Cambridge EnerTech’s

Battery Recycling Symposium

Advanced Recycling Methods for Sustainable Battery Materials Supply

20-21 June 2023

As EV adoption becomes mainstream and more vehicles in all market sectors move to expand their EV product offerings, the need for sustainable battery materials from recycling sources will grow exponentially. This symposium will bring together the key international organizations in the battery recycling value chain including battery manufacturers, R&D, recyclers, OEMs, and policy-makers to present the latest advances in recycling technologies, market overview, and international regulatory implementation.  

Tuesday, 20 June

Registration and Morning Coffee07:30

Organizer's Remarks08:30

Craig Wohlers, Executive Director, Conferences, Cambridge EnerTech



Chairperson's Remarks

Steve Sloop, PhD, President, OnTo Technology LLC


KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: A View on the Future of Battery Recycling in the European Market Context

Kurt Vandeputte, PhD, Senior Vice President, Battery Recycling Solutions, Umicore

The future of closed battery material loops is regional. In view of current geopolitical drivers there will be different priorities in some regions potentially leading to other key drivers of industry development in the different parts of the closed material loop. This talk will highlight a number of market drivers that are expected to be specific for Europe and that will likely impact the way circularity of batteries will materialize in Europe.


Creating a Sustainable Lithium-ion Battery Supply Chain

Manfred Schmidt, Vice President, Global Accounts - EMEA, Li-Cycle

The global shift to electric vehicles (EVs) is essential when it comes to tackling climate change, and it's equally important to remember that the lithium-ion batteries within EVs will need to be properly recycled at end-of-life. This presentation will discuss Li-Cycle’s recycling approach-- a low-cost, safe, and environmentally friendly process – which recycles all types of Li-ion batteries, with an unparalleled recovery rate of up to 95% of all materials.


Future Scenarios for LIB Recycling in Each Region (Europe/US/China/Japan)

Akihito Fujita, Co-Head, Research & Consulting, Nomura Research Institute America, Inc.

Market trend, regulations, key players, and technological development surrounding LIB recycling vary greatly from region to region. Based on the future outlook of EV market in each region, we will introduce our hypothesis on the risks and business opportunities in LIB recycling, by considering multiple scenarios for the LIB recycling market.


Session Wrap-Up


Steve Sloop, PhD, President, OnTo Technology LLC


Kurt Vandeputte, PhD, Senior Vice President, Battery Recycling Solutions, Umicore

Manfred Schmidt, Vice President, Global Accounts - EMEA, Li-Cycle

Akihito Fujita, Co-Head, Research & Consulting, Nomura Research Institute America, Inc.

Grand Opening Coffee Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing10:00


Battery Recycling: Market Overview and Discussion of Current and Future Technologies

Victoria Hugill, Battery Research Analyst, Research, Rho Motion

This presentation will cover the growth of the battery recycling market and the development of new technologies. Companies across the battery value chain show increasing investment in battery recycling largely driven by the need to secure feedstock for battery production, intensified by the volatility of critical material pricing, as well as emerging battery recycling legislation. Considering the relative infancy of the battery recycling industry, we will discuss how it might catch up and maintain pace with the electrification markets, especially as battery formats and chemistries evolve.


European and North American Lithium-ion Battery Recycling

Emilio Soberon, Principal Consultant, Battery Materials, SFA-Oxford

This presentation shows the technology and market outlook for lithium-ion battery recycling in North America and Europe. Highlights include costs breakdown per black mass production and refining technology, volumes expected for metals used in cathode active materials, regulation outlook for North America and Europe, and geographical distribution of players in North America and Europe.

11:30 Reinforcing the Battery Circular Economy with Innovative Refining and Recycling Technologies

YeoJoong Yoon, Head, Business Planning, Advanced Materials Business Division, Korea Zinc

Korea Zinc has embodied technologies and knowhows to recover target metals from various types of feedstocks based on the conventional massive non-ferrous metal refining business. Particularly in EOLB recycling area, Korea Zinc establishes Integrated value chain of Li-ion battery materials by building integrated factory of "Battery Recycling, Precursor and Copper foil". Korea Zinc will provide local closed-loop eco system.


Session Wrap-Up


Steve Sloop, PhD, President, OnTo Technology LLC


Victoria Hugill, Battery Research Analyst, Research, Rho Motion

Emilio Soberon, Principal Consultant, Battery Materials, SFA-Oxford

YeoJoong Yoon, Head, Business Planning, Advanced Materials Business Division, Korea Zinc

Networking Lunch12:10

Dessert Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing13:10



Chairperson's Remarks

Manfred Schmidt, Vice President, Global Accounts - EMEA, Li-Cycle


Building Local and Circular Lithium-ion Recycling Solutions and Networks

Christian Lafrance, Director, Business Development Europe, Lithion Technologies

A key factor to create a more sustainable battery supply chain is to implement recycling solutions as close as possible to battery manufacturing capacity and close to large EV estimated end-of-life locations. This reality demands flexibility from recyclers in order to propose solutions that will reflect the needs of tomorrow.

14:05 The Most Economically Compelling Ways of Returning Recycled Battery Materials Back to the Lithium-ion Battery Supply Chain

Tomasz Poznar, PhD, Vice President, Strategy, Ascend Elements

OEMs and advanced battery manufacturers are seeking innovative ways to return used lithium-ion battery materials back to the EV battery supply chain. A circular battery economy is the goal, but there are several different ways to achieve it – some more efficient and economically compelling than others. This presentation will compare the predominant methods of lithium-ion battery recycling and cathode manufacturing with an eye toward greater efficiency, increased value and lower carbon emissions.



Influence of Over-Discharge on the Recycling Process of Lithium-ion Batteries

Alexandra Kaas, Research Associate, Mechanical Process Engineering and Mineral Processing, Freiberg University of Mining and Technology

To ensure safety during the recycling process lithium-ion batteries should be discharged. Discharging can be done to different levels like over-discharge and over-discharging into reversal. During over-discharging, different effects can occur; e.g., formation of copper dendrites or coating of the separator with active material. To examine how over-discharging influences recycling, different battery types with different chemistries (NMC, NCA, LFP) were investigated.


Session Wrap-Up


Manfred Schmidt, Vice President, Global Accounts - EMEA, Li-Cycle


Christian Lafrance, Director, Business Development Europe, Lithion Technologies

Tomasz Poznar, PhD, Vice President, Ascend Elements

Alexandra Kaas, Research Associate, Mechanical Process Engineering and Mineral Processing, Freiberg University of Mining and Technology

Refreshment Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing15:05


Direct Recycle Cathode-Healing and Battery Deactivation to Improve Cost and Safety of the Value Chain  

Steve Sloop, PhD, President, OnTo Technology LLC

OnTo will share strategies to improve safety and reduce cost with service on-site and critical material pretreatment.  These include cathode-healing, direct recycling applications to sustainable lithium-ion materials, and deactivation/rendering safe end-of-life batteries. Cathode-healing is an innovative approach to recycling materials independent of battery chemistry. Battery deactivation renders batteries inert to improve cost and safety of transportation and storage. Dr. Sloop will update the progress with deactivation and cathode-healing of lithium-ion batteries including cathode-healing of lithium iron phosphate, innovation to recycle manufacturing scrap, d esign for recycling on the material and cell level and application scenarios for battery deactivation.


What Is the Best Setup for Recycling of Manufacturing Scrap and Used Batteries in Europe?

Jodok Reinhardt, CEO, Librec AG

What are the challenges for battery and car manufacturers regarding compliant, cost- and CO2-efficient collection, and recovery of valuable manufacturing scrap and batteries? We show available recycling technologies, recovery rates, capacities, and competitive landscape in Europe. We present research on most efficient setup and resulting business model that combines collection, upcycling, recycling, and refining scrap and batteries as a service for battery and car manufacturers.


Interplay of Battery Recycling and Regional Battery Manufacturing

Chloe Herrera, Analyst, Energy Storage Innovation, Lux Research

With the recent flurry of policy around battery material strategy and increasing battery recycling infrastructure, this talk will discuss what that means for deglobalizing battery manufacturing. It will discuss implications of cell chemistries, battery recycling technology, and expected volumes for battery recycling in the future.


Session Wrap-Up


Manfred Schmidt, Vice President, Global Accounts - EMEA, Li-Cycle


Steve Sloop, PhD, President, OnTo Technology LLC

Jodok Reinhardt, CEO, Librec AG

Chloe Herrera, Analyst, Energy Storage Innovation, Lux Research


16:50Transition to Breakout Discussions
17:00Interactive Breakout Discussions

Interactive Breakout Discussions are informal, moderated discussions with brainstorming and interactive problem-solving, allowing participants from diverse backgrounds to exchange ideas and experiences and develop future collaborations around a focused topic.

TABLE 1: Innovations in Recycling Battery Materials & Second Life
Moderator: Steve Sloop, PhD, President, OnTo Technology LLC

TABLE 2: Li-ion NMC Fast Charging New Cells for E-Mobility
Moderator: Shmuel De-Leon, CEO, Shmuel De-Leon Energy Ltd.

TABLE 3: Battery Pack System Cost and Safety – Will Future xEV Battery Packs Increase in Complexity or Simplify and How Will Cost and Safety Be Impacted?
Moderator: Kevin Konecky, Battery and Energy Storage Systems Consultant, Total Battery Consulting

TABLE 4: Battery Raw Materials Supply Chain
Moderator: Tom Van Bellinghen, Vice President, Marketing & OEM Value Chain, Rechargeable Battery Materials, Umicore

TABLE 5: Cell Design and Maximizing Performance at Optimal Cost in Minimal Time
Moderator: Michael Schoenleber, Co-Founder & CTO, Batemo GmbH

TABLE 6: Benefits of Wireless Communication Technology in Battery Management Systems
Moderator: Stefan Goede, Head of Research & Development, Co-Founder, Munich Electrification GmbH

TABLE 7: Opportunities and Potential for New Battery Technologies
Moderator: Ines Miller, Team Lead Battery Cells, E Mobility, P3 Automotive GmbH

TABLE 8: Battery CO2 Footprint Legislation – What Does That Mean for the Supply Chain?
Moderator: Wenzel Prochazka, PhD, Senior Product Manager Electrification Systems, NXP Semiconductors Austria GmbH

TABLE 9: Advances in Sodium-ion Battery Materials
Moderator: Philipp Adelhelm, PhD, Professor, Institute of Chemistry, Humboldt-University Berlin

TABLE 10: Silicon Anodes and Cells
Moderator: Martin Sandor, Senior Director of Marketing, Enevate

Networking Reception in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing (Sponsorship Opportunity Available)18:00

Close of Day19:00

Wednesday, 21 June

Registration and Morning Coffee08:00


09:00Organizer's Remarks

Craig Wohlers, Executive Director, Conferences, Cambridge EnerTech


Chairperson's Remarks

Jodok Reinhardt, CEO, Librec AG


Influence of the Cell Type on the Recycling Process of Lithium-ion Batteries

Christian Wilke, Research Associate, TU Bergakademie Freiberg

The EU plans to increase the recycling rates by 2025 and 2030. To recover more valuable materials the mechanical recycling route will become more important and the cell format and chemistry will have an influence on the mechanical recycling. Therefore, the mechanical processing of different cell formats (prismatic, cylindrical, pouch) and chemistries (NMC, NCA, LFP) was investigated and the impact on the energy consumption, material recovery rate, and product quality was compared.


Novel Recycling Solution for Sustainable and Carbon-Neutral Battery Future

Xue Wang, PhD, Co-Founder, Suzhou Botree Cycling Sci & Tech Co., Ltd

This presentation will give an overview of the lithium battery market and its recycling market especially in China, our research on battery recycling and regeneration technologies for both LFP and ternary lithium battery, and introduce a self-developed ultra-short separation system via a hydro-metallurgical process for high nickel EV battery, a direct recycling method for various spent electrodes, carbon assessment system for battery whole life, etc.

09:50 Lowest Cost, Lowest Energy Usage: Direct Recycling to the Rescue!

Chao Yan, PhD, CEO and Founder, Princeton NuEnergy, Inc.

Let’s re-examine lithium-ion battery recycling technology decisions essential for the industry to maximize cost efficiencies, minimize energy usage, waste, and CO2 emissions, and keep critical materials at home. Direct Recycling eliminates low-value processing, transportation steps, and hazardous chemicals. Will investments in “Hydro” become stranded?  Let’s talk about the best way forward.


Session Wrap-Up


Jodok Reinhardt, CEO, Librec AG


Christian Wilke, Research Associate, TU Bergakademie Freiberg

Xue Wang, PhD, Co-Founder, Suzhou Botree Cycling Sci & Tech Co., Ltd

Chao Yan, PhD, CEO and Founder, Princeton NuEnergy, Inc.

Coffee Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing (Sponsorship Opportunity Available)10:50


Sustainability-Focused Technology Assessment of Lithium and Post-Lithium Batteries – Resource Criticality, Recycling, and Prospective Life Cycle Assessment

Marcel Weil, Scientific Research Group Leader, Research for Sustainable Energy Technologies, ITAS & HIU, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

The urgent phase-out of fossil fuel will inevitably lead to increasing demand for batteries for stationary energy storage and the fast-growing electric mobility sector. More than 1.200 GWh of annual production capacity is announced for battery gigafactories only in Europe. This rapidly growing demand raises questions about resource availability and the circularity of the battery sector. Na-ion batteries could help to alleviate the resource problem. CATL announced the production of a Na-based battery system by 2023. To increase the understanding of environmental implications of Na-ion battery technology, a prospective LCA is conducted ‘from cradle to grave.’


The Battery Passport — How Technology Enables Supply Chain Transparency and Allows for Demonstrating Recycling Quotas

Jessica Green, Strategy Manager, Circulor

As early as 2027 each industrial, LMT and electric vehicle battery registered in the EU will need an electronic record or “battery passport” providing proof of sustainability information, recycling efficiencies, compliance on responsible sourcing, and sustainable government procurement, amongst other data.


Session Wrap-Up


Jodok Reinhardt, CEO, Librec AG


Marcel Weil, Scientific Research Group Leader, Research for Sustainable Energy Technologies, ITAS & HIU, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Jessica Green, Strategy Manager, Circulor

Networking Lunch12:40

Dessert Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing14:00

Close of Symposium14:30

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