Tutorial A: Lithium-Ion Cell Engineering Fundamentals
Presented by: Robert Spotnitz
Tutorial B: Lithium-Ion Cell Materials Fundamentals
Presented by: Martin Winter
Tutorial C: Lithium-Ion Cell Design and Manufacturing
Presented by: Kazunori Ozawa
Tutorial D: High-Energy Density Batteries: Advanced Lithium Ion and Beyond
Presented by: Martin Winter
Tutorial E: Battery Design and Performance Simulation
Presented by: Robert Spotnitz

Robert Spotnitz, President, Battery Design LLC
Dr. Spotnitz is a leading developer of mathematical models that simulate battery operation. Dr. Spotnitz, who previously held several senior technical positions in materials and battery development, founded Battery Design in 1999 to provide consulting and develop custom software for battery developers and users. He is a well-known speaker on various aspects of battery engineering.

Martin Winter, Chair, Applied Material Science for Energy Conversion and Storage, MEET Battery Research Center, Institute of Physical Chemistry, University of Muenster
Prof. Winter's main research interests are in applied electrochemistry, materials electrochemistry and inorganic chemistry and technology. He is the past president of the International Battery Materials Association (IBA), Past Chair of the Division of Electrochemical Energy Storage and Conversion of International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE), and Technical Editor of the Journal of The Electrochemical Society (ECS). Currently, he is the spokesperson of the LIB2015 Innovation Alliance of the BMBF (Germany Ministry of Education and Research) and a member of the German National Platform E-Mobility (NPE).

Kazunori Ozawa, Li Ion Cell Design and Manufacturing Consultant
Dr. Ozawa is known in the industry since his role as the project leader for Sony Li Ion cell team that pioneered the commercialization of Li Ion batteries in the early 1990th. Dr. Ozawa worked at Sony from 1967 to 1996 covered the development of ceramic materials magnetic films and batteries.
In 1996 Dr. Ozawa founded ENAX, Inc. a developer of Li Ion cells and production technology, and served as its president and CEO until 2013.
Editor of the book: ‘Lithium Ion Rechargeable Batteries’ and recipient of the 2006 IBA Technology Award and prior US and Japanese ECS awards, Dr. Ozawa obtained an MS degree In Metallurgy from the University of Pennsylvania and a Dr. of Engineering from Tohoku University.