Application Track 2
EV Technology for Specialty & Public Transportation
Advanced High-Energy Battery Development for Bus, Truck, Bike, Rail and Marine Applications
31 January – 1 February 2018 | Congress Centrum Mainz | Mainz, Germany
Hybrid and Zero-emission EV’s for specialty transportation applications present great commercial opportunities for advanced high-energy batteries. Battery requirements vary with the application and offer viable alternatives for multiple technologies.
In this track, we will discuss the development of hybrid and electric vehicle battery systems and the latest developments in advanced batteries to be commercialized within the specialty transportation battery market while assessing consumer demand,
competing technologies, and overcoming the challenges to commercialization.
Final Agenda
Wednesday, 31 January
8:00 Conference Registration & Morning Coffee
8:40 Opening Plenary Session
8:35 Chairperson’s Opening Remarks
Menahem Anderman, Ph.D., President, Total Battery Consulting, Inc.
8:40 Renault EV and Its Battery
Masato Origuchi, Electrical Energy Storage System Expert, Renault
Since the launch of the first mass market electric vehicle ZOE at the end of 2011, Renault is continuously evolving its performances especially the battery energy which has been drastically increased to 41kWh in the new ZOE ZE40. Up to now the most
of the efforts has been made to increase the energy density for extending the insufficient driving range and it is true that it was the key to success for the expansion of the EV market. But from now in order to create the real EV era, optimization
of the battery among different aspects becomes crucial in order for EV and the batteries to be sustainable. This presentation will show Renault’s EV and its battery perspectives based on the ZOE experiences.
9:00 Can California and the Federal Government Get Along? The Future of GHG, CAFE and ZEV Regulations for Light-Duty Vehicles
Robert Bienenfeld, Assistant Vice President, American Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
The Trump Administration is picking up the pieces of the mid-term evaluation for the Federal GHG program. California has threatened to withdraw from the One National Program agreement and go their own way for GHG regulation. While the federal regulators
are trying to focus on rules through 2025, California is pushing aggressively towards new regulations for 2030 and 2035. Will we have divergent or convergent regulations? This presentation will seek to address the current state of regulations
in the US (including California!).
9:20 Developments in EU Policy and Implications for the Electrification of Transport
Greg Archer, Program Manager, European Federation for Transport & Environment (T&E)
9:40 What’s the Next Step? Proposed & Forecasted Future Changes in the Chinese xEV/Battery Market
Mark Lu, Ph.D., Certified Senior Industrial Analyst, Industrial Economics & Knowledge Center (IEKC), Industrial Technology & Research Institute (ITRI)
In the past five years, the Chinese xEV market has become the biggest in the world. The question is what will happen in the future. Therefore, this presentation aims to include predictions on which types of vehicle will become popular as well as information
showing future targets regarding capacity, cost etc. In addition, information regarding future incentives to the end user will be given. Finally this presentation will outline the new CAFC+NEV regulations and how they may affect the companies
within the whole industry.
10:00 Coffee Break with Exhibit & Poster Viewing (Sponsorship Opportunity Available)
10:50 Vehicle Electrification: Is the Path to Mass Market Open?
Menahem Anderman, Ph.D., President, Total Battery Consulting, Inc.
This presentation will discuss electrified-vehicle market expansion and battery technology and market development. Expansion of the BEV market will depend primarily on governmental regulations and incentives as well as on the customers’ willingness
to pay a premium over gasoline-powered vehicles for vehicles with range and charge-time limitations. Battery performance enhancement and cost reduction will be examined vis-à-vis metal pricing increase and battery durability, reliability,
and safety, and we will review market trends in Europe, the U.S., China, and Japan.
11:30 Assessment of Direction and Requirements for PEV Market Expansion
Stephanie Schenk, Senior Research Analyst, Advanced Industries - Automotive & Assembly, McKinsey & Company
This presentation will provide an overview on the attraction of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) compared to pure battery electric vehicles (BEVs) in different markets around the world. After outlining the current drivers of each technological
solution (including the role of regulations and incentives, consumer requirements and automaker strategies), a scenario-based outlook on future electric vehicle (EV) adoption will be given. Results from a recent consumer survey among existing
and prospective EV owners will highlight key buying criteria (e.g., design, cost, performance, etc.) for future market expansion.
11:50 Q&A
12:20 Networking Lunch (Sponsorship Opportunity Available)
13:30 Dessert Break with Exhibit & Poster Viewing
14:15 Chairperson’s Remarks
Axel Thielmann, Ph.D., Deputy Head, Competence Center for Emerging Technologies, Fraunhofer ISI
14:20 How the Solid Lithium Technology Can Answer to E Bus Need
Alexandre Desneux, Project Manager, Bluebus Entreprise du Groupe Bollore
14:40 Thermal Characterisation & Modelling of Li-Ion Cells for HD xEVs
Jens Groot, Ph.D., ESS Specialist – Cell Characterisation & Modelling, Electromobility Sub-systems, Volvo Group Trucks Technology (GTT) Advanced Technology & Research
This presentation will address measurement of thermal cell properties such as anisotropic thermal conductivity and specific heat capacity. Quantification of reversible and irreversible heat generation. Modelling the thermal behaviour of large cells
under realistic conditions.
15:00 Industrial Battery Applications for Forklift, Cranes, and Construction Equipment with Master Modul, Battery, Lifetime, and Performance Improvements
Sven Bauer, General Manager, BMZ, GmbH
15:20 Sponsored Presentation (Opportunity Available)
15:40 Refreshment Break with Exhibit & Poster Viewing
16:30 Outlook for LEV Market and Standard 18650/21700 Cylindrical Li-Ion Battery Developments
Mo-Hua Yang, General Manager, TD HiTech Energy, Inc.; President, EnergyBus e.V.
The huge demand of Li-ion battery in EVs market leads to the standard 18650 Li-ion battery develops rapidly in performance improvement and cost down in the last decade. In order to overcome the material limitation in the further capacity increasing
and battery pack system cost down, a new form factor of standard battery 21700 has been proposed by battery and EV manufacturers. In spite of the blooming of EVs, LEV (E-bike) as E-personal mobility has received attention in the urban mobility
for the first and last mile connection to the public transportation system. The LEV market trend and 18650/21700 Li-ion battery dev. status will be discussed.
16:50 Lightweight Vehicles - As They Should Be
Pavel Calderon, Director, New Materials, Uniti - Ingenious EV
This presentation will provide an overview of Uniti, a Swedish startup developing an electric city car, optimized for high performance and agility in urban environments. Utilizing the electrification and redefining the future of transportation with
environmental sustainability in focus.
17:10 Battery Engineering for Extreme Off-Road Conditions
Rob Sweney, Director of Engineering, Drivetrain, Alta Motors
Alta Motors has developed an electric off-road motorcycle that can beat out the best ICE competitors. Several innovations have enabled extreme energy density and a highly robust and compact battery pack that makes this vehicle possible.
17:30 Battery System Design for EV Motorsport
Wasim Sarwar, Ph.D., Battery Systems Engineer, Williams Advanced Engineering
As OEMs transition to electrified vehicles, motorsport is undergoing a revolution, as many automotive manufacturers are turning to motorsport as a marketing tool to publicly showcase their technological prowess, and accelerate the pace of development
and innovation. This talk will outline how we adapt our F1 design philosophy to electric motorsport, the key differences between automotive and motorsport battery pack design using real examples, and a review of our continuous improvement process
to use learning from race data to improve battery software and hardware design.
17:50 Q&A
18:20 Networking Reception with Exhibit & Poster Viewing (Sponsorship Opportunity Available)
19:20 Close of Day
Thursday, 1 February
7:30 Registration Open
8:00 Breakfast Roundtable Discussions
Join your colleagues and fellow delegates over breakfast for a focused, informal discussion moderated by a member of our speaking faculty. A small group format allows participants to meet potential collaborators, share examples from their
own work, vet ideas with peers, and be part of a group problem-solving endeavor. Please click here for full details.
9:00 Chairperson’s Opening Remarks
Jens Groot, Ph.D., ESS Specialist – Cell Characterisation & Modelling, Electromobility Sub-systems, Volvo Group Trucks Technology (GTT) Advanced Technology & Research
9:05 A Modular Energy Storage Solution for Transit and Transportation
Tomasz Poznar, Ph.D., Vice President, Transportation, Ener1/EnerDel
In this presentation, EnerDel will present its next-generation chemistry and modular pack approach to providing energy storage for large transit vehicles. EnerDel products today power over 500 hybrid buses in North America, Korea, and Europe as
well as a series of fully electric bus, truck and rail applications. This presentation will focus on the evolution from a HEV ESS chemistry to a BEV ESS chemistry, discussing chemistry, modular packaging, and thermal management systems.
9:25 Commercial Vehicle BMS Design Goals: Safety, Scalability & Costs
Stefan Goede, Managing Director Research & Development, Munich Electrification GmbH
The market for electric truck and special utility vehicles is expected to grow strongly. This talk presents challenges and opportunities for commercial vehicle battery management systems. Some questions to be discussed include: What are relevant
BMS requirements for truck and other utility vehicles – can we just use standard BMSes from an electric passenger vehicle? ASIL B, C or D - how to apply ISO26262 correctly in commercial vehicle BMS development? We need flexible battery
architectures which support cost-efficient and safe scalability – do we need a gateway ECU? Outlook: How does an ideal BMS for a mass-market utility vehicles look like?
9:45 Advanced Sealing Components for Lithium Batteries
Peter Kritzer, Ph.D., Senior Application Manager, Sales Automotive/E-mobility, Freudenberg Sealing Technologies
We will present an overview of innovative components for Li battery systems. Besides “seals”, we will also present new products for pressure and thermal management.
10:05 Lessons Learned after More Than Three Years in Battery Life Cycle Management
Dirk Spiers, President, Spiers New Technologies
What did we learn in Life Cycle Management after three years for some of the major OEMs? From remanufacturing to repurposing (second life) battery packs, everything has a place in a constantly evolving market. We will be talking about the
importance of grading battery packs, sections and modules, case studies and best applications for repurposing battery packs.
10:25 Coffee Break with Exhibit & Poster Viewing (Sponsorship Opportunity Available)
11:10 Battery Development and Market Demand for Specialty Electric Vehicles
Axel Thielmann, Ph.D., Deputy Head, Competence Center for Emerging Technologies, Fraunhofer ISI
The talk will provide an overview on the development of key battery performance parameters and which battery technology will be suitable for upcoming EV applications such as buses, trucks, bikes, marine applications, etc. The current state
of market demand and future prospects are assessed across the different applications in order to provide an overview of size and dynamics of these emerging markets until 2025/2030 and beyond.
11:30 Truck & Bus: Technologies Challenges of the Battery System to Meet Different Customer Needs
Alessandro Bernardini, Director, Alternative Traction & Electrification, Commercial Vehicles - Product Development, CNH Industrial
We’ll share output of a few field activities and different real life testing experiences done by IVECO. We’ll highlight some key performances for different kinds of commercial vehicles and different mission profile. The aim is
to highlight some specific needs that are asking different development effort compared to passenger car industry.
11:50 The Future of Electric Busses – A Market and Technology Analysis
Markus Hackmann, Partner, E-Mobility, P3
The assessment of future market and technology developments as well as the associated business models for electric busses in the public transport sector is the focus of this contribution and will be described by a morphological analysis and
resulting key findings for the three main factors electric powertrain, battery system and charging infrastructure.
12:10 Towards High Performance Powertrain Solutions
Árpád Imre, Ph.D., Powertrain Systems Engineering, E-Mobility, Bosch Engineering GmbH
Since the cleanest, the most environmentally sustainable, and the cheapest energy is the energy we do not need to use and produce, the increase of the system efficiency is one of key topics towards future high performance powertrain systems.
My presentation will also include an actualized overview of the available battery performance indicators, such as electrical loss time as a function of volumetric and gravimetric energy density, lifetime, as well as Bosch engineering powertrain
project examples.
12:30 Q&A
12:40 Networking Lunch
13:25 Dessert Break with Exhibit & Poster Viewing
13:55 Chairperson’s Remarks
Dirk Spiers, President, Spiers New Technologies
14:00 Specialty EV Market Overview and Related Battery Demand
Lorenzo Grande, Ph.D., Technology Analyst, IDTechEx
This presentation will provide an assessment of the state of market development of specialty electric vehicles, focusing on electric buses, electric trucks, electric mining vehicles, two wheelers and electric marine ships and vessels. We will
provide an overview of the types and size of batteries (chemistry) that these types of vehicles are using. We will provide a 10 year forecast of these electric vehicle categories and a corresponding forecast of the battery demand for these
14:20 Scalable Cell Module Design for EVs & Plug-Ins
Christian Brommer, Manager, Cluster Mechanical Engineering, Deutsche ACCUmotive
14:40 New Battery Technologies for Electric Vehicles - What Will We See on the Road?
Jens Tübke, Ph.D., Director, Applied Electrochemistry, Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology
The talk will provide an overview of battery technologies that are currently under development and which might be suitable for use in vehicles. These different technologies are evaluated and their usability is shown for different mobile applications.
In particular, suitable technologies are also discussed for niche applications such as specialty vehicles.
15:00 13MW Charge Infrastructure in Amsterdam
Koen van Haperen, Business Development Manager, Heliox B.V.
The world’s largest opportunity and depot charging network for 100 electric buses. What will the future bring us in charge power and what expectations are there from the heavy duty & industrial market?
15:20 Q&A
15:35 Refreshment Break
15:50 Closing Plenary Session
15:50 Chairperson’s Remarks
Menahem Anderman, Ph.D., President, Total Battery Consulting, Inc.
15:55 Legal Aspects of High-Voltage Battery Safety
Juergen Wilhelmy, Product Safety HV Battery, Audi AG
High-voltage Li-ion battery technology is comparatively new in the automotive industry and field experience covering the whole vehicle life-cycle outside of controlled conditions is limited. Accidents were reported, and high-voltage Li-ion
batteries also present risks hitherto unknown in the industry, which has increased the manufacturer’s responsibility in relation to customers. What additional requirements must be met by car manufacturers and their suppliers? We
discuss product liability in relation to power-train high-voltage battery, and examine the boundaries between functional safety, technical compliance, and product safety.
16:15 The Low Emission Mobility Package and Implications for the Battery Market in the EU
Stefaan Vergote, Advisor to the Director for Climate Strategy, Governance and Emissions of Non-Trading Sectors, DG Climate Action, European Commission
Later in 2017, the European Commission will come forward with the Low Emission Mobility package, comprising the following elements: i), a legislative proposal regarding the CO2 performance of new cars and vans in a 2030 perspective, ii) an
Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Plan, addressing the deployment of charging infrastructure in the EU, iii) a Batteries Initiative, to support EU projects along the battery value chain. We will outline the key elements of these initiatives
and consider the potential implications for the future development of the battery market in the EU.
16:35 Transport Regulations for Li-Ion Batteries and the Impact on the Automotive Market
Paul Horner, Manager, Dangerous Goods Standards, International Air Transport Association
Safety concerns raised by air transport regulators have now been taken up by the UN Subcommittee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods with a view to develop a more comprehensive hazard-based approach to the classification of lithium
batteries. This presentation will look at potential developments to revise the transport regulations applicable to Li-ion batteries across all modes of transport with then a focus on air transport.
16:55 Q&A
17:10 Closing Remarks
17:15 Close of Conference