Monday, 29 January
10:45 – 12:45
TUT1: Li-Ion Battery Design and Simulation
Tutorial will cover topics including:
- A Brief Survey of Software Tools
- Battery Design Basics (Energy & Power)
- Cell Design (Components, including electrodes, separators, electrolytes, collectors; Stacked Plate and Spiral; Empirical Models; Macro-Homogeneous Models; Microstructural Models)
- Module Design (Series/Parallel; Cooling Strategies)
- Simulation of Ageing
- Simulation of Abuse
Instructor: Robert Spotnitz, Ph.D., President, Battery Design LLC
13:30 – 15:30
TUT2: Effect of Electrode and Cell Production Steps on Lithium Ion Battery Cell Performance and Costs
Topics to be covered include:
- Overview process chain for electrode and cell production (conventional and alternatives) – dry mixing, wet dispersing, coating, drying, calandering, final drying, slitting, cell assembling, electrolyte filling, formation
- Importance of mixing and dispersing step for later cell performance, especially c-rate performance and cycle stability
- Critical aspects in coating and drying of LIB electrodes
- Calandering and final drying to improve cell performance and volumetric energy density
- Cell assembly for high reproducibility and low costs
- Electrolyte filling and formation as time consuming and performance relevant production steps
- Process-structure-performance relationships as tools for optimization of lithium ion battery cells
- Virtual cell design to determine cell performance as function of important production parameters
- Cell cost calculation based on detailed process chain consideration
- Ecological impact of battery cell production
Instructor: Arno Kwade, Prof. Dr.-Ing., Battery LabFactory Braunschweig (BLB), TU Braunschweig
16:20 – 18:20
TUT3: The Rechargeable Battery Market: Value Chain and Main Trends 2017 - 2027
This tutorial will present the 10-year automotive market forecasts from Avicenne and other analysts (micro|Hybrid|P-HEV|EV). Other coverage will include car makers’ strategies, advanced energy storage (Advanced lead acid|Supercap|NiMH|LIB). Additionally, LIB design for P-HEV & EV markets (Cylindrical, prismatic, pouch|Wounded, stacked, Z fold cells) and LIB cell, module & pack cost structure 2017-2027 will be discussed.
Instructor: Christophe Pillot, Ph.D., Battery Survey Manager, Avicenne Energy, France