AABTAM Symposium Advanced Automotive Battery Technology, Application and Market will review the advanced vehicles that are being engineered by European automakers, the energy-storage technology under development to meet the requirements of those vehicles, and the pace of commercialization of both; with dedicated sessions covering micro, mild, strong and plug-in hybrids, and EV technology. See full program ... |  |  |  |  LLIBTA Symposium Large Lithium Ion Battery Technology and Application focus on large Li-Ion technology & application and includes sessions on materials, cell manufacturing, futuristic high-energy-density storage technologies, and none automotive applications for large Li Ion batteries. See full program... |
ECCAP Symposium Large EC Capacitor Technology and Application will assess advances in EC Capacitor materials, cell design and storage system applications as well as a session on new EC Capacitor products and business development technology and application. See full program... | |  | | Our six Tutorials will cover the industry's pivotal topics:
Electrochemical Capacitors: FundamentalsLarge Lithium-Ion Battery Design PrinciplesEngineering Supercapacitor Storage SystemsIntroduction into Lithium Battery MaterialsLithium-Ion Cell and Battery SafetyLithium-Ion Cell ManufacturingSee full program... |