| Company
Omar Abdel-Baqi | Caterpillar Global Mining | ECCAP Session 3 |
Dr. Omar Abdel-baqi was born in Al-zawya, Palestine. He received the B.S. degree from Palestine Polytechnic University, Hebron, Palestine, in 2000, the M.S. degree from University of Detroit Mercy, Detroit, MI, USA, in 2004, and the Ph.D. degree from University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, USA, in 2010 all in electrical engineering. He worked for KeyKert USA, Novi, MI, USA, from 2004-2007. He also worked for Bucyrus International, South Milwaukee, WI, USA from 2007-2010. He is currently Sr. Engineering Specialist at Caterpillar global Mining in S. Milwaukee.
Daniel Abraham | Argonne National Laboratory | LLIBTA Session A1 |
 Dr. Daniel Abraham is a leading scientist in the field of lithium batteries. At Argonne, he leads the effort to identify performance degradation mechanisms in lithium-ion cells to enable development of alternative materials and components that enhance cell performance, calendar life, and safety. He is responsible for the development of advanced diagnostic tools and techniques that include diffraction, microscopy, spectroscopy and electrochemistry methodologies, which provide a fundamental understanding of materials and processes responsible for battery performance. His interests range from the discovery and development of electrode and electrolyte materials for sustainable and environmentally friendly batteries to recycling existing lithium-ion cells to recover non-renewable components. Dr. Abraham received his Ph.D. in Metallurgical Engineering in 1993 at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is a frequent lecturer at international meetings on battery-related topics, and is routinely featured and/or quoted in the Argonne, DOE, and international press.
Menahem Anderman | Advanced Automotive Batteries | AABTAM Session 1 AABTAM Session 3 |
President of Advanced Automotive Batteries and founder of Total Battery Consulting, Inc., Dr. Anderman has led the development and commercialization of high-power Ni-Cd batteries, Li-Ion batteries, and ultracapacitors and spent the last ten years conducting assessments of energy-storage technologies for advanced vehicles, publishing Advanced Automotive Battery Industry Reports and chairing the AABC.
Andrea Balducci | Muenster University | ECCAP Session 1 |
Andrea Balducci took his PhD in Materials Science in 2006 at the Paul Sabatier University of Toulouse, France. Since October 2009, he is the scientific leader of the supercapacitors group at MEET Battery Research Center of the University of Münster. He is working on the development of safe and high performance supercapacitors and lithium-ion batteries. He is also interested on the development of new type of hybrid, high power devices.
Javier Bareño | Argonne National Laboratory | LLIBTA Session B2 |
Javier Bareño works on characterization of physicochemical changes occurring during cell cycling, applying a combination of spectroscopy, microscopy and chromatography under controlled atmosphere. Javier got his Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign in 2008.
François Béguin | Poznan University of Technology | Tutorial A ECCAP Session 1 |
François Béguin is Professor in Poznan University of Technology (Poland), where he leads a research group working on energy storage systems (supercapacitors and lithium-ion batteries). He is especially interested by the applications of carbon materials to these systems, and he develops new processes to control the porosity and surface functionality of carbons. In the case of supercapacitors, his recent activities are dedicated to asymmetric and hybrid capacitors and to environment friendly systems. In 2013, he edited a book entitled “Supercapacitors: materials, systems and applications”.
Adam Best | CSIRO | LLIBTA Session A2 |
Dr. Adam Best received his Ph.D. from Monash University, Australia in 2002 before being awarded a Senior Post-Doctoral Fellowship at Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, to work on high temperature batteries (2002 - 03). In 2004 he returned to Australia to join the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Division of Energy Technology, as a post-doctoral fellow to work on ionic liquid electrolytes for lithium metal batteries. Dr. Best was promoted to Research Scientist in 2007 and leads a number of battery research programs utilising ionic liquid electrolytes including to enabling high voltage battery cathodes and lithium-sulfur batteries. Dr. Best’s other research interests include energy harvesting, capacitors and hydrogen storage. He has 52 publications and 10 patents, with a H index of 17 and over 1500 lifetime citations.
Peter Birke | SK Continental E-Motion GmbH | LLIBTA Session B3 |
Dr. Peter Birke obtained his PhD in materials science (ion conducting ceramics) from the University of Kiel in 1997. In 1998, he joined the Fraunhofer-Institute for Silicon Technology, Itzehoe, Germany, to work on the development of proprietary Li-Ion laminated cell with a functional ceramic separator and co-founded two spin-offs to put this technology into production. After being involved in the development and production of pouch type laminated (PoLiFlex) Li-Ion cells at Varta for five years, Dr. Birke joined Continental AG in Berlin in 2005, first as a project leader in energy-storage systems. He became senior technical expert in battery technology and team Leader in cell technology, and in 2010 was appointed head of battery module and electromechanics. Dr. Birke has 17 years of experience in research, development, and production of energy-storage systems with a focus on Li-Ion technology.
Carlton Brown | Robert Bosch GmbH | LLIBTA Session B3 |
Carlton Brown is the North American Director of Engineering for battery pack systems. Having sparked his passion for vehicle electrification while building a solar-electric race car in college, he has been developing automotive battery pack systems commercially for the last fourteen years. This included leading the development of production battery pack systems for four automotive OEMs, incorporating NiMH and Li-ion battery technologies. His passion for vehicles and electric propulsion extends to his personal initiatives, including the construction of his own electric car and a solar-electric boat. Mr. Brown earned a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology.
James O. Burke | Kold-Ban International, Ltd. | ECCAP Session 3 |
James Burke started in 1975 with KBI where he is now Vice President. Has been issued 12 US Patents for Vehicular Supplemental Energy Storage Systems and Cold Weather Starting Systems and has participated in numerous cold-room developmental programs that have led to successful products and applications of technology with major international corporations.
Jon Christophersen | Idaho National Laboratory | LLIBTA Session B2 |
Jon P. Christophersen received a B.S. and M.S. in electrical engineering from the University of Idaho (Moscow, ID) in 1999 and 2005, respectively, and a Ph.D. from Montana State University (Bozeman, MT) in electrical engineering in May 2011. He is the technical program manager for the Idaho National Laboratory’s Battery Testing Center in Idaho Falls, ID. His research interests include developing accelerated aging protocols, battery life modeling, as well as battery life prognostics and state-of-health estimation. He received an R&D 100 Award in 2011 for the Impedance Measurement Box, which offers innovative breakthroughs on rapid impedance measurement techniques for onboard monitoring of energy storage devices. He has authored or co-authored over 15 peer-reviewed journal publications. He also has three patents, several patents pending, and numerous conference proceedings papers and presentations related to energy storage testing, modeling, and prognostics.
Steven Clark | Chrysler | AABTAM Session 4 |
Mr. Steven Clark is currently the Senior Manager of the Energy Storage & HV Systems Department at Chrysler Group LLC in Auburn Hills, MI. Mr. Clark is also on the Management Committee of the U.S. Advanced Battery Consortium (USABC). He joined Chrysler in 1984 and has held positions in 12 volt Powernet & Batteries, E/E Systems, Powertrain E/E Systems, Core Powertrain Controllers and the HEV team at the Hybrid Development Center in Troy, MI. Mr. Clark’s current responsibilities include: Energy Storage Systems, Battery Management Systems and High Voltage Systems development. Mr. Clark holds a BSME and an MBA from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, MI.
Jason Croy | Argonne National Laboratory | LLIBTA Session A1 |
Mr. Croy received a Ph.D. in physics from the University of Central Florida in Orlando, FL in 2010. Since then he has been working on the synthesis and characterization of novel cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries at Argonne National Laboratory in the Electrochemical Energy Storage Group.
Roberto Cubells | Mondragon Componentes | ECCAP Session 2 |
Mr. Cubells started his career as a student apprentice at Ford Motor Co. in the UK after earning a National Engineering Diploma (OND) and a BEng degree in Electrics and Electronics. He was the managing director at Instron Corporation (a North American company) for Spain and Portugal for more tan 30 years. He is now the Product Manager fo Super Capacitors at Mondragon Corporation. Mr. Cubells was educated in England and has been living in Spain for 40 years.
Mark S. Duvall | Electric Power Research Institute | AABTAM Session 5 |
Mark Duvall is responsible for EPRI's research and development program for electric transportation, including electric, plug-in hybrid, and fuel cell vehicle programs and related advanced infrastructure. He oversees a number of partnerships and collaborations between EPRI and electric utilities, automotive companies, local, state, and federal agencies, national laboratories, and academic research institutions. Prior to joining EPRI, Mark held the position of Principal Development Engineer at the Hybrid Electric Vehicle Center of the University of California, Davis. He has worked in the field of advanced transportation since 1990 and has led the development of several prototype advanced vehicles. He holds B.S and M.S degrees in Mechanical Engineering from the University of California, Davis and a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Purdue University.
Trevor Dzwiniel | Argonne National Laboratory | LLIBTA Session A2 |
Dr. Dzwiniel has a Ph. D. in Chemistry from the University of Alberta, Canada with Professor Jeff Stryker and two years postdoctoral work at the University of Wisconsin- Madison with Professor Chuck Casey. He has spent close to 10 years in the pharmaceutical industry in process development, working on scale-up research of new chemical processes for the production of advanced pharmaceutical ingredients (API’s), the bioactive component of a drug. He joined Argonne National Laboratory in August 2010 and has been focused on process development, synthesis, and scale-up of advanced battery materials.
Ben Echols | Georgia Power | AABTAM Session 5 |
Ben Echols is the Program Manager for Electric Transportation at Georgia Power Company, a Southern Company. He is based in Atlanta, Georgia and has managed their electric transportation program activities since 1997. Ben is constantly engaged with other utilities, auto & battery manufacturers, and research/policy organizations throughout North America representing both Georgia Power and Southern Company. He is responsible for promoting business solutions that will benefit customers so that they can receive economic, efficiency, and environmental benefits by using electricity as their transportation fuel of choice. Some of the ET projects Ben has managed include; public infrastructure development for electric vehicles, Car Share demonstration programs using electric vehicles, electric bus shuttles and numerous other electric transportation research & development projects that convert internal combustion engines to electric motors. Before working with Electric Transportation, Ben worked in the Information Technology area within the Southern Company and has over 27 years of service. Ben received a B.S. degree in Computer Science from Kennesaw State University.
Michael Everett | Maxwell Technologies | ECCAP Session 3 |
Michael Everett has been the Chief Technical Officer for Maxwell Technologies Inc. since December, 2005 and is responsible for new energy storage technology development. Mike is focused on driving the company towards creating and commercializing advanced technology to keep ahead of the market requirements and to enable growth and prosperity for Maxwell and its customers. Mike joined Maxwell in 2002 occupying various positions inside the organization prior to becoming the CTO.
Mike has a multidisciplinary background including multiple degrees in three disciplines. Mechanical Engineering is where Mike ultimately focused his academic and professional efforts and he holds a BSME from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, California.
Oliver Fenker | Liebherr-Components Biberach GmbH | ECCAP Session 3 |
Dr Oliver Fenker is member of the board of managers at Liebherr-Component Biberach GmbH in Germany. He is responsible for the development and sales of control technology which in particular includes switchgears and components for power electronics. Prior to his present position he was responsible for the electrical hardware and software design of drive systems for tower cranes, container cranes and mining trucks at the same factory. Before Mr. Fenker joined Liebherr in 1998 he received his PhD from the Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany, in electrical engineering.
Ozgenur K. Feridun | Argonne National Laboratory | LLIBTA Session A3 |
Ozgenur (Ozge) Feridun holds a doctoral degree on Materials Science and Engineering. She has been working at Argonne National Laboratory as a postdoc since October 2012. Her main focus area is the process development and scale up of cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries.
Joel Forman | Exponent | LLIBTA Session B3 |
Dr. Joel Forman is a technical consultant at Exponent, Inc. where he applies his expertise to improving the performance, reliability, and safety of complex electrochemical energy storage systems. Much of his recent work has been in the area of experimental design and large scale processing of experimental data. His Ph.D. thesis used information theory, optimization, and electrochemical modeling to design battery experiments that resulted in richer data for model fitting. His formal training is in the areas of mechanical engineering and mathematics, specifically focusing on nonlinear modeling, control, and estimation.
Elżbieta Frąckowiak | Poznan University of Technology | ECCAP Session 1 |
Dr. Elzbieta Frackowiak is full professor in the Institute of Chemistry and Technical Electrochemistry at Poznan University of Technology, Poland. She is Chair of Division 3 “Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage” of the International Society of Electrochemistry (2009-2014), winner of the Foundation for Polish Science Prize (December 2011), and corresponding Member of the Polish Academy of Sciences. She is the author of over 150 publications. Her mains research topics are: energy storage in electrochemical capacitors, Li-ion batteries, hydrogen electrosorption using various electrode materials (nanoporous carbons, template carbons, carbon nanotubes, graphene, conducting polymers, doped carbons and transition metal oxides); new concepts of supercapacitors based on the carbon/redox couples interface.
Thomas F. Fuller | Georgia Institute of Technology | LLIBTA Session B1 |
Tom Fuller is a Professor in the School Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology. After completing his undergraduate studies, Dr. Fuller served for five years in the U.S. Navy in the submarine force working as a Nuclear Engineer. In 1992 he obtained a Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley in Chemical Engineering. Subsequently, Dr. Fuller developed advanced lithium batteries while working as a postdoctoral fellow at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. He then moved to United Technologies Corporation in 1993. Dr. Fuller was director of engineering and responsible for technology development, design, assembly, and test of cell stacks for UTC Fuel Cells. Beginning in July 2009, Dr. Fuller has been serving as an Associate Editor for the Journal of the Electrochemical Society. In 2009 Dr. Fuller was named a Fellow of the Electrochemical Society.
Toshihiko Furukawa | Nippon Chemi-Con Corporation | ECCAP Session 2 |
Toshihiko Furukawa has an electrical engineering degree Tokai University Japan. His technical background is the power electronics and the high frequency amplifier design and development, with over twenty year experience. He is currently focusing on DLCAPTM technical support and business development in the global market. United Chemi-Con/Nippon Chemi-Con Group IEEE Membership / 92515077, SAE Membership /6125613949
John German | International Council for Clean Transportation | AABTAM Session 1 |
John German is a Program Director for the International Council for Clean Transportation, with primarily responsibility for technology innovation and U.S. policy development. Mr. German spent 8 years in Powertrain Engineering at Chrysler working on fuel economy issues, followed by 13 years doing research and writing regulations for EPA’s Office of Mobile Sources and 11 years as Manager of Environmental and Energy Analyses for American Honda Motor Company. Mr. German has published a variety of technical papers and a book on hybrid gasoline-electric vehicles published by SAE. He was the first recipient of the Barry D. McNutt award, presented annually by SAE for Excellence in Automotive Policy Analysis.
Oliver Gross | Chrysler LLC - USABC | AABTAM Session 2 |
Mr. Gross is an Energy Storage Systems Specialist, for High Voltage Energy Storage Solutions, at Chrysler Group, LLC, where he is responsible for the Battery systems technology roadmap and architecture for the Chrysler and Fiat Groups. He is also a member of the United States Advanced Battery Consortium Technical Advisory Committee, and chairs the committee on Stop Start and 48V Hybrid batteries. He holds both a BS and a Master’s Degree in Materials Science, for the University of Toronto. Mr. Gross has 20 years’ experience in the advanced energy storage industry. Prior to Chrysler, he was at Cobasys, where he was responsible for all Nickel Metal-Hydride cell and module development, as well as the development of their lithium-ion battery portfolio. Mr. Gross currently holds over 10 patents, and more than 20 publications.
Ilan Gur | ARPA-E | AABTAM Session 4 |
 Ilan Gur is a Program Director at the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E). His technical focus areas include: energy storage, solar energy, and advanced materials. He also serves as a senior advisor and cofounder of ARPA-E's Technology-to-Market program, aimed at maximizing the commercial and societal impact of the agency's breakthrough R&D portfolio. Prior to ARPA-E, Gur co-founded Seeo, Inc., a venture-backed lithium battery startup. Dr. Gur holds a Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley, where he developed a new class of low-cost solar cells based on printed semiconductors under Professor Paul Alivisatos. This work led to seminal publications and patents, and was the basis for Solexant, a company commercializing the technology for grid-parity solar power. As a member of the professional faculty at Berkeley's Haas School of Business and in the College of Engineering, Gur has developed several curricula that tie together the science, market, and policy aspects of technology disruption.
Chad Hall | Ioxus | ECCAP Session 2 ECCAP Session 3 |
Chad Hall is the co-founder and VP of sales and product management for Ioxus, Inc. His engineering, manufacturing, sales, development, and marketing skills have been instrumental in setting Ioxus in motion and continuing its fast-paced market growth. Over his career, Chad has been heavily involved in several National Lab projects and played key roles in each of their successes. Mr. Hall has performed a critical role in the development of Ioxus by setting up the factory and in securing VC funding as well as federal and state resources for the establishment of the company and further development of products. He attends and speaks at multiple conferences and technology summits in the electrochemical energy storage industry and he continues to contribute to the IP portfolio of the company. Chad is a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and is the Alumnus of Merit, 2010, for SUNY College of Technology at Delhi.
Steve Hartridge | CD-Adapco | AABTAM Session 4 |
Steve Hartridge has worked for CD-adapco from 2000 and currently holds the position of Director, Electric & Hybrid Vehicles. He is part of a team of scientists and software developers creating analysis methods in the emerging market of vehicle electrification, one major thread being battery modelling. Steve holds a first engineering degree from the University of Warwick and an MBA from Imperial College Business School in London. Steve has been involved in the field of computer aided analysis for over 18 years, both using and developing software products. He is a regular speaker at battery & automotive industry events talking specifically on the subject of numerical simulation technologies as an enabler to product development.
Juergen Hofmann | Porsche | AABTAM Session 3 |
Juergen Hofmann is Senior Manager of E/E Development for energy management/ high voltage at Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG. He studied Electrical Engineering at the University of Stuttgart and joined Porsche in 1990 at the department of measurement engineering. Since then Mr. Hofmann has held several executive positions in the company.
Andrew Jansen | Argonne National Laboratory | LLIBTA Session A3 |
Dr. Andrew N. Jansen is a Principal Chemical Engineer at Argonne National Laboratory and has over 20 years of experience in research and development of advanced battery systems at Argonne. He holds three chemical engineering degrees: Ph.D. from the University of Florida, M.S from the University of Virginia, and B.S. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Much of his research has centered on the use of lithium-based batteries such as lithium-alloy/iron disulfide, lithium polymer, and lithium-ion batteries for transportation applications. He has recently expanded his interest to include grid energy storage. Dr. Jansen is the team lead of the Cell Analysis, Modeling, and Prototyping (CAMP) Facility at Argonne, which is focused on the advancement of novel high energy cell systems.
Steven Kaye | Wildcat Discovery Technologies | LLIBTA Session A2 |
 Dr. Steven Kaye is the Chief Scientific Officer of Wildcat Discovery Technologies, a materials discovery company focused on battery materials and other clean energy applications. Upon joining Wildcat, Dr. Kaye played a key role in the development of Wildcat’s proprietary high throughput battery materials workflow including unique electrochemical instruments, mills and formulation processes. Dr. Kaye has led the Wildcat research team in over 70 collaborative projects and to the discovery of numerous battery materials, including novel high voltage cathode and electrolyte materials. Prior to joining Wildcat, Dr. Kaye completed his Ph.D. in inorganic chemistry at the University of California, Berkeley under the supervision of Professor Jeffrey R. Long. Dr. Kaye’s research at the University of California, Berkeley focused on the design and synthesis of new microporous coordination solids for applications in gas storage, gas separation and as microporous magnets. While at Wildcat, Dr. Kaye leveraged that background to co-invent highly parallel gas sorption instruments that are now being used at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
Jeff Kessen | A123 Systems | AABTAM Session 2 |
Jeff Kessen is Vice President of Corporate Strategy at A123 Systems where he leads strategic alliances and product management on a global basis. Prior to joining A123 in 2009, he spent 11 years in a small division of Bosch with progressive business responsibility for powertrain software engineering. Earlier in his career, Jeff worked in chassis development at General Motors. He holds a degree in Mechanical Engineering from GMI Engineering & Management Institute and an MBA from the University of Michigan.
Gi-Heon Kim | National Renewable Energy Laboratory | LLIBTA Session B1 |
Dr. Gi-Heon Kim is leading multi-physics lithium battery modeling task in his team at U.S. Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory. He also currently serves as a technical monitor and technical advisor of DOE’s Computer-aided Engineering for Electric Drive Vehicle Batteries program (CAEBAT). He is the lead developer of NREL’s pioneering multiscale multiphysics battery model, the Multi-Scale Multi-Domain (MSMD) model – of which the success founded the initiation of CAEBAT, resolving the nonlinear interplay of lithium-ion battery physics in varied length scales. He is also internationally recognized for his expertise in lithium-ion battery safety research and engineering with multiple publications and patents.
Stephen J. Kim | SK Continental | AABTAM Session 1 |
Stephen J. Kim is the President and CEO of SK Continental E-motion, a joint venture between SK Innovation and Continental to develop and produce battery systems for automobiles. In his current role, Mr. Kim is responsible for overall strategic direction and operations of SK Continental E-motion. Mr. Kim has spent three years in SK Innovation as Head of Battery Division and as the Executive Marketing Officer of the Battery Business. He was one of the initial members of the Battery Business Division at SK Innovation, and successfully established the business foundation by winning commercial projects with Hyundai Motor Company, Daimler, Beijing Automotive and Shanghai Auto. Prior to SK Innovation, Mr. Kim held various executive roles at Delphi Corporation in Customer Executive and Global Sales for more than ten years, winning more than $3 billion worth of business globally. He began his career at General Motors where he spent sixteen years gaining in-depth automotive expertise and hands-on experience as he went through various roles as project engineer, manufacturing engineer and regional director. Mr. Kim holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering from University of Illinois and an MS in Mechanical Engineering from Youngstown State University, Ohio.
Young Duk Kim | LG Chem | AABTAM Session 2 |
Dr. Young Duk Kim is currently Vice-President of Product Planning Department at Advanced Automotive Battery Division, Energy Solution Company at LG Chem. Dr. Kim earned a Bachelor’s degree in Fiber and Polymer Engineering from Seoul National University and a PhD in chemical engineering from KAIST. In 1998 he became research scientist at UC Berkely and joinged LG Chem as Senior Researcher in 2000. In 2005 he became senior manager in charge of battery business at LG Corporation, and in 2010, Senior General Manager of the Business Management Team. In 2012, Dr. Kim joined LG Chem’s Energy Solution Company as Vice President of the Technology Strategy Department.
Aaron Knobloch | General Electric | LLIBTA Session B3 |
 Dr. Aaron Knobloch is a Senior Scientist at General Electric’s Global Research Center working in the Photonics Laboratory as part of the Micro and Nano Structures Technologies organization. He received his B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Bucknell University in 1998 with honors and his M.S. and Ph.D. in the same discipline in 2002 and 2003 respectively from the University of California at Berkeley. In 2003, he joined GE Global Research in the Electronic Materials and Manufacturing Laboratory as MEMS Development Engineer. Dr. Knobloch holds 10 patents with more than 7 other patents pending and is the author of 36 peer reviewed conference papers and journal articles. For 10 years at GE, his research interests have focused on novel sensors and packaging to enable measurements not possible with existing sensors especially in harsh environments and at high temperatures. The applications of these sensors include aviation gas turbines, land based gas turbines, oil and gas exploration and electric vehicles. Outside of GE, Dr. Knobloch is an active member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineering (ASME) and currently serves as the Vice Chair for the ASME Congress Steering Committee.
Daniel Kok | Ford Motor Co. | AABTAM Session 2 |
Dr. Daniel Kok is Ford Motor Company's Manager for Advanced Electrified Powertrain Systems. In 1994, he graduated as M.Sc. Mechanical Engineering and started working as a Research Associate at Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands. From 1999 to 2000, he worked for TNO Automotive in Delft, The Netherlands, as Project Leader Hybrid Electric Vehicles. In 1999, he received his Ph.D. degree based on a thesis "Design Optimisation of a Flywheel Hybrid Vehicle". In 2000, he joined the Ford Research Center in Aachen, Germany as Technical Specialist. In July 2005, he transferred to the Ford Dunton Engineering Center in the UK as Global Manager for Micro-Hybrid Systems. In November 2011, he transferred to Ford Dearborn Engineering Center in the US. In his current position, he is responsible for the system design of Ford’s next generation of electrified vehicles.
Kevin Konecky | Total Battery Consulting | Tutorial E |
Mr. Kevin Konecky is an Energy Storage Systems consultant for Total Battery Consulting, where he works with a number of companies in developing and refining their Energy Storage Systems (ESS); as well as assisting in scope development and reviews of technical design, costs, manufacturing and safety. Mr. Konecky has been a career-long proponent of strong product development and test plans that ensures a robust product for production. He has worked in the advanced vehicle and battery industry for over 16 years. Mr. Konecky has previously worked at Fisker Automotive, General Motors, EnerDel, Cobasys and Lockheed Martin (now BAE Systems); developing multiple battery systems that are in use on hybrid passenger and commercial vehicles. He has authored multiple presentations and presented at industry conferences. Mr. Konecky has a BS in Electrical Engineering from Clarkson University (Potsdam, NY) and a MS in Electrical Engineering from Purdue (IUPUI-Indianapolis, IN).
Perry Kramer | East Penn Mfg. Co. | AABTAM Session 2 |
Perry Kramer is a Research Scientist, in the Research and Development department at East Penn Manufacturing Co., Inc. where he is responsible for R&D development of products, projects and processes and battery testing for various product lines. He is currently a major contributor in the design and development of advanced automotive lead-acid batteries at East Penn. He has been in the battery industry for 10 years. Three of those years were spent in an analytical lab analyzing individual battery components. Perry has a B.S. in Chemistry from Moravian College (Major in Chemistry/Minor in Biology).
Prashant Kumta | University of Pittsburgh | LLIBTA Session A1 |
 Professor Kumta obtained his Bachelor of Technology in Metallurgical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India in 1984. He then obtained his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Materials Science and Engineering from the University of Arizona in 1987 and 1990, respectively. He recently joined the University of Pittsburgh after serving on the faculty at Carnegie Mellon University for 17 years, and is currently the Edward R. Weidlein Chair Professor in the Swanson School of Engineering and the School of Dental Medicine. His main research interests are in the synthesis, structure and properties of nanostructured materials for electrochemical electronic, bone tissue engineering, biomineralization, and non-viral gene delivery applications. Professor Kumta is the recipient of the NSF Research Initiation Award (RIA), a Fellow of the American Ceramic Society (ACerS), and a Fellow of the American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineers (AIMBE). He has edited/co-edited 9 books, given more than 100 invited presentations and is the author and co-author of more than 200 refereed publications. He is currently the Editor in Chief of Materials Science and Engineering, B, Advanced Functional Solid-State Materials, an International Journal by Elsevier.
Simon Lambert | Newcastle University | LLIBTA Session B2 |
Dr Simon Lambert received a MEng degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Newcastle University in 2008 and subsequently, in 2012, was awarded a PhD for his work on “Voltage Equalisation Techniques for High capacitance Device modules” also from Newcastle University. Since 2010 he has been attached to the Centre for Advanced Electric Drives at the school of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Newcastle University working on a range of projects in electrochemical energy storage, power electronics, drives and machines. He is a founding member of Newcastle University’s Battery Research Group – a group of academics and researchers specialising in power electronic interface, modelling and characterisation, state of health estimation and behaviour prediction of Li-ion batteries.
Soduk Lee | US Environmental Protection Agency | LLIBTA Session B3 |
Dr. SoDuk Lee is a subject matter expert in hybrid electric vehicles, battery systems, electrical power steering, and e-turbo compounding at the Light-Duty and Small Engine Center, Assessment and Standards Division at US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Ann Arbor. Before joining US EPA, Dr. SoDuk had extensive industrial experience in hybrid vehicle battery systems, controls, and powertrain development at Ford Motor Company. Soduk has published 17 publications and many confidential research papers in the areas of hybrid electric vehicles, battery management controls, powertrains, etc. Dr. SoDuk holds a PhD degree in mechanical engineering from University of Texas.
Andy Leutheuser | General Motors | AABTAM Session 3 |
Jianlin Li | Oak Ridge National Laboratory | LLIBTA Session A1 |
Dr. Jianlin Li is a research scientist at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. He received his Ph.D at Materials Science and Engineering from University of Florida. His current research focuses on low cost processing of lithium-ion batteries, in-line quality control in electrode manufacturing, and battery assembly, diagnostic and testing.
Ping Liu | ARPA-E | LLIBTA Session A3 |
Dr. Ping Liu currently serves as a Program Director at the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E). His main focuses include advanced materials for energy efficiency and energy conversion and storage. Dr. Liu was previously Manager of Energy Technology at HRL Laboratories, an industrial research company jointly owned by the Boeing Company and General Motors. At HRL, Dr. Liu led a broad range of research activities in energy conversion and storage for owner companies as well as government and commercial customers. Dr. Liu also developed a variety of concepts in multifunctional power, solid-state batteries, and lithium-sulfur chemistry. Prior to joining HRL in 2003, Dr. Liu was a member of the technical staff at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). Dr Liu received his B.S., M.S. and Ph.D., all in chemistry, from Fudan University in China.
Joe Lo Grasso | General Motors | LLIBTA Session B2 |
Mr. Joe LoGrasso has worked at GM for 27 years including the past 20 in development of advanced propulsion technology and energy-storage systems for electric, hybrid, and fuel cell vehicles. He was a key contributor to the GM's early electric drive programs including the EV1 Electric Vehicle, Precept and Autonomy Fuel Cell prototype vehicles, and most recently has led GM's technology development of Lithium-Ion batteries for GM's hybrid, Plug-in hybrid, and extended range electric vehicle programs including the GM Volt. He manages battery pack system requirements, performance & safety, as well as cell engineering, and he is responsible for battery technology assessment, qualification, and strategy.
Michael Lord | Toyota Technical Center USA | AABTAM Session 1 |
Michael Lord is a Manager in Vehicle Regulation & Certification Engineering for Toyota Technical Center (TTC), the North American research arm of Toyota Motor Engineering & Manufacturing North America (TEMA). Mr. Lord has a B.A. in Physics from the University of Pennsylvania and studied Japanese language at Sophia University in Japan before joining Toyota Motor Corporation in 1987. In 1993, he transferred to TTC where he works closely with Toyota engineering and US regulators on issues related to future powertrains, including the On-Board Diagnostic (OBD), Low-Emission Vehicle (LEV), and Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) regulations.
Richard Lowenthal | ChargePoint | AABTAM Session 5 |
Richard Lowenthal is the Chief Technical Officer of ChargePoint, which he founded in 2007. He was the CEO of ChargePoint from 2007 until 2011. From 1998 until 2007 he was instrumental in starting several companies, including Lightera and Procket Networks. From 1996 to 1997, Mr. Lowenthal was a vice president and general manager at Cisco. From 1990 through 1995, Mr. Lowenthal was vice president of research and development for StrataCom, a telecommunications equipment company. Prior to StrataCom, Mr. Lowenthal was co-founder and vice president of engineering for Stardent Computers, and vice president of engineering for Convergent Technologies. Mr. Lowenthal is also a former Mayor of Cupertino, California, and has been heavily involved in the non-profit world. He has a BS degree in Electrical Engineering from UC Berkeley.
Brett Lucht | University of Rhode Island | LLIBTA Session A2 |
 Brett Lucht received a B.S. with honors in Chemistry from the University of Puget Sound in 1991. He obtained a Ph.D. in Chemistry in 1996 from Cornell University working with David Collum and then moved to the University of California for post-doctoral research with T. Don Tilley. He arrived at the University of Rhode Island in 1998, was promoted to Associate Professor with tenure in 2002 and Professor in 2006 and was Co-Director of the URI Partnership for Energy from 2006-2010. His research at URI is focused on novel electrolytes and electrolyte electrode interfaces for Lithium-Ion batteries for electric vehicle applications. He has published over seventy articles in peer reviewed journals which have received over 1,700 citations and has an h-factor of 26. He has four patents and two patents pending, has been interviewed by several local media outlets, and has been an invited speaker to over 50 companies, universities, national laboratories, and national or international conferences. His research has been funded by several federal agencies including DOE, NASA, NSF, USDA, and US-DOT and several companies.
Yurii Maletin | Yunasko | ECCAP Session 2 |
Dr. Maletin has 25 years of research experience in supercapacitor technology. As the Chief Scientist in Yunasko he is responsible for the R&D activities and IP development. For many years Dr. Maletin also worked for the National Academy of Science of Ukraine (NASU). He published over 80 scientific papers and was a co-inventor of over 30 patents and patent applications. He has Master degree in Chemistry from M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, PhD in Inorganic Chemistry from the NASU, and DSc in Physical Chemistry from Russian Academy of Science. Dr. Maletin is also a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, UK.
Chad McDonald | Maxwell Technologies | ECCAP Session 2 |
Chad McDonald has been Director of Product Marketing for Maxwell Technologies Inc. since December, 2010. His responsibilities include Product Marketing, Product Management, Segment Marketing and Field Marketing teams and his focus is on defining Maxwell’s focus markets and applications along with its associated product roadmaps and growth strategies. Chad joined Maxwell with over 17 years of Product Marketing & Product Management experience with a variety of high volume manufacturing and leading Consumer Electronics brands including Gateway Computer, Kyocera Wireless and Huawei Communications. He holds a BS in Biology from Wartburg College in Waverly, IA.
John R. Miller | JME, Inc. | Tutorial B ECCAP Session 2 |
Dr. John R. Miller is President of JME, Inc., a consulting firm specializing in ultracapacitor development, testing, and application. John is a well-known expert in ultracapacitor technology with 25 years of experience in the industry. In the past five years, prior to joining the AABC team, he has chaired the Advanced Capacitor World Summit.
Ted Miller | Ford Motor Co. | AABTAM Session 3 |
 Ted Miller is Ford's Senior Manager of Energy Storage and Materials Strategy and Research. His team is responsible for energy storage strategy, research, development and implementation for all Ford hybrid, plug-in hybrid, battery electric, and fuel cell vehicles. Mr. Miller's team supports global prototype and production vehicle development programs. They are involved in every aspect of energy storage design and use from raw materials to end-of-life recycling. His team also sponsors collaborative research programs at the University of Michigan, where they will soon be opening a new joint battery fabrication and evaluation lab, Stanford, MIT, Ohio State University, and a number of other major universities worldwide. Mr. Miller is Chairman of the United States Advanced Battery Consortium (USABC) Management Committee. He holds a number of energy storage technology patents, is the author of many published papers in the field, and an experienced speaker on advanced energy storage technology and materials.
Katsuhiko Naoi | Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology | ECCAP Session 1 |
Prof. Katsuhiko Naoi is a professor of chemistry at the Institute of Symbiotic Science & Technology at Tokyo University of Agriculture & Technology (TAT). He also serves as a CTO of K&W Inc., a TAT venture company dealing with "Energy Solutions for the Future." With a Ph.D. from Waseda University, Tokyo, his research interests are advanced supercapacitors, future nanobatteries, and energy, environmental, and materials science.
Christian Neumann | Heraeus Quarzglas GmbH & Co. KG | LLIBTA Session B1 |
Dr. Christian Neumann was born in 1976 in Lich, Germany. He studied Physics at the Justus Liebig University in Giessen, Germany and at the University of Washington in Seattle, USA. Specializing in materials synthesis he was subsequently awarded a PhD. He commenced his professional career in 2007 as a R&D project manager in the Base Materials Division at Heraeus Quarzglas GmbH & Co. KG in Kleinostheim, where he worked on both new material grades of silica glass and technical aspects of mass production. In 2010, Dr. Neumann became head of New Business Development at Heraeus Quarzglas.
Ronald Outlaw | College of William and Mary | ECCAP Session 1 |
Prof. Outlaw has been a research professor in the Department of Applied Science at the College of William and Mary for the past twelve years. His research concentration has been in the area of low pressure physics, surface science and thin films. Currently, he has been working on nanotechnology, specifically on vertically oriented graphene sheets for electrical double layer capacitors with a very high dynamic response. Previously, he was a senior research scientist with NASA, where he worked on project Viking (first Mars lander), the Long Duration Exposure Facility, the National Aerospace Plane and was instrumental in the development of the Wake Shield Facility which was flown on two shuttle flights. He has published over 100 technical papers in peer reviewed journals and holds 7 patents.
Ahmad Pesaran | National Renewable Energy Laboratory | LLIBTA Session B2 ECCAP Session 2 |
 Dr. Pesaran holds a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from University of California, Los Angeles. He has worked at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory since 1983 on various energy efficiency technologies in building, advanced air conditioning, and automotive batteries. Dr. Pesaran started working on batteries, hybrid electric, and fuel cell vehicles in 1995, collaborating with car and battery manufacturers on battery thermal analysis and battery pack thermal management issues as part of the US Department of Energy’s Vehicle Technologies Programs. He currently leads several projects for Department of Energy and industrial partners, which include thermal characterization and analysis of batteries, modeling and simulation of batteries and ultracapacitors, use for hybrid and plug-in vehicles, and battery secondary use. He is an active member of the FreedomCAR Electrochemical Energy Storage Technical Team and is a member of the Society of Automotive Engineers and American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
Peter Pichler | MAGNA STEYR Battery systems | AABTAM Session 4 |
Dr. Peter Pichler has held several positions in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Development at MAGNA. Since 2005, he has lead several development and industrialization programs for Li-Ion electrical storage systems before becoming responsible for MAGNA’s battery-pack technologies.
Christophe Pillot | Avicenne Development | AABTAM Session 1 |
Christophe has built up considerable expertise in the area of battery market. He joined AVICENNE 20 years ago and Spend 3 years in Japan making analysis on the Electronic, Mobile & Japanese battery market. Christophe gained large experience in marketing, strategy analysis, technology and financial studies for the battery and power management fields. He developed the Battery market analysis for AVICENNE which counts more than 200 customers worldwide. Christophe published several annual surveys like “The rechargeable battery market 2013-2025”. He is also the founder & chairman of Batteries congress in France since 1999. He is now Director of AVICENNE ENERGY.
Ajay Raghavan | PARC | LLIBTA Session B3 |
Dr. Ajay Raghavan’s research interests span systems health management, diagnostics, prognostics, and sensors – presently focusing on application areas such as energy storage devices and intelligent transportation systems. He is the Principal Investigator on the SENSOR project under the ARPA-E AMPED program, where he is leading a multidisciplinary effort to develop fiber optic sensing-based battery management systems. Dr. Raghavan did his Ph.D. on guided-wave structural health monitoring at the University of Michigan Ann Arbor, where he also obtained his Master's degree in Aerospace Engineering. He has a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay. Ajay has 8 pending patents; published two book chapters and 25+ papers in leading journals and conferences, and has received the Best Paper award at the Prognostics and Health Management Society conference.
Galen Ressler | General Motors | LLIBTA Session B2 |
 Galen Ressler, GM Technical Fellow at General Motors Company, has nearly 30 years of vehicle safety experience, including crashworthiness, electronic sensing, advanced active safety systems and battery system safety. Galen leads the GM battery safety team and was responsible for completing the battery system safety analysis and validation for the Chevrolet Volt. He is currently chairs the SAE Battery Safety Standards Committee, responsible for standards J2464, “Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicle Rechargeable Energy Storage System Safety and Abuse Testing,” and J2929, “Safety Standard for Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Propulsion Battery Systems Utilizing Lithium-based Rechargeable Cells.” He is also a member of the US Technical Advisory Group for ISO TC22/SC21, Electrically Propelled Road Vehicles, and the UL Standards Technical Panel 2580, Batteries for Use in Electrical Vehicles. Galen holds a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Craig Rigby | Johnson Controls Power Solutions | AABTAM Session 2 |
Craig Rigby is currently serving as the Vice President Product Management and Strategy. Craig leads a team to research, analyze, design, communicate and drive business and product strategy for the Original Equipment (OE) group. He will have global responsibility for product management to include road-mapping, core products, and optimizing the OE product line including SLI, EFB, AGM, and Lithium-ion products supplied to OE customers. He also coordinates market research and competitive intelligence for the OE group. Rigby joined Johnson Controls as Director of Hybrid Systems Engineering in March 2007 and was responsible for the development of lithium-ion and nickel metal hydride hybrid battery systems. In his new previous role as Vice President Global Product Engineering he was responsible for research and development initiatives which position Johnson Controls as a technological leader in our industry across all chemistries and battery initiatives.
Hitoshi Sakai | Toyota | AABTAM Session 3 |
Mr. Sakai graduated from Mie Graduate School of Engineering in 1998. He majored in Chemistry for Materials. Mr. Sakai studied SOFC. He joined Toyota Motor Co. in 2002. He designed and developed Li-ion battery for HV and PHV application, including Prius α.
Robert F. Savinell | Case Western Reserve University | ECCAP Session 2 |
Professor Robert F. Savinell has been engaged in electrochemical engineering research and development for over thirty-eight years. He is an elected Fellow of the Electrochemical Society, Fellow of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, and Fellow of the International Society of Electrochemistry. Savinell’ s research is directed at fundamental engineering and mechanistic issues of electrochemical systems, and device design, development, and optimization. Savinell has 100 peer-reviewed and over 168 other publications, eight patents, and many professional meeting presentations in the electrochemical field.
Florian Schoewel | BMW | AABTAM Session 4 |
Florian Schoewel studied Electrical Engineering at the University of Applied Science in Regensburg. He joined BMW in 2005, where he was involved in the development of the Formula 1 Hybrid system and the Active Hybrid 5 series. Since 2011 he is working in the battery development department, responsible as project manager for the BMW i3 high-voltage battery.
Chee Burm Shin | Ajou University | LLIBTA Session B1 |
Chee Burm Shin is a professor at Ajou University in the Department of Chemical Engineering and Division of Energy Systems Research. He earned a BS and MS in chemical engineering from Seoul National University and a PhD in chemical engineering from the University of Houston. Before joining Ajou University, Dr. Shin worked at the Electrochemistry Laboratory of Korea Institute of Science and Technology as a senior research scientist for three years. His research focus is on the modeling and simulation of electrochemical systems with a particular emphasis on battery.
Jesse Sklar | PTI Inspection Systems | LLIBTA Session B2 |
Jesse Sklar, sales manager for PTI Inspection Systems since 2009, brings over 20 years of machine sales experience in packaging and processing equipment. His expertise includes processing and packaging equipment for the pharmaceutical industry as well as inspection technologies for packaging quality control. In the industries that PTI serves, mainly pharmaceutical, food and medical device, package inspection is critical. Improper sealing of packaging and other types of package defects may lead to product contamination, spoiling of product, or compromised sterility in the case of medical or pharmaceutical containers.
Kandler Smith | National Renewable Energy Laboratory | LLIBTA Session B2 |
Kandler Smith is a Senior Researcher in the Transportation & Hydrogen Systems Center at the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden, Colorado. His research includes Li-ion battery-life predictive modeling, diagnostics, prognostics and health management, battery multi-physics modeling, control-oriented modeling, Li-ion battery safety and electric-drive vehicle systems design. Kandler holds a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from the Pennsylvania State University in electrochemical control of Li-ion batteries and is an active member of IEEE, the Electrochemical Society, and the Society for Automotive Engineers.
Vijay Somandepalli | Exponent | LLIBTA Session B2 |
Dr. Vijay Somandepalli is a Managing Engineer at Exponent specializing in mechanical engineering and analysis of thermal and flow processes. He has been actively involved in the development of methods and frameworks to quantify and manage hazards and risks associated with lithium-ion battery technologies and other energy storage technologies. Dr. Somandepalli holds a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Stanford University and a Bachelor’s degree in Aerospace Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Madras.
Eric J. Spek | TÜV SÜD Canada | LLIBTA Session B2 |
 Erik J. Spek is Chief Engineer for TÜV SÜD Canada with technical responsibility for battery verification services in North America. He received degrees in mechanical engineering from the University of Waterloo. Industrial Experience includes TÜV SÜD Canada, Managing Director at Aloxsys Inc., Chief Engineer at Magna International, Manager of Engineering and Operations at ABB Advanced Battery Systems and Director of Engineering at Powerplex Technologies Inc. He was a member of the ABB sodium sulfur battery team that provided 38 kWh battery packs for the Ford Ecostar program. Mr. Spek is a Professional Engineer in Ontario, Canada, a member of SAE since 1980 and a Certified Manufacturing Engineer in the Society of Manufacturing Engineers. He has authored and co-authored papers on sodium sulfur battery development and Lithium Ion testing and has written articles on battery technologies for Batteries International, Charged and Penton Media. He is leading TUV SUD’s R&D activities to support battery and electric vehicle standards development.
Bob Spotnitz | Battery Design LLC | Tutorial C LLIBTA Session B1 |
Dr. Spotnitz is a leading developer of mathematical models that simulate battery operation. Dr. Spotnitz, who previously held several senior technical positions in materials and battery development, founded Battery Design in 1999 to provide consulting and develop custom software for battery developers and users. He is a well-known speaker on various aspects of battery engineering.
Deirdre Strand | Wildcat Discovery Technologies | LLIBTA Session A2 |
 Dr. Dee Strand is a Sr. Scientist at Wildcat Discovery Technologies, a materials discovery company focused on battery materials and other clean energy applications. Dr. Strand has over twenty years of experience in materials research, development, and commercialization, primarily in the areas of energy storage and electronic applications. Prior to joining Wildcat in 2013, Dr. Strand served as a Research Fellow at Dow Chemical, where she was the technical lead in Dow Energy Materials, as well as the Principal Investigator on external research programs with universities and national labs on battery materials. Dr. Strand completed her Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry at the University of Wisconsin-Madison under the supervision of Professor John Schrag. Her Ph.D. research focused on rheology and birefringence of polymeric solutions. Dr. Strand also holds a Master of Science degree in Chemistry from the California Institute of Technology and a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry from North Dakota State University.
Joe Sunstrom | Daikin America | LLIBTA Session A2 |
For the past 20 years, Joe has worked in the battery field for Duracell/Gillette/P&G, Eagle Picher, and Boston Scientific primarily in a technical lead or senior/principal scientist role. His area of interest has been the development of novel active materials for batteries and fuel cells. Since joining Daikin America in 2011, his primary focus has been on the study of advanced electrolytes. Joe holds a Bachelor’s of Science in Chemistry from the University of Delaware and a Ph.D. in Solid State Chemistry from the University of California, Davis. He has authored 25 publications and holds 12 US patents.
Ryoji Takenawa | Honda R&D | AABTAM Session 3 |
Mr. Takenawa joined Waseda University in April 1995. He obtained a Master’s degree in Applied Chemistry in March 2001. In April 2001 he joined Honda R&D. His work has involved researching Hydrogen storage material, PEM for FCV and developing the battery systems of the Accord Hybrid and plug-in Hybrid.
Kazuo Tojima | Toyota | AABTAM Session 3 |
Mr. Tojima joined Toyota Motor Co. in 1979. He took charge of the battery system for the original Prius from the planning stage and has been engaged in battery development for HV applications since 1994. To date his contribution has been expanded into battery systems for plug-in hybrids and electric vehicles.
Aviv Tzidon | Phinergy | LLIBTA Session A3 |
Aviv Tzidon is the founder and CEO of Phinergy, an innovative energy storage company developing high energy density metal-air technologies. Aviv is an accomplished entrepreneur who has founded over 10 high-tech companies, three of which were listed on NASDAQ and one on the Frankfurt stock exchange. A creative, out of the box thinker, Aviv has been granted over 15 patents, many of which have led to breakthrough innovations in various industries. Aviv is passionate about alternative energies and believes that, thanks to metal-air technology, aluminum will become the next major sustainable energy source.
Matthias Ullrich | Volkswagen | AABTAM Session 3 |
Dr. Matthias Ullrich manages advanced battery technology at Volkswagen AG where he is in charge of the predevelopment of battery technology and development of battery modular concepts with a focus on management system, safety, and life. From 1994 to 2000 he was with VARTA where he worked on lithium ion cells development and automotive battery systems.
Shailesh Upreti | ES700 LLC | LLIBTA Session A3 |
 Dr. Shailesh Upreti is a former group member of Professor Stan Whittingham and an alumnus of the Indian Institute of Technology at Delhi, India. His research findings have been published in more than 70 peer-reviewed international journals and about 50 conference proceedings world-wide along with around 10 patent applications filed in United States. With 13+ years of exclusive experience in developing strategies to engineer new materials and technologies, his scientific work has shown substantial impact to trigger and influence many other research projects in academics as well as in industry. He holds expertise in research and development of energy storage materials and has worked closely on in-situ studies with United States national labs. While working at Binghamton, he was a member of Energy Frontier Research Centers (EFRCs), the US Department of Energy’s initiative and has worked on a class of cathode and anode materials for Li ion batteries. The value of his work has been recognized by companies of global reach and world-leading institutions such as the US Army’s Research Development and Engineering Command (RDECOM) and the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), which have each awarded funding for multiple programs while working at Primet Precision Materials.
Sagar Venkateswaran | OptiXtal, Inc. | ECCAP Session 2 |
President and owner of Peacock Laboratories Inc. and founder of OptiXtal, Inc., Dr. Venkateswaran is an innovator in the development and commercialization of form factored, flexible Supercapacitors, and self-powered battery free systems to power sensors, communicators and actuators for Wireless Sensor Networks. He holds a PhD in Physics and is an alumnus of the 10KSB Goldman Sachs leadership program.
Mark Verbrugge | General Motors | LLIBTA Session B3 |
Dr. Mark Verbrugge’s Laboratory (1) maintains global research programs enabled by the disciplines or chemistry, physics, and materials science and (2) targets the advanced development of structural subsystems, energy storage devices, and various technologies associated with fuels, lubricants, and emissions. He is a Board Member of the United States Automotive Materials Partnership and the United States Advanced Battery Consortium and an adjunct professor for the Department of Physics, University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada. He was elected to the National Academy of Engineering in 2009. He has published extensively on the topic of battery modeling, among others.
Steve Visco | PolyPlus Battery Company | LLIBTA Session A3 |
 Steven Visco is the Chief Executive Officer, CTO, and co-founder of PolyPlus Battery Company in Berkeley, California, as well as a Guest Scientist in the Materials Science Division at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Dr. Visco received his Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry from Brown University in 1982 and spent two years as a Postdoctoral Scientist at the University of California at Santa Barbara working on advanced batteries. Dr. Visco then joined the staff at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory as a Principal Investigator in the Materials Sciences Division in 1984 where his research interests have included solid-state ionic devices such as batteries and fuel cells. Steven Visco co-founded PolyPlus Battery Company in 1991. Dr. Visco also serves on the Technical Advisory Boards for the Conrad Foundation and the CIC Energigune Institute in Miñano, Spain. Dr. Visco has published over 75 articles in scholarly journals and books, and currently holds 94 issued U.S. patents and more than 200 international patents. In 2011 Dr. Visco was awarded the International Battery Association Technology Award for “Outstanding Contributions to the Development of Lithium-Air and Lithium-Water Batteries.” PolyPlus was recently selected by TIME magazine for its 50 Best Inventions of 2011, and received an Edison Gold Award in April 2012.
Kai Vuorilehto | Skeleton Technologies | ECCAP Session 2 |
Kai Vuorilehto is vice president of production in the European supercapacitor company Skeleton Technologies. He got his electrochemistry PhD at Helsinki University of Technology in 1993. After academic and industrial positions in battery development in Finland and Germany, he became adjunct professor for electrochemical energy solutions. In 2007-2010, he worked as CTO for the lithium-ion battery producer European Batteries.
William Wallace | General Motors | AABTAM Session 1 |
Director of General Motor’s Global Battery Systems, Mr. William Wallace is responsible for all GM Li-Ion battery and EVSE product development, validation and integration as well as GM’s global battery labs. He has over 25 years of product development experience in the aerospace and automotive industries in both North America and Europe. He also serves as a board member of the General Motors / University of Michigan Advanced Battery Coalition for Drivetrains, which is a joint research program focused on spanning the gap between battery material synthesis and vehicle controls integration.
Stan Whittingham | NYU Binghampton University | LLIBTA Session A3 |
Stan Whittingham is a distinguished professor of chemistry and materials science & engineering and director of the Materials Science Program and Institute for Materials Research at the State University of New York at Binghamton. He received his PhD in chemistry from Oxford University. During his tenure at Exxon Research he discovered the role of intercalation in battery reactions, which resulted in the first commercial lithium rechargeable batteries. He was principal editor of the Journal Solid State Ionics for 20 years. Among his numerous awards is the Battery Research Award of the Electrochemical Society (2002), and was elected a Fellow of the Electrochemical Society in 2004. He was elected a Fellow of the Materials Research Society in 2013. He is presently also Director of the Northeastern Center for Chemical Energy Storage, a DOE Energy Frontier Research Center, based at Stony Brook University.
David J. Wesolowski | Oak Ridge National Laboratory | ECCAP Session 1 |
Dr. David J. Wesolowski received his undergraduate degree in Geology from the University of Pittsburgh in 1976 and Ph.D. in Geochemistry and Mineralogy from Penn State University in 1984. He joined Oak Ridge National Laboratory as a Eugene P. Wigner Fellow in 1983, and has spent his entire career at Oak Ridge. He is currently a Distinguished R&D Staff member, the Geochemistry and Interfacial Sciences Group Leader in the Chemical Sciences Division, and the Director of the Fluid Interface Reactions, Structures and Transport (FIRST) Energy Frontier Research Center. His scientific interests include mineral solubilities and surface adsorption properties in geologic environments, and the structure, dynamics and reactive properties of interfacial fluids. He has served as the Secretary of the Geochemical Society (1995-2011), Board of Directors and Joint Publications Committee of the Geochemical Society (2008-2012) and Associate Editor of Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (1992-2007).
Martin Winter | Muenster University | Tutorial D LLIBTA Session A1 |
Prof. Martin Winter's main research interests are in applied electrochemistry, materials electrochemistry and inorganic chemistry and technology. He is the past president of the International Battery Materials Association (IBA), Past Chair of the Division of Electrochemical Energy Storage and Conversion of International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE), and Technical Editor of the Journal of The Electrochemical Society (ECS). Currently, he is the spokesperson of the LIB2015 Innovation Alliance of the BMBF (Germany Ministry of Education and Research) and a member of the German National Platform E-Mobility (NPE).
Margret Wohlfhart Mehrens | ZSW | LLIBTA Session A1 |
Dr. Margret Wohlfahrt-Mehrens is Head of the Department Accumulators Materials Research at ZSW (Zentrum für Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoff-Forschung, Baden-Württemberg) in Ulm, Germany. She has been working for more than 20 years in the field of materials and cell development for electrochemical energy storage systems. She studied chemistry at the University of Bonn and graduated (PhD) in 1989 from the University of Witten Herdecke. She joined ZSW in 1990, where she worked as project leader for various battery related research and development projects. Since 1995 she is leading the Department of Accumulators Materials Research at ZSW. From 2007 to 2011 she was member of the executive board of the division “Applied Electrochemistry” of the German Chemical Society (GDCH) She is appointed member of the ProcessNet working group “Electrochemical Processes”. Since 2011 she is also PI of the Materials II research group at the Helmholtz Institute in Ulm.
Kang Xu | U.S. Army Research Laboratory | LLIBTA Session A2 |
Dr. Kang Xu is a senior research chemist at U. S. Army Research Laboratory. His main research interests cover materials development and interphasial mechanisms for electrochemical energy storage devices, which include lithium, lithium/air or lithium/sodium ion batteries, magnesium batteries, and electrochemical capacitors.
Larry Zepp | Crosspoint Kinetics, A Cummins Crosspoint Company | ECCAP Session 3 |
Larry is the technology leader and Chief Technologist for Crosspoint Kinetics Hybrids, a division of Cummins Crosspoint. Larry manages the Advanced Technology Center of Crosspoint Kinetics, located in Fort Wayne. He previously was Executive V.P. Engineering at Variable Torque Motors for nine years, leading the team that developed the Series 3000 hybrid drive system. Larry was principal inventor of the variable torque motor patents while at Dura-Trac Motors, Inc. During 2000-2003. Larry brings 38 years of experience in the design of electric motors and electromechanical products. He is a multi-disciplined inventor of 27 patents issued with two patents pending. He has a breadth of experience in electric motor design and manufacturing in the automotive, electric vehicle, marine, aircraft, medical and industrial markets. Larry holds a BA in physics from the State University of New York at Geneseo.
John (Zhengcheng) Zhang | Argonne National Laboratory | LLIBTA Session A2 |
Dr. Zhengcheng Zhang is a chemist and a team-lead of the Advanced Electrolyte Research and Development group at Argonne National Laboratory. His research focuses on advanced electrolytes and electrolyte additives for Li-ion battery for PHEV/EV applications, including fluorinated electrolytes, solid electrolyte interphase formation additives, and redox shuttle additives for overcharge protection. Beyond traditional Li-ion electrolyte technology, D. Zhang also gained rich experiences in the battery electrolyte technologies beyond Li-ion, including Li-S and Li-Air batteries. Dr. Zhang has published more than 70 papers so far in the peer-reviewed academic journals and was invited to speak on various conferences/symposiums in the field of energy storage.