R&D Symposium 6
Electrochemical (EC) Capacitors Symposium
Advances in Capacitor Materials, Design & Applications
30 January 2018 | Congress Centrum Mainz | Mainz, Germany
This symposium will examine the latest technological advancements in electrochemical capacitors for automotive applications. Leaders from key academic and commercial organizations will discuss present and future products and business development strategies as they expand their product offerings to support the growth of energy-efficient energy storage systems. The symposium will focus on advances in EC capacitor materials and cell design and will explore the latest advances in materials including the development of advanced materials and processes to meet the pricing threshold of important markets including the development of advanced asymmetric ECs. In addition, new EC capacitor products will be reviewed and new capacitor products and EC business development activity will be discussed. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear the latest in EC module design and system engineering for these advanced applications.
Final Agenda
Tuesday, 30 January
7:30 Symposium Registration and Morning Coffee
8:30 Chairperson’s Opening Remarks
Katsuhiko Naoi, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry, Institute of Symbiotic Science & Technology, Tokyo University of Agriculture & Technology
8:35 Next-Generation Asymmetric Capacitors Using Intercalated Metal-Organic Framework Electrodes with High-Volume Energy Density
Nobuhiro Ogihara, Ph.D., Senior Researcher, Battery Materials and Processing Lab, Toyota Central R&D Lab
In this talk, we will introduce next-generation lithium-based asymmetric capacitors consisting of negative electrode material of intercalated metal-organic framework (iMOF), which is novel electrode material and operates in the potential range of 0.7−0.8 V vs. Li/Li+ with remarkable small volume change (0.33 %), and activated carbon positive electrode. The proposed iMOF electrode suppresses the Li plating problem and enables high-voltage design and therefore realizes high-volumetric-energy capacitors.
8:55 The Impact of New Electrolyte Components on the Performance of High Voltage Electrochemical Double Layer Capacitors
Andrea Balducci, Ph.D., Professor, Institute for Technical Chemistry and Environmental Chemistry, Center for Energy and Environmental Chemistry (CEEC), Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
The development of innovative electrolytes is of fundamental importance for the realization of high voltage and safe electrochemical double layer capacitors (EDLCs). In this presentation, the impact of several new electrolyte components on the performance of high voltage electrochemical double layer capacitors will be analyzed and critically discussed. Particular attention will be dedicated to the influence of the anodic dissolution of Aluminum current collectors on the stability of high voltage EDLC during float test.
9:15 Ni(OH)2 Based Aqueous Asymmetric Condensator with Increased Energy Density
Olaf Böse, Ph.D., Deputy Head of Division, Center for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research, Baden-Wurttemberg (ZSW)
An alkaline-aqueous asymmetric double layer capacitor based on activated carbon and nickel hydroxide on a developed nanostructured current collector is able to provide increased charge and discharge rates. Due to specific adapted activated carbon with specific capacities of 146mAh g-1 (or 525F g-1) we could also achieve enhanced energy densities at cell level. The very high specific capacity of the activated carbon is thought to be based on surface-near oxygen functionalities. Furthermore, based on the very stable materials substantial cycle number above 250.000 full cycles could be achieved.
9:35 Two-Dimensional Titanium Carbide MXene Colloidal Solution: Oxidation Stability and Application in Transparent Energy Storage Devices
Matthias Kremer, Research Assistant, School of Chemistry, Trinity College Dublin
Two-dimensional materials have attracted huge research attention in recent years, particularly MXenes. While most studies focused on the non-transparent MXene films or electrodes in supercapacitors or batteries, none of the reports talk about the transparent MXene films for energy storage. Here we studied systematically of the transparent MXene films as advanced supercapacitor electrodes and devices, with excellent electrochemical performances.
9:55 Q&A
10:10 Grand Opening Coffee Break with Exhibit & Poster Viewing
11:00 Chairperson’s Remarks
Katsuhiko Naoi, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry, Institute of Symbiotic Science & Technology, Tokyo University of Agriculture & Technology
11:05 Li-Ion Based Hybrid Supercapacitors and Their Functional Ultrafast Materials
Katsuhiko Naoi, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry, Institute of Symbiotic Science & Technology, Tokyo University of Agriculture & Technology
Energy storage devices are some of the most important environmental technologies that are highly influential in advancing our life in future society. In recent years, the structural/textural properties of oxides, including particle size, crystallinity, defects, and porosity, are successfully fine-tuned to achieve both high rate performance (>300 C) and long cycleability (>10,000 cycles). The present paper will describe pseudo-capacitive nanosized oxides prepared with in situ synthetic means of “ultracentrifugation” showing ultrafast electrochemical response even more than EDLC.
11:25 Recent Advances in Prelithiation of Lithium-Ion Capacitors
Thierry Brousse, Ph.D., Professor of Materials Science, Institut des Matériaux Jean Rouxel (IMN), Université Polytechnique Nantes
Lithium-ion capacitors (LICs) are intermediate devices between lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) and electrical double-layer capacitors (EDLCs), and as such address quite a wide range of applications. However, this interesting concept is mitigated by the need of a sacrificial prelithiation compound that serves on the first charging cycle as the lithium source. This implies the use of a dedicated first charging step which is a key step for further good use of the device. Our new strategy envisions the use of low CO2 footprint material easily recyclable and which paves the way toward simpler and safer Li-ion capacitors.
11:45 Charge Storage Mechanisms in Capacitive Porous Carbons and 2D MXene Pseudocapacitive Materials
Pierre-Louis Taberna, Researcher, Université Paul Sabatier
The charge storage mechanism porous carbon and 2D MXene electrodes have been studied in non aqueous electrolytes by combining X Ray diffraction and scattering and modelling. We will show during this talk the ion adsorption in carbon nanopores leads to a partial breaking of the coulomb interaction between ions of the same charge, thus leading to an increase in capacitance. In 2D MXene materials, a different charge storage mechanism was observed during positive and negative sweeps, based on cation intercalation and ion exchange.
12:05 In-Operando Study of Carbon/Carbon Supercapacitors Ageing by Electrochemical On-Line Mass Spectrometry
Paula Ratajczak, Ph.D., Professor, Power Sources Group, Poznan University of Technology, Poland
The main observable ageing symptom of supercapacitors (SCs), initiated by increasing voltage is the formation of gases and decomposition products blocking the porosity of carbon, with related decrease of capacitance and increase of resistance. In the study, electrochemical on-line mass spectrometry (EOMS) will be applied to analyze the amounts of gases which are produced during potentiostatic floating of SCs, in order to quantitatively correlate gas formation with the leakage current, while taking into account pressure records and electrodes surface oxidation.
12:25 High Performance Electrochemical Capacitors Based on Conductive Two-Dimensional Metal-Organic Frameworks
Maria Lukatskaya, Ph.D., Department of Chemical Engineering, Stanford University
12:45 Q&A
13:00 Networking Lunch
14:15 Dessert Refreshment Break with Exhibit & Poster Viewing
15:00 Chairperson’s Remarks
Andrew F. Burke, Ph.D., Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis
15:05 Creating New Materials and Architectures for High Rate Energy Storage
Bruce Dunn, Ph.D., Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles
The prospect of developing materials with the energy density of batteries and the power density and cycle life of supercapacitors is an exciting direction that has yet to be realized. This paper will review our work on identifying Li+ conducting materials which exhibit redox behavior at high charge/discharge rates as well as electrode architectures where the small diffusion distance for Li+ enables surface-like charge storage kinetics rather than the semi-infinite diffusion of traditional battery materials.
15:25 Development of Nanohybrid Capacitor for Automotive and Railway Applications
Satoru Tsumeda, Supervisor, Products R&D Department, R&D Headquarters, Nippon Chemi-Con Corporation
Nippon Chemi-Con has been working on the development of various new capacitors to meet market demands. One of the new capacitors is a LIC named Nanohybrid capacitor. Nanohybrid capacitor is expected as an energy storage device in automotive and railway applications because of its unique properties, especially high safety comparable with EDLC.
15:45 New Tests of State-of-the-Art Supercapacitors Using Aqueous and Organic Electrolytes and a New Application with Lithium Batteries
Andrew F. Burke, Ph.D., Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis
New tests of state-of-the-art carbon/carbon supercapacitors using aqueous and organic electrolytes were performed. All the devices were tested over ranges of constant current, constant power, and pulse currents. The application of supercapacitors combined with a lithium-ion battery in plug-in hybrid vehicles having ranges up to 50 miles was investigated in detail via Advisor simulations. Comparisons were made between energy storage using a power battery and using an energy battery combined with supercapacitors. The economics of the use of the supercapacitor was most favorable for the 50 mile range PHEVs.
16:05 Advanced Supercapacitor and Its Application on Transit Systems
Dianbo Ruan, Ph.D., Senior Engineer and Chief Technologist, CRRC Corp. Ltd. (CRRC), China
With increased energy density and decreased manufacturing costs, supercapacitors are regarded as one of the most important technologies for applications in public transit energy storage. This talk will present the latest advancements in using high performance supercapacitors as the main source of power for transit systems.
16:25 From Li-Ion to Na- and K-Ion Capacitors - A Perspective
Sonia Dsoke, Group Leader, Material Synthesis Group, Institute of Applied Materials – Energy Storage Systems (IAM-ESS), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Li-ion capacitors represent an appealing hybrid technology, realizing high power and energy. Alternative to lithium are other cheaper metals, like Sodium and Potassium which, similarly to lithium, are able to reversibly insert into the structures of some intercalation-type materials. This presentation will give a perspective overview on the possibility to employ hybrid capacitors based on carbonaceous materials and Na-ion or K-ion insertion materials. Particular focus will be dedicated on the behavior of organic electrolytes containing Li (Na and K)-salts on activated carbon electrodes.
16:45 Q&A
17:05 Networking Reception with Exhibit & Poster Viewing
18:05 Close of Symposium