mobility Forward: The Path to a Vehicle-to-Everything Future

Amin Ghazanfari, PhD, Principal Scientist, Hydro Quebec

Mobility is on the cusp of radical change, which presents unique challenges and opportunities for fleet owners and utilities. Having a large number of EVs on the road offers an unprecedented opportunity to harness the energy stored in the vehicles’ batteries. Among different technologies, the mass adoption of vehicle-to-everything (V2X) technology can offer a tantalizing opportunity to reduce fuel import dependence, decrease air and noise pollution, decarbonize transport, and promote the adoption of new approaches to urban mobility.


Session Wrap-Up

Panel Moderator:
Roland Matthe, Technical Fellow, Global Battery Systems; Manager, Electrical Architecture, Stellantis
Dee Strand, PhD, CSO, R&D, Wildcat Discovery Technologies, Inc.
Amin Ghazanfari, PhD, Principal Scientist, Hydro Quebec
Matthias Kuipers, MSc, ACCURE Battery Intelligence
16:35 Close of Conference

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24-25 JUNE


25-26 JUNE


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