AABC Europe 2015. Schedule
11:00 | -
| 18:30 |  | Registration Hours |
13:00 | -
| 14:45 |  | LLIBTA + ECCAP Session 1: Overview of Government-Sponsored Electrochemical Energy Storage R&D |
15:15 | -
| 17:30 |  | LLIBTA Session 2: Advanced Battery Chemistries for Automotive and Utility Energy Storage |
15:15 | -
| 17:20 |  | ECCAP Session 2: Advances in EC Capacitor Materials and Cell Design |
17:30 | -
| 18:45 |  | Welcome Reception + Posters |
Tuesday January 27
8:00 | -
| 18:30 |  | Registration Hours |
12:00 | -
| 19:00 |  | Exhibits Opening Hours |
9:15 | -
| 12:30 |  | LLIBTA Session 3: Lithium-Ion Battery Engineering |
9:00 | -
| 12:30 |  | ECCAP Session 3: New EC Capacitor Products and Business Development |
10:30 | -
| 11:10 |  | Poster Session |
12:30 | -
| 13:30 |  | Lunch |
13:00 | -
| 14:15 |  | Exhibits with Coffee & Desserts |
14:15 | -
| 17:00 |  | LLIBTA Session 4: Battery Safety Design, Testing, and Modeling |
14:00 | -
| 17:15 |  | ECCAP Session 4: EC Capacitor Storage System Application |
15:10 | -
| 15:50 |  | Coffee Break in Exhibit Hall |
17:00 | -
| 18:30 |  | Networking Mixer in Exhibit Hall |
Wednesday January 28
8:00 | -
| 17:30 |  | Registration Hours |
12:00 | -
| 19:30 |  | Exhibits Opening Hours |
9:00 | -
| 12:15 |  | AABTAM + SESSTAM Session 1: Advanced Battery Market for Automotive and Stationary Applications |
10:15 | -
| 11:00 |  | Poster Session |
12:15 | -
| 13:15 |  | Lunch |
12:45 | -
| 14:00 |  | Exhibits with Coffee & Desserts |
14:00 | -
| 17:20 |  | AABTAM Session 2: Energy Storage for Low-Voltage Hybrids |
14:10 | -
| 17:00 |  | SESSTAM Session 2: Large Energy-Storage Systems for the Grid |
15:00 | -
| 15:45 |  | Coffee Break in Exhibit Hall |
17:30 | -
| 19:30 |  | Networking Mixer / Dinner |
Thursday January 29
8:00 | -
| 17:00 |  | Registration Hours |
10:00 | -
| 14:00 |  | Exhibits Opening Hours |
10:00 | -
| 12:00 |  | Public Pass to Exhibit Hall |
9:00 | -
| 12:15 |  | AABTAM Session 3: High-Voltage Batteries for xEVs |
9:15 | -
| 12:00 |  | SESSTAM Session 3: Distributed Energy-Storage Systems |
10:00 | -
| 10:35 |  | Coffee Break in Exhibit Hall |
12:00 | -
| 13:00 |  | Lunch |
12:45 | -
| 14:00 |  | Exhibits with Coffee & Desserts |
14:00 | -
| 16:45 |  | AABTAM + SESSTAM Session 4: Logistic Aspects of Vehicle Electrification and Large Stationary Storage Systems |
16:45 | -
| 17:00 |  | Final Note |
