Cambridge EnerTech’s

Grid-Scale Energy Storage Europe

Overcoming the Hurdles to a Renewable & Sustainable Future

14-15 May 2024

As Europe's demand for electrical power surges, the focus on stabilising intermittent energy production and consumption intensifies. Cutting-edge, high-energy-density battery designs promise solutions for grids, utilities, and customers. These advanced batteries enhance power quality, conversion, capacity, and reliability, revolutionising grid performance. Europe aims to double the share of variable renewables in power generation, exceeding 60% by 2030. In this rapid evolution, energy storage provides essential system flexibility, supporting Europe's sustainable energy journey. Cambridge EnerTech's Grid-Scale Energy Storage Europe conference will bring together the major global players showcasing the industrial trends and grid optimisation advances that will fuel the achievement of these ambitious goals.

Monday, 13 May

Registration Open till 17:0012:00

Tuesday, 14 May

Registration and Morning Coffee07:00



Organizer's Remarks

Craig Wohlers, General Manager, Cambridge EnerTech


Chairperson's Remarks

Matthias Vetter, PhD, Energy Storage Chief Expert, Huawei Nuremberg Research Center


Exploring Stationary Storage Markets and Costs

Benjamin Campbell, Manager, Battery Research, E Source

This presentation provides an analysis of the current state of stationary energy storage markets, focusing on key trends in demand and technology adoption. Battery costs will be central to this session, with a focus on how new technologies are impacting stationary storage project costs and how we expect markets will respond to changing costs.


Mapping Energy Storage Technologies to Future Grid Applications

Chloe Herrera, Energy Storage Analyst, Lux Research

As energy systems become decarbonized by the use of intermittent renewables, multiple applications are demanding increased energy storage. The requirements of each of these applications vary widely, and no single energy storage technology will satisfy them all. This presentation will outline the key economic and technical metrics across technologies and provide a framework to map them to various grid-scale applications.


Grid Storage Forecast and Materials Requirements

Sam Jaffe, Business Development Senior Manager, Addionics

Grid storage is fast growing to become a large market for batteries throughout the world. This presentation will explore the growth of the grid storage market and look at battery cathode breakdown, from LFP to Sodium Ion. It will also estimate the amount of materials required to meet the forecasts.


Session Wrap-Up


Matthias Vetter, PhD, Energy Storage Chief Expert, Huawei Nuremberg Research Center


Benjamin Campbell, Manager, Battery Research, E Source

Chloe Herrera, Energy Storage Analyst, Lux Research

Sam Jaffe, Business Development Senior Manager, Addionics

Grand Opening Coffee Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing - Sponsored by ARKEMA10:00


Strategies for Monetizing Stationary Battery Storage Systems: Case of German Power Market

Farzad Sarfarazi, Energy System Expert, Accenture

With the decreasing prices of stationary battery systems and recent regulatory clarifications, they are becoming increasingly attractive in the German power market. This presentation discusses strategies for capitalizing on these systems, analyzing market trends, regulatory frameworks, and technological advancements. It also explores the potential for generating revenue through stacking grid services, energy arbitrage, and the integration of renewable energy sources, aiming to enhance profitability and support the sustainable energy system transition.


Energy Storage Market Expansion in Europe

Tim Hotz, Principal, Roland Berger Strategy Consultants GmbH

The energy storage market in Europe is undergoing significant expansion, driven by increased demand for sustainable energy solutions. This presentation will look at innovative technologies and supportive policies that are fostering growth and positioning Europe as a key global player in advancing energy storage solutions.


Session Wrap-Up


Matthias Vetter, PhD, Energy Storage Chief Expert, Huawei Nuremberg Research Center


Farzad Sarfarazi, Energy System Expert, Accenture

Tim Hotz, Principal, Roland Berger Strategy Consultants GmbH

Networking Lunch (Sponsorship Opportunity Available)12:10

Dessert Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing (Sponsorship Opportunity Available)13:10



Chairperson's Remarks

Sam Jaffe, Business Development Senior Manager, Addionics


Battery Storage Investment Environment in Different Europe Countries

Karolis Kiguolis, Founder, Exigere Responsum

Why do we have a different battery payback scenario in Europe? What determines that some countries located in the geographical part of Europe are significantly more advanced than their neighbors? Why, at first glance, do EU regulatory standards turn out to be completely different in different European countries? What do we see in the years 2024-2030 as the leaders of battery best investment practices in the EU?



Multi-use Strategies for Behind-the-Meter and Front-of-the-Meter Battery Storage Applications

Matthias Vetter, PhD, Energy Storage Chief Expert, Huawei Nuremberg Research Center

For a secure and reliable power supply based on 100% renewable energy sources, decentralized and centralized battery storage systems are needed on a large scale and have to take over various tasks, such as providing grid services and storing of surplus amount of energy to be used at a later point of time. In this context, highly sophisticated operating control strategies are needed to enable multi-use concepts and revenue stacking. Exemplarily, in this presentation following multi-use concepts are addressed: 1). Behind-the-meter PV battery systems: PV self-sufficiency and peak shaving. 2). Front-of-the-meter PV battery systems: Grid services, controlled feeding-in and arbitrage.


From Electric Vehicles to Energy Storage

Thomas Fedderau, Senior Product Manager, EIA, UL International Germany

"From electric vehicles to energy storage" lecture will show how UL standards support the safety lifecycle of EV and ESS batteries. It will gives a overview and partly detailed insight in UL 2580 for Vehicles, UL 1973 and UL 9540/ UL 9540 A for ESS, as well as UL 1974 for second use, how to use it, and the vale and the requirements from higher level Standards, like NFPA and IFC.


Session Wrap-Up


Sam Jaffe, Business Development Senior Manager, Addionics


Karolis Kiguolis, Founder, Exigere Responsum

Matthias Vetter, PhD, Energy Storage Chief Expert, Huawei Nuremberg Research Center

Thomas Fedderau, Senior Product Manager, EIA, UL International Germany

Refreshment Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing (Sponsorship Opportunity Available)15:05


SineStack—Taking Energy Efficiency & Cycle Life to the Next Level

Teddy O'Connor, Advanced Battery Software Lead. Rimac Technology

The Sinestack is a technological powerhouse, incorporating a novel electrical architecture, state-of-the-art cells and a suite of battery intelligence tools to create a cutting edge all-in-one stationary energy storage and power delivery system. This enables the SineStack to achieve >92% round-trip efficiency and upto 12,000 full DoD cycles, whilst offering a best-in-class footprint and high levels of redundancy. This talk will provide insights into the broad array of technical innovations enabling these attributes.


Successful Efficient Energy and E-Mobility Transition

Claudio Geyken, CEO & Founder, RiDERgy

Renewable energies are volatile in production and prices. To keep the grid stable, flexible power demand and batteries are needed. Electric vehicles provide both. It is RiDERgy's mission to electrify and charge fleets efficiently to accelerate EV adoption and 100% renewable electricity. Fleet operators struggle to electrify and keep costs low. RiDERgy helps keeping high uptime at low costs via an AI powered software.


Session Wrap-Up


Sam Jaffe, Business Development Senior Manager, Addionics


Teddy O'Connor, Advanced Battery Software Lead. Rimac Technology

Claudio Geyken, CEO & Founder, RiDERgy

Networking Reception in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing (Sponsorship Opportunity Available)16:50

Close of Day18:00

Wednesday, 15 May

Registration Open07:20

Interactive Breakout Discussions & Morning Coffee07:30

Interactive Breakout Discussions are informal, moderated discussions with brainstorming and interactive problem-solving, allowing participants from diverse backgrounds to exchange ideas and experiences and develop future collaborations around a focused topic.

TABLE 1: Solid-State Batteries
Moderator: Venkataraman Thangadurai, PhD, Professor, Chemistry, University of Calgary

TABLE 2: Electrolytes
Moderator: Gabriel Torres, Director of Product Management, Sionic Energy

TABLE 3: Innovations in Recycling Battery Materials & Second Life
Moderator: Steve Sloop, PhD, President, OnTo Technology LLC 

TABLE 4: Li-ion NMC Fast Charging New Cells for E-Mobility
Moderator: Shmuel De-Leon, CEO, Shmuel De-Leon Energy Ltd.

TABLE 5: Battery Raw Materials Supply Chain
Moderator: Tom Van Bellinghen, Vice President, Marketing & OEM Value Chain, Rechargeable Battery Materials, Umicore 

TABLE 6: Benefits of Wireless Communication Technology in Battery Management Systems
Moderator: Stefan Goede, Head of Research & Development, Co-Founder, Munich Electrification GmbH 

TABLE 7: Opportunities and Potential for New Battery Technologies
Moderator: Ferdinand Ferstl, Associate Partner, E Mobility, P3 automotive GmbH

TABLE 8: Silicon Anodes and Cells
Moderator: Benjamin Park, PhD, Founder & CTO, Enevate 

TABLE 9: Battery Intelligence
Moderator: Kevin Wood, Director, EBIx, Voltaiq Inc

TABLE 10: Cell Engineering
Moderator: Michael Schoenleber, Co-Founder & CTO, Batemo GmbH

TABLE 11: Advances in Sodium-ion Battery Materials
Moderator: Philipp Adelhelm, PhD, Professor, Institute of Chemistry, Humboldt-University Berlin

TABLE 12: Battery Legislation Globally – What Does the Battery Passport Imply in BMS & Battery?
Moderator: Silvio Marcon, Product Manager Battery Management Products, NXP Semiconductors Austria GmbH

TABLE 13: Automotive Battery Market Dynamics
Moderator: Carl Thoemmes, Business Development, Orbia Fluor & Energy Materials



Chairperson's Remarks

Chloe Herrera, Energy Storage Analyst, Lux Research


Beyond Performance Data: Evaluating Potential Safety Concerns of Alternative Cell Designs in Energy Storage Systems through a Testing Based Approach

Daniel Torelli, PhD, Managing Scientist, Exponent Intl Ltd

The continued demand for higher battery performance and lower costs has resulted in the development of larger, less-established cell designs. These alternative cell designs, however, can pose unexpected safety concerns. In this talk, we will describe common pitfalls related to cell design and manufacturing quality control, as observed through X-ray screening, computed tomography scanning, teardown analysis, and abuse testing, and will discuss lessons learned. 


Energy Storage: Battery Chemistry and Technology Trends

Iola Hughes, Research Manager, Rho Motion

The stationary storage market was the fastest growing battery market in 2023, exceeding 100GWh for the first time. The session will look to address several key questions: What are the biggest opportunities and challenges for the stationary storage market? What is the outlook for sodium ion, flow batteries and other alternative tech? Who are the key players in the BESS market and what new technologies are being deployed in the space?


Battery Energy Storage Supply Chain: Trends, Risks, and Recommendations

Kevin Shang, Senior Research Analyst, Battery and Energy Storage Technology and Supply Chain, Wood Mackenzie

Grid energy storage is on a rapid growth curve and is already a key component of building a resilient grid that accommodates increasing renewables. However, supply chain issues have become a barrier, constraining energy storage deployment. Based on Wood Mackenzie's battery energy storage system integrator survey and supply chain database, this presentation highlights key trends for battery energy storage supply chains, reflecting market, policy, legislation and technology dynamics impacting energy storage supply chain evolution. This talk will also explore the supply challenges and market opportunities that arise while establishing secure and sustainable supply chains for energy storage, taking into account government energy policy, legislation and decarbonization strategy.


Session Wrap-Up


Chloe Herrera, Energy Storage Analyst, Lux Research


Daniel Torelli, PhD, Managing Scientist, Exponent Intl Ltd

Iola Hughes, Research Manager, Rho Motion

Kevin Shang, Senior Research Analyst, Battery and Energy Storage Technology and Supply Chain, Wood Mackenzie

Coffee Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing (Sponsorship Opportunity Available)10:50


Large-Scale Coupled Solar + Storage and BESS Augmentation Strategy

Sonia Leou, Sales Engineer, Large Scale Energy Storage, Fluence

With growing interest in BESS (battery energy storage system) around the globe, coupled solutions of solar system and storage system have also been gaining attention. The presentation illustrates AC and DC coupling solution concepts, including its pros and cons. Also due to battery degradation, the idea of augmentation is also introduced to achieve battery end of life energy requirement.


Analyzing the Growing Need for Energy Storage in Industrial Applications: Implications for Sustainability, Resilience, and Technological Advancements

Bernhard Riegel, Director, R&D, HOPPECKE Batterien GmbH & Co. KG

The presentation illuminates the overall technological maturity of industrial energy storage, focusing on their main application areas in terms of sustainability and circular economy. It discusses approaches for developing new technologies and the electrochemical storage technologies that are expected to dominate in 2030, aiming to achieve the goal of climate neutrality by 2050. The sustainability of batteries must be ensured throughout their entire life cycle. Batteries that are sustainable over their entire life cycle are crucial for achieving the central goals of the European Green Deal—climate neutrality, sustainable competitiveness of the industry, green transportation, and clean energy.


Session Wrap-Up


Chloe Herrera, Energy Storage Analyst, Lux Research


Sonia Leou, Sales Engineer, Large Scale Energy Storage, Fluence

Bernhard Riegel, Director, R&D, HOPPECKE Batterien GmbH & Co. KG

Networking Lunch (Sponsorship Opportunity Available)12:40

Dessert Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing (Sponsorship Opportunity Available)14:00

Close of Conference14:30

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