Cambridge EnerTech’s

Global Battery Raw Materials

Balancing Supply, Demand, & Costs for Battery Component Materials

21-22 June 2023

Understanding the complexities of the global supply chain for battery component materials from the mine to the market is critical to the successful commercialization of EV applications. An examination of the drivers of end user demand with a focus on major new projects in the pipeline and how that demand will evolve over the near and long term will be presented. This conference will cover the global markets from multiple angles including advances in mining and processing with an emphasis on sourcing and cost control strategies by manufacturers with an outlook on the forecasted consumption trends for China, Japan, Korea, Europe, and the United States. Don’t miss your opportunity to network with the major players within the global battery supply chain.

Wednesday, 21 June

Registration Open12:40

Organizer's Remarks14:30

Craig Wohlers, Executive Director, Conferences, Cambridge EnerTech



Chairperson's Remarks

Jordan Roberts, Battery Raw Materials Analyst, Fastmarkets


Brazilian Nickel’s Piaui Nickel Project – Sustainable Nickel and Cobalt for a Low-Carbon Future

Anne Oxley, Technical Director, Brazilian Nickel PLC

Brazilian Nickel’s Piauí Project is a nickel heap leach operation that produced its first intermediate products in 2022. These products are perfect feeds for battery cathode production. Heap leaching is a low-cost and inherently low carbon footprint process and BRN is looking at innovative ways to reduce the project's carbon footprint even further with the vision of being carbon negative.


NMC-LFP and Beyond: Effect on Raw Materials Demand

Nicolo Campagnol, PhD, Solution Manager, Battery Insights, McKinsey & Co.

The ramp up of the battery industry implies massive investment in mines and refineries. Yet, the fast pace of innovation might shift demand to different commodities while assets are being built. This presentation will inform about trends in battery chemistry and risks/opportunities which come with them.

15:20 Gotion- Vertical Integration as a Key Enabler for a Reliable and Sustainable Battery Raw Materials Supply Chain

Carsten Obermann, Project Manager, Gotion Global, Gotion GmbH

Establishing a reliable and sustainable supply chain for battery raw materials will be key in the coming years. For battery manufacturers to be competitive in markets and to comply with upcoming regulations, securing sustainable raw material supply through vertical integration is Gotion's strategy. This presentation will give an overview of Gotion's  activities in the field of battery raw materials, especially tackle the topics of localization and a closed-loop supply chain.


Session Wrap-Up


Jordan Roberts, Battery Raw Materials Analyst, Fastmarkets


Anne Oxley, Technical Director, Brazilian Nickel PLC

Nicolo Campagnol, PhD, Solution Manager, Battery Insights, McKinsey & Co.

Carsten Obermann, Project Manager, Gotion Global, Gotion GmbH

Refreshment Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing16:00


High Performance Sustainable Graphite Production in Europe

Bridget Catherine Deveney, Director of R&D, Vianode

The manufacturing of battery materials, particularly active anode materials, is highly concentrated in Asia. This leaves the non-Asian battery industry vulnerable to supply chain interruption due to unforeseeable global events. This presentation discusses how Vianode is producing high-volume competitive anode materials with state-of-the-art performance outside Asia. The Vianode production in Norway offers a substantial improvement in efficiency and sustainability. The talk will also discuss the next step in anode material sustainability, graphite recycling, where Vianode is moving to pilot scale.


How Freyr Will Build a Better Battery Material Value Chain in Norway

Sachiya Inagaki, Vice President, Battery Material Supply Business, FREYR Battery Norway AS

In order to meet the demand from the market, battery cell manufacturers are also necessary to secure materials for this purpose. In addition to that, having a localized battery material supply chain is also important to avoid many risks in the supply chain. Above all, creating a battery supply chain in a sustainable way is crucial. I will introduce how FREYR has been setting up our local battery supply chain in Europe.


Nickel Market Dynamics in the Post-LME Short Squeeze Era

Jason Sappor, Senior Analyst, S&P Global Commodity Insights

2022's nickel market short squeeze — which catapulted the London Metal Exchange, or LME, three-month nickel price above $100,000 per tonne and forced the LME to temporarily suspend nickel trading — has left challenging market conditions behind, with illiquidity and volatility. This presentation will assess the nickel market performance through to mid-2023, provide our five-year price forecast, considering factors including electric vehicle sales, battery chemistry mix, and metals supply and demand in nickel's new era.


Session Wrap-Up


Jordan Roberts, Battery Raw Materials Analyst, Fastmarkets


Bridget Catherine Deveney, Director of R&D, Vianode

Jason Sappor, Senior Analyst, S&P Global Commodity Insights

Sachiya Inagaki, Vice President, Battery Material Supply Business, FREYR Battery Norway AS

Networking Reception in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing (Sponsorship Opportunity Available)17:50

Close of Day19:00

Thursday, 22 June

Registration and Morning Coffee08:00

Organizer's Remarks08:40

Craig Wohlers, Executive Director, Conferences, Cambridge EnerTech



Chairperson's Remarks

Anne Oxley, Technical Director, Brazilian Nickel PLC


EV Sales Review for 2022 and the Expectations Going Forward and Implications on Battery Demand

Viktor Irle, Co-Founder & Market Analyst, EV Volumes

This presentation will cover the EV Sales Review of 2022 as well as expectations going gorward and implications on battery demand and will share the latest insights from collecting the facts in the EV industry. You will understand the best sellers, which countries and regions are doing to most for EV adoption, and what to expect in the future, both short term, and long term. These forecasts will also be translated into the battery demand.


EV Market & Battery Market – Impact on the Raw Material Supply Chain

Fabrice Renard, Senior Advisor, Avicenne Energy

Today, less than 10% of the automotive market is fully Electric Vehicles. With this small market share, xEV already consume more than 80% of the total Li-ion battery production, more than 70% of the cobalt production, and more than 80% of the lithium production. With conservative xEV forecasts (25 million EV sold per year in 2030), the impact on the lithium-ion battery market and supply chain will be huge.


China Lithium Battery Market Update

Yanchen Wang, PhD, Managing Director, Shanghai Metals Market (SMM)

The presentation will focus on the latest development in the lithium battery industry in China, including demand, raw materials supply, and prices.


Raw Material Supply – The Barrier to Transport Electrification?

Egor Prokhodtsev, PhD, Senior Research Analyst, Energy Transition & Battery Raw Materials, Wood Mackenzie

The 2020s will be a defining decade in the global effort to decarbonise the transport sector. With electric vehicles already attracting mass-market sales in turbulent economies for the automotive sector, demand for batteries and their raw materials will skyrocket as penetration targets loom on the horizon. Can the supply side keep up?


Session Wrap-Up


Anne Oxley, Technical Director, Brazilian Nickel PLC


Viktor Irle, Co-Founder & Market Analyst, EV Volumes

Fabrice Renard, Senior Advisor, Avicenne Energy

Yanchen Wang, PhD, Managing Director, Shanghai Metals Market (SMM)

Egor Prokhodtsev, PhD, Senior Research Analyst, Energy Transition & Battery Raw Materials, Wood Mackenzie

Coffee Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing10:30


Battery Raw Material Supply Response after Shortages

Jordan Roberts, Battery Raw Materials Analyst, Fastmarkets

What should the market expect in terms of a supply response from battery raw material producers, what is the outlook for supply, demand, and prices in these complicated and fast-moving markets? The talk will look at recent developments in battery raw materials, the impact it has had on the supply chain, and the underlying trends in lithium, cobalt, and nickel.


Current and Future Trends in Battery Raw Materials

Thomas Kavanagh, Associate Editor, Argus Media

Exploring pricing, supply, and demand trends in battery metals and cathode active materials for the previous year; examining the main upcoming trends for the year ahead and later in the decade.

11:45 Carbon and Water Neutral Lithium - SQM's Innovation Roadmap and Sustainable Development Plan

Stefan Debruyne, Mr., External Affairs, SQM

Lithium is an essential element in the global energy transition. It's critically important to stakeholders that it is mined in a sustainable and equitable way. Besides an update on SQM's progress on its Sustainable Development Plan, SQM's Innovation Roadmap toward water-neutral lithium production will be presented. Additionally, global lithium production and SQM's expansion plan will be updated.


Session Wrap-Up


Anne Oxley, Technical Director, Brazilian Nickel PLC


Olivier Masson, Metals and Mining Analyst, Fastmarkets

Thomas Kavanagh, Associate Editor, Argus Media

Stefan Debruyne, Mr., External Affairs, SQM

Networking Lunch12:25

Dessert Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing – Last Chance for Viewing13:25



Chairperson's Remarks

Jordan Roberts, Battery Raw Materials Analyst, Fastmarkets


Lithium in the Terawatt-Hour Era

Daisy Jennings-Gray, Senior Price Analyst, Benchmark Mineral Intelligence

This talk will explore the latest price updates and analysis from Benchmark’s Lithium Price Assessment and how the latest market trends are set to impact the supply and demand outlook as the industry approaches the terawatt-hour scale.



The Strategic Role of Fluorine: The Hidden Challenge

Lorenzo Orsini, PhD, R&D Director, Alkeemia Spa

Based on the expected market growth, it will become more and more challenging to support the supply chain regarding the fluorinated materials (e.g., LiPF6) due to limited availability of basic chemicals as HF, companies and expertise in handling fluorination chemistry. Considering also a massive number of future developments based on fluorinated compounds, it will be necessary to provide a range of fluorination techniques to scout new technologies and to develop more sustainable manufacturing approaches.


Lithium Walks a Tightrope

Alex Laugharne, Principal Consultant, Consulting, CRU International

The availability of lithium has become a hugely influential factor in the battery market; compounded by decreased procurement flexibility due to country of origin regulations and carbon footprint requirements. Consumers are reacting to this with technical innovation & supply chain adjustments, and at the same time the lithium supply response is gaining pace. This presentation will provide CRU’s insight into a complicated and fast moving market, where huge uncertainty makes both lithium oversupply and deficits conceivable outcomes.


Session Wrap-Up


Jordan Roberts, Battery Raw Materials Analyst, Fastmarkets


Daisy Jennings-Gray, Senior Price Analyst, Benchmark Mineral Intelligence

Alex Laugharne, Principal Consultant, Consulting, CRU International

Lorenzo Orsini, PhD, R&D Director, Alkeemia Spa

Coffee Break15:25


The Missing Link: Chemistry for Li-B with Focus on Electrolytes

Clemens Coupette, Senior Project Lead eMobility, LANXESS Deutschland GmbH

In addition to the metals relevant for LIBs, chemistry requirements for European battery cell prodction are expected to be imbalanced in the coming years. Solutions are to be developed for the value chain.


The Cost Impact of a Domestic Supply Chain on Li-ion Batteries

Benjamin Campbell, Battery Analyst, Battery Solutions, E Source

This presentation will explore the impact of localizing different parts of the lithium-ion battery supply chain on battery costs. This presentation will directly quantify the costs and benefits of locally produced materials and batteries.


Session Wrap-Up


Jordan Roberts, Battery Raw Materials Analyst, Fastmarkets


Clemens Coupette, Senior Project Lead eMobility, LANXESS Deutschland GmbH

Benjamin Campbell, Battery Analyst, Battery Solutions, E Source

Close of Conference16:40

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25-26 JUNE


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