This symposium covered life, abuse tolerance, and new material and cell design for large Li-Ion batteries, and prompted heated discussions about the choice of cathode material relative to cost, life, and robust tolerance. Large Li Ion batteries are moving from development into early commercialization and the LLIBTA Symposia provided snapshots of the rapid technology and market growth as well as the technological and business barriers:- New battery materials are under development, the main challenge providing higher performance and longer life while reducing cost and volatility, not an easy chore.
- New applications are emerging but in most cases the high cost can only be justified if the battery life is longer than 8 to 10 years.
- Safety standards are emerging but how well they will correlate to events in the field, we do not yet know.
If you missed LLIBTA, you can order copies of the Proceedings. Highlights from LLIBTA 2009 Long Beach, California, June 2009

 |  |  |  |  |  | | | | | Peter Roth, Sandia National Laboratories, briefs the audience on the latest safety results from Scania's lab. | | Sarah Stewart of Exponent and Joe LoGrasso from GMdiscuss lithium ion battery life. | | Martin Winter promises better battery materials to come. |  |  |  | Another lively reception in the exhibit area: Imara Corporation, Caran Precision, and Celgard. |  | |
 Highlights from LLIBTA 2008 Tampa, Florida, May 2008

 |  | Martin Winter of the University of Muenster chairs the LLIBTA Materials session |  |  |  |  |  | | | Cyrus Ashtiani of Chrysler LLC chairs the LLIBTA session on safety and reliability of Li-Ion batteries | | Damian Gardley, Compact Power |
 Highlights from LLIBTA 2007 Long Beach, May 2007

 |  |  |  | | | Mo-Hua Yang of Industrial Technology Research Institute chairs session 4 of LLIBTA | | Session 4 panel members: Jiang Fan, American Lithium Energy Jeon Keun Oh, SK Corporation Robert Selman, Illinois Institute of Technology |
|  |  |  | LLIBTA Session 1 |  |  |  | Session 4 panel members: JB Straubel, Tesla Motors Ric Fulop, A123Systems Subhas Chalasani, The Boeing Company Jiang Fan, American Lithium Energy Jeun Keun Oh, Sk Corporation Robert Selman, Illinois Institute of Technology |  |  |  | Martin Winter, TU Graz Yoshihiro Ushigoe, Ube Industries Jan-Christophe Panitz, Chemetall William Casteel, Air Products and Chemicals Khalil Amine, Argonne National Laboratory |
 Highlights from LLIBTA 2006 Baltimore, May 2006

 |  | SESSION 2 - New Materials for Lithium Ion Batteries Panel Speakers: Yoshihiro Ushigoe, Researcher, Ube Industries Brett Lucht, Associate Professor, Rhode Island University Veselin Manev, Principal Scientist, Altair Nanotechnologies Hideharo Sato, Research Scientist, Mitsubishi Chemical Group Hisashi Tsukamoto, CEO and CTO, Quallion LLC Kirby Beard, Chief Operations Officer, Porous Power Technologies Martin Winter, Graz University |  |  |  | SESSION 3 - From Power Tools to Hybrid Vehicles – Migration of Lithium Ion Batteries to Larger Pack Applications Panel Speakers Peter Roth, Project Leader for Advanced Technology Development Program, Sandia National Lab Hisashi Tsukamoto, CEO and CTO, Quallion LLC Joon Kim, CEO, Kokam America Ric Fulop, VP Business Development & Marketing, A123 Systems Jan Reimers, Manager, Materials Research, E-One Moli Energy George Kerchner, Regulatory Analyst, Wiley Rein & Fielding LLP Hideo Takeshita, VP, Institute of Information Technology James Barnes, Technology Development, US Department of Energy |  |  |  | LLIBTA session 3 |
 Highlights from LLIBTA 2005 Honolulu, Hawaii, June 2005

 |  |  |  | Michel Broussely, Scientific Director, Specialty Battery Group, Saft France, delivers the LLIBTA keynote address. | | Daniel Doughty, Manager of Lithium Battery R&D Department, Sandia National Laboratories, sets the stage for the Li Ion battery safety discussion. |
 |  |  |  | Two top battery modelers in discussion: Bob Spotnitz ofBattery Design Company and Ralph White of University of South Carolina. | | Bill Casteel, Lead Research Scientist, Corporate Science and Technology Center, Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.,introduces their new electrolyte. |
 |  |  |  | Martin Winter, Professor at the Institute for Chemistry & Technology of Inorganic Materials, Graz University of Technology, Austria, discusses anode stability. | | Poster session. |