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Anderman, Menahem | Advanced Automotive Batteries | Conference Chair and Speaker AABTAM Session 1: Market Development of HEVs, EVs, and their Batteries |
Barnett, Brian | Tiax | LLIBTA Session 1: Advances in Active Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries |
Béguin, François | CNRS University, Orleans, France | ECCAP Session 1: Advances in EC Capacitor Materials and Cell Design |
Bell, Phillip | Corning Incorporated | ECCAP Session 2: New EC Capacitor Products and Business Development |
Benhamou, Eytan | MEGTEC Systems | LLIBTA Session 2: Lithium-Ion Cell Non-Active Materials and Coating Technology |
Bernhart, Wolfgang | Roland Berger Strategy Consultants GmbH | AABTAM Session 1: Market Development of HEVs, EVs, and their Batteries |
Birke, Peter | Continental AG | AABTAM Session 3: Energy-Storage Solutions for HEVs |
Bostock, Paul | Jaguar / Land Rover Product Development | AABTAM Session 3: Energy-Storage Solutions for HEVs |
Broom, Ken | China BAK Battery | Tutorial F: Lithium-Ion Cell Manufacturing LLIBTA Session 2: Lithium-Ion Cell Non-Active Materials and Coating Technology |
Burke, Andrew | University of California-Davis | ECCAP Session 2: New EC Capacitor Products and Business Development |
Burke, James | KBI / Saft | ECCAP Session 3: EC Capacitor Storage System Applications |
Champagne, Gilles | Nanotecture, Southampton, UK | ECCAP Session 2: New EC Capacitor Products and Business Development |
Cowperthwaite, Jeremy | MAXWELL Technologies | ECCAP Session 3: EC Capacitor Storage System Applications |
Dickinson, Enders | Axion Power | ECCAP Session 3: EC Capacitor Storage System Applications |
Eger, Ulrich | Porsche AG | AABTAM Session 2: Energy-Storage Solutions for Micro-Hybrids |
Furukawa, Jun | Furakawa Battery Co. | AABTAM Session 2: Energy-Storage Solutions for Micro-Hybrids |
Furukawa, Toshihiko | Nippon Chemi-Con Corporation, Japan | ECCAP Session 3: EC Capacitor Storage System Applications |
Gallay, Roland | Garmanage | Tutorial c: Engineering Supercapacitor Storage Systems |
Gogotsi, Yury | Drexel University, US | ECCAP Session 1: Advances in EC Capacitor Materials and Cell Design |
Hall, Chad | Ioxus | ECCAP Session 2: New EC Capacitor Products and Business Development |
Hallmannsegger, Michael | BMW | AABTAM Session 2: Energy-Storage Solutions for Micro-Hybrids |
Hardwick, Laurence | University of Saint Andrews | LLIBTA Session 3: Beyond Lithium Ion: High-Energy Electrochemical Storage Systems |
Hennige, Volker | AVL List GmbH | AABTAM Session 3: Energy-Storage Solutions for HEVs |
Herrmann, Manfred | VOLTec Battery, General Motors | AABTAM Session 4: Battery Technology for EVs and PHEVs |
Ijaz, Mujeeb | A123 Systems | AABTAM Session 4: Battery Technology for EVs and PHEVs |
Imanishi, Nobuyuki | Mie University | LLIBTA Session 3: Beyond Lithium Ion: High-Energy Electrochemical Storage Systems |
Jeckel, Alfred | Daimler, AG | AABTAM Session 4: Battery Technology for EVs and PHEVs |
Jossen, Andreas | University of Munich | AABTAM Session 5: Electric-Vehicle Technology and Infrastructure: Progress and Challenges |
Karden, Eckhard | Ford Research Aachen | Chair and Speaker AABTAM Session 2: Energy-Storage Solutions for Micro-Hybrids |
Kazama, Tomohide | Nomura Research Institute | AABTAM Session 1: Market Development of HEVs, EVs, and their Batteries |
Kim, Jae-woong | Tianjin Lishen Battery | AABTAM Session 4: Battery Technology for EVs and PHEVs |
Knorr, Rainer | Continental Automotive GmbH | AABTAM Session 2: Energy-Storage Solutions for Micro-Hybrids |
Kötz, Rüdiger | Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland | Chair and Speaker ECCAP Session 1: Advances in EC Capacitor Materials and Cell Design |
Kruft, Michael | Toda Kogyo Europe GmbH | LLIBTA Session 1: Advances in Active Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries |
Kuper, Christian | Johnson Controls Saft | AABTAM Session 3: Energy-Storage Solutions for HEVs |
Kwade, Arno | Technische Universität Braunschweig | LLIBTA Session 2: Lithium-Ion Cell Non-Active Materials and Coating Technology |
Lamp, Peter | BMW | AABTAM Session 4: Battery Technology for EVs and PHEVs |
Liedtke, Michael | Maxwell Technologies, US | ECCAP Session 2: New EC Capacitor Products and Business Development |
Lipka, Stephen | University of Kentucky, US | ECCAP Session 1: Advances in EC Capacitor Materials and Cell Design |
Maletin, Yurii | Yunasko, Kyiv, Ukraine | ECCAP Session 3: EC Capacitor Storage System Applications |
Marginèdes, Didier | Bolloré | AABTAM Session 5: Electric-Vehicle Technology and Infrastructure: Progress and Challenges |
Mathias, Mark | General Motors | Chair and Speaker LLIBTA Session 3: Beyond Lithium Ion: High-Energy Electrochemical Storage Systems |
Matsuo, Akira | Showa Denko, K. K. | LLIBTA Session 2: Lithium-Ion Cell Non-Active Materials and Coating Technology |
Matsumoto, Shouichi | Automotive Energy Supply Corporation | AABTAM Session 1: Market Development of HEVs, EVs, and their Batteries |
May, Geoffrey | FOCUS Consulting | AABTAM Session 3: Energy-Storage Solutions for HEVs |
Meinert, Michael | Siemens AG | Chair and Speaker ECCAP Session 3: EC Capacitor Storage System Applications |
Miller, John R. | JME, Inc. | LLIBTA Session 2: Lithium-Ion Cell Non-Active Materials and Coating Technology |
Mohrdieck, Christian | Daimler AG | Chair and Speaker AABTAM Session 5: Electric-Vehicle Technology and Infrastructure: Progress and Challenges |
Morikawa, Akihiko | JSR Corporation | LLIBTA Session 2: Lithium-Ion Cell Non-Active Materials and Coating Technology |
Morita, Masayuki | Yamaguchi University | ECCAP Session 1: Advances in EC Capacitor Materials and Cell Design |
Naoi, Katsuhiko | Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology | ECCAP Session 1: Advances in EC Capacitor Materials and Cell Design |
Neupert, Hannes | Extra Energy | LLIBTA Session 4: Stationary & Specialty Applications for Large Lithium-Ion Batteries |
Nishida, Tatsuya | Hitachi Chemical Co. | LLIBTA Session 1: Advances in Active Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries |
Oljaca, Miodrag | Cabot Corporation | LLIBTA Session 2: Lithium-Ion Cell Non-Active Materials and Coating Technology |
Pichler, Peter | Magna E-Car Systems | AABTAM Session 4: Battery Technology for EVs and PHEVs |
Pillot, Christophe | Avicenne Energy | AABTAM Session 1: Market Development of HEVs, EVs, and their Batteries |
Reitzle, Alexander | SB Limotive | AABTAM Session 4: Battery Technology for EVs and PHEVs |
Roth, Peter | Sandia National Laboratories | Tutorial E: Lithium-Ion Cell and Battery Safety |
Sakai, Masanori | Shin-Kobe Electric Machinery | AABTAM Session 2: Energy-Storage Solutions for Micro-Hybrids |
Sauer, Dirk Uwe | Aachen University | LLIBTA Session 4: Stationary & Specialty Applications for Large Lithium-Ion Batteries |
Schumacher, Gerd | Program Management Juelich | AABTAM Session 5: Electric-Vehicle Technology and Infrastructure: Progress and Challenges |
Simon, Patrice | Université Paul Sabatier | Tutorial A: Electrochemical Capacitors: Fundamentals ECCAP Session 1: Advances in EC Capacitor Materials and Cell Design |
Smith, Patricia | NAVSEA-Carderock Division | ECCAP Session 2: New EC Capacitor Products and Business Development |
Spahr, Michael | Timcal SA | LLIBTA Session 2: Lithium-Ion Cell Non-Active Materials and Coating Technology |
Spotnitz, Bob | Battery Design LLC | Tutorial B: Large Lithium-Ion Battery Design Principles |
Trinidad, Francisco | Exide Technologies | AABTAM Session 2: Energy-Storage Solutions for Micro-Hybrids |
Ullrich, Matthias | Volkswagen AG | AABTAM Session 3: Energy-Storage Solutions for HEVs |
Van Bellinghen, Tom | UMICORE Cobalt & Specialty Materials | LLIBTA Session 1: Advances in Active Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries |
Varakin, Anton | ESMA/ELTON, Russia | ECCAP Session 2: New EC Capacitor Products and Business Development |
Vassen, Heinz-Willi | Audi AG | Chair and Speaker AABTAM Session 3: Energy-Storage Solutions for HEVs |
Weydanz, Wolfgang | Siemens AG | LLIBTA Session 4: Stationary & Specialty Applications for Large Lithium-Ion Batteries |
Wind, Joerg | Daimler AG | AABTAM Session 5: Electric-Vehicle Technology and Infrastructure: Progress and Challenges |
Winter, Martin | Muenster University | Tutorial D: Introduction into Lithium Battery Materials LLIBTA Session 1: Advances in Active Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries |
Wohlfahrt-Mehrens, Margret | ZSW | LLIBTA Session 1: Advances in Active Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries |
Yang, Mo-Hua | ITRI Taiwan | Chair and Speaker LLIBTA Session 4: Stationary & Specialty Applications for Large Lithium-Ion Batteries |