Cambridge EnerTech’s

Hydrogen & Fuel Cells

Hydrogen Fueling a Zero-Emissions Future

15-16 May 2024

Hydrogen has garnered international attention for its remarkable energy-to-weight ratio and its capacity to play a vital role in realizing emission-free transportation objectives. In Europe, certain regions are spearheading initiatives to decarbonize and advance the utilization of hydrogen. These efforts align with a broader commitment to transition to zero-emission vehicles, mirroring the ambitious goal set by California to replace new passenger cars and trucks with such vehicles by 2035 This year's Hydrogen & Fuel Cells conference will provide valuable insights into the current hydrogen market, covering aspects ranging from funding and policies to sourcing and infrastructure development. Furthermore, as a co-located event with the 14th international Advanced Automotive Battery Conference Europe, the conference will also delve into hydrogen fuel cell technologies and related policies.

Wednesday, 15 May

Registration Open12:30

Networking Lunch (Sponsorship Opportunity Available)12:40

Dessert Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing (Sponsorship Opportunity Available)14:00



Chairperson's Remarks

Tina Singh, Principal Engineer, Sustainability & Regulatory Affairs, Toyota Motor North America


Toyota Hydrogen Overview

Tina Singh, Principal Engineer, Sustainability & Regulatory Affairs, Toyota Motor North America


Decarbonizing Heavy-Duty Transport—AVLs 40t Fuel Cell Demo Truck

Josef Macherhammer, Product Manager Hydrogen and Fuel Cell, AVL List GmbH

AVL embarked on the development of a truck demonstrator aimed at showcasing a viable solution for fuel cell-powered trucks that fully addresses the demands of fleet operators. The development was based on a European 4x2 semitrailer tractor with a sleeping cabin and a 3.8-meter wheelbase. This approach presented considerable challenges in terms of accommodating the fuel cell system(s), high-voltage (HV) battery, e-drive, and hydrogen storage systems within the limited space.


Analysis of Fuel Cell Systems for Off-Road Heavy-Duty Applications

Valerio Martini, Graduate Student, DIMEAS, Politecnico di Torino

The presentation presents the main research activities conducted to evaluate the applicability and optimization of fuel cell systems for off-road vehicles. The main topics covered involve numerical investigations, hardware-in-the-loop tests, and experimental analysis of fuel cell systems, including the stack and the hydrogen storage system. The main findings regarding durability, efficiency and environmental performances are shown, highlighting the benefits of substituting traditional powertrains with their fuel cell counterparts.

Refreshment Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing (Sponsorship Opportunity Available)16:00


Hydrogen in Trucking

Michael Tormoen, Systems Integration Engineer III, Advanced Engineering, Daimler Truck North America

Hydrogen Fuel Cell Trucks are an important part of Daimler Truck’s overall zero-emissions strategy. Daimler Truck has demonstrated the capability of the heavy-duty fuel cell system for long-haul with the Mercedes-Benz GenH2 Truck Record Run achieving over 1,000 km of zero emission, loaded operation in real-world conditions on a single fueling. This presentation will highlight the unique challenges and opportunities hydrogen presents for the North American heavy-duty truck market.


Accelerating Materials R&D for Energy Materials and Renewable Energy Applications

Florian Huber, PhD, Head, New Technologies & Incubation, hte GmbH

Networking Reception in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing (Sponsorship Opportunity Available)17:50

Close of Day19:00

Thursday, 16 May

Registration and Morning Coffee08:00


Chairperson's Remarks

Tina Singh, Principal Engineer, Sustainability & Regulatory Affairs, Toyota Motor North America


Conditions for Hydrogen to Be Viable in Road Transport

Sigve Aasebo, Senior Advisor, Statens Vegvesen

Europe lacks electricity and grid. This brings the question of hydrogen for road transport related to energy efficiency and grid efficiency to the forefront. Under which circumstances is hydrogen advisable and when should battery-electric vehicles be preferred?


Medical Fuel Cell Vehicle—Humanitarian Technologies That Link Climate Change Mitigation and Disaster Risk Reduction

Yasuhiro Soshino, PhD, Head, Humanitarian Technology, Japanese Red Cross College of Nursing

Toyota and the Japanese Red Cross launched a medical fuel cell vehicle in 2021. While the vehicle provides sufficient electricity to medical devices in the patient transportation with zero emission, the vehicle can supply electricity to hospitals and refugee centres in emergencies. In this way, the medical fuel cell vehicle contributes both mitigation and adaptation in the climate change actions.


PFAS-Free Adhesives and Sealants for Fuel Cell and Electrolyser Stacks and BOP Components

Andreas Arlt, Business Development Manager, Wevo Chemie GmbH

PFAS-free adhesives and sealants based on modified polyurethanes and silicone resins for fuel cell and electrolyser stacks and BOP components like membrane-humidifiers and filters have been developed with a focus on low hydrogen permeability and good chemical stability. These materials are applied as liquid-cured or formed-in-place gaskets by dispensing or screen-printing process on metallic and graphite-compound bipolar-plates and therefore allow fast and automised stack production.

Coffee Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing (Sponsorship Opportunity Available)10:30


Transition of Fuels in Indian Commercial Vehicles towards Net Zero Journey

Aniruddha Kulkarni, PhD, Vice President and Head of Engineering, Tata Motors

Transformation of fuels in Indian commercial vehicles segment is embracing various fuels across vehicle platforms is pivotal for our net zero journey. In India automotive transportation segment is very diversified. Innovating with alternative fuels like CNG, LNG, electric, and hydrogen to reduce emissions and enhance sustainability. This initiative reduces emissions, enhances sustainability, and fosters a cleaner, greener future through diverse technological interventions, benefiting both the environment and India's progress towards sustainability.


Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engines

Jens Huettner, Account Director, Europe, Cummins

This talk will look at the growing potential of hydrogen internal combustion engine (H2-ICE) technology in the journey to lower emissions. Working in a similar way to traditional spark-ignited engines, H2-ICE uses zero-carbon hydrogen fuel, instead of traditional fossil based alternatives. It’s a longstanding, familiar technology that delivers the benefits of new power. Jens Huettner will explore how H2-ICE could play a key part in the energy transition.


Exergoeconomic Evaluation of a PEM Fuel Cell

Jose R. Sodre, PhD, Head, Mechanical Biomedical & Design Engineering, Aston University

This work presents an exergoeconomic evaluation of a 1.2 kW proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell designed for vehicular application. The varied operating parameters were stack temperature, cell voltage and air pressure, and air stoichiometry. The results show that air stoichiometry is the most influential parameter on the exergy cost, which is also sensitive to cell voltage and hydrogen price.


Numerical Analysis of The Relationship between the Porosity of the Fuel Electrode Support and Functional Layer, and Performance of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Using Computational Fluid Dynamics

Jakub Kupecki, Member of Hydrogen Europe Research, Institute of Power Engineering Research Institute

Networking Lunch (Sponsorship Opportunity Available)12:20

Dessert Break in the Exhibit Hall with Last Chance for Poster Viewing (Sponsorship Opportunity Available)13:00

Session Break14:55

Close of Conference16:30

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