| Company
Lawrence Alger
| Denso Corporation | AABTAM Session 2
Dr. Lawrence Alger is the Technical Manager in the EV/HV Engineering department at DENSO International Europe, where he leads activities for battery pack and hybrid systems development. During his 11 years at DENSO he worked initially on powertrain systems development and application followed by 4 years working on powertrain R&D in the UK Technical Centre. Since 2010 he has been responsible for battery pack systems. Dr. Alger is currently developing DENSO’s next generation lithium-ion Battery Management System (BMS) and recently moved to the Aachen Engineering Centre in Germany. Dr. Alger received a PhD in Combustion and Thermodynamics from The University of Nottingham.
Menahem Anderman
| Advanced Automotive Batteries | AABTAM/SESSTAM Session 1 AABTAM Session 3
President of Advanced Automotive Batteries and founder of Total Battery Consulting, Inc., Dr. Anderman has led the development and commercialization of high-power Ni-Cd batteries, Li-Ion batteries, and ultracapacitors and spent the last ten years conducting assessments of energy-storage technologies for advanced vehicles, publishing Advanced Automotive Battery Industry Reports and chairing the AABC.
Juergen Auer
| NESSCAP | ECCAP Session 4
Juergen Auer joined Nesscap Energy Inc. in 2012, he is the Vice President of EMEA Sales and Business Development and remains the Managing Director of Nesscap Energy GmbH as appointed when he joined the company. He is a seasoned sales executive with over 20 years of sales and marketing experience in Europe and the United States. Prior to joining Nesscap, he held various sales management positions with Maxwell Technologies Inc., from 2003- 2010, including Director of Sales and marketing for North America and Director of Automotive. He holds a B.S. in Electronic Engineering from FH Furtwangen, Germany.
Doron Aurbach
| Bar Ilan | LLIBTA Session 2
Dr. Doron Aurbach is a full professor in the department of Chemistry, leading the electrochemistry group, a senate member at Bar Ilan University (BIU) Israel. Dr. Aurbach and his team study the electrochemistry of active metals non-aqueous electrochemical systems, develop spectroscopic methods (in situ and ex situ) for sensitive electrochemical systems, study electrochemical intercalation processes, electrochemical water desalination and develop rechargeable high energy density batteries and EDL capacitors. The group published so far more than 470 peer reviewed papers. Dr. Aurbach serves as an associate editor in 3 electrochemistry juornals: EES, JES (journals of the Electrochemical Society) and J. Solid State Electrochemistry (Springer). He is a fellow of the ECS, ISE and MRS. He is the head of INREP: Israel national research center for electrochemical propulsion and the chairman of the Israeli national authority for labs accreditation.
Andrea Balducci
| Helmholtz Institute Ulm | ECCAP Session 3
Andrea Balducci took his PhD in Materials Science in 2006 at the Paul Sabatier University of Toulouse, France. From 2009 till 2014, he was the scientific leader of the supercapacitors group at MEET Battery Research Center of the University of Münster. Since January 2015 he has been working as senior scientist at the Helmholtz Institute Ulm (HIU), on the development of safe and high-performance supercapacitors and lithium-ion batteries. He is also interested in the development of new types of hybrid, high-power devices.
François Béguin
| Poznan University of Technology | ECCAP Session 2
François Béguin is Professor in Poznan University of Technology, where he leads a research group on energy storage systems (supercapacitors and lithium-ion batteries). He is especially interested by applications of carbon materials to these systems, and he develops new processes to control the porosity and surface functionality of carbons. In the case of supercapacitors, his recent activities are dedicated to asymmetric and hybrid capacitors and to environment friendly systems. In 2013, he edited a book entitled “Supercapacitors: materials, systems and applications”. From 2006 to 2012, he was appointed in the French Agency for Research (ANR) as director of programs on Fuel Cells and Energy Storage Systems.
Tobias Blank
| E.ON Technologies GmbH | SESSTAM Session 2
Tobias Blank received his diploma degree in Electrical Engineering from Technical University of Munich in 2006. He was engaged into energy economics and battery technology research at Research Institute for Energy Economy in Munich and RWTH Aachen University for about seven years. Since 2013 he has been working at E.ON Technologies GmbH in Essen, Germany and is responsible for the project SmartRegion Pellworm. Mr. Blank is involved in the field of electrical storage, system integration of renewables and distributed energy.
Thierry Brousse
| University of Nantes | ECCAP Session 2
Prof. Thierry Brousse is a Professor of Materials Science at the University of Nantes. He received his PhD degree in 1991. After a few years as an analytical chemistry engineer, he joined the University of Nantes in 1994 and was given a Full Professor position in 2005. He is a researcher at the Institut des Matériaux Jean Rouxel (IMN). His research focuses on materials for electrochemical energy storage with particular emphasis on alternative materials for batteries, Li-Ion capacitors, and innovative and/or modified materials for electrochemical capacitors. He is Associate Editor for Journal of The Electrochemical Society and ECS Electrochemistry Letters, and Vice-Dean of the University of Nantes in charge of Technology Transfer.
Bastien Caillard
| EU-VRi – European Virtual Institute for Integrated Risk Management | AABTAM/SESSTAM Session 4
Bastien Caillard graduated in 2010 as Engineer in Mechanical Engineering (Ecole des Mines d’Alès, FR). That same year, he obtained a Master’s degree Management of the Organizations - Management of International Projects (Strasbourg University, FR). Since 2010, he has been working as project manager at EU-VRi, the European Virtual Institute for Integrated Risk Management, in Stuttgart (Germany). He has developed skills in the coordination of collaborative projects related to new energies and emerging risks (e.g. Biofuel for aircraft, standardization for nanotechnologies, safe deployment of stationary li-ion batteries, Safe Life Extension management of aged infrastructures networks and industrial plants).
Seungdon Choi
| LG Chem | AABTAM Session 3
Dr. Seungdon Choi is Research Fellow at LG Chem’s Advanced Automotive Battery Development center. He received his Ph.D from the University of Texas in Austin on the topic of new cathode materials development for Li-Ion batteries. He has been working on various topics from materials to battery application since 2001 and his work is now focused on high-energy-density lithium-ion polymer batteries for PHEVs & EVs.
Lewis Collins
| Ansys, Inc. | LLIBTA Session 3
Lewis Collins is a Director of Software Development at ANSYS, Inc., with global responsibility for the company’s externally sponsored research and development programs. He has 30 years of experience in the development and application of advanced CAE methods and tools for automotive and other industries. Prior to ANSYS, he held a variety of leadership positions at Fluent Inc., Vibro-Acoustic Sciences (now ESI), and SDRC (now Siemens PLM). Mr. Collins is a recipient of the R&D100 Award and the author of more than 100 publications and technical reports for clients, including numerous automotive OEMs and suppliers. He holds a B.S. in Engineering and Applied Science from the California Institute of Technology and a M.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Stanford University.
Jeremy Cowperthwaite
| Maxwell Technologies | ECCAP Session 4
Jeremy Cowperthwaite joined Maxwell Technologies as senior director of engineering for ultracapacitor products in 2007, was promoted to vice president of engineering for ultracapacitor products in 2007, and was appointed vice president and general manager of the Engine Starting Group in 2013. Previously he held a series of senior engineering and product development positions with Maxtor Corp. and Quantum Corp. He holds a B.S. degree in physics from the University of California, Santa Barbara, and an M.S. in mechanical engineering from UC Berkeley.
Roberto Cubells
| Mondragon Componentes | ECCAP Session 4
Mr. Cubells started his career as a student apprentice at Ford Motor Co. in the UK after earning a National Engineering Diploma (OND) and a BEng degree in Electrics and Electronics. He was the managing director at Instron Corporation (a North American company) for Spain and Portugal for more tan 30 years. He is now the Product Manager fo Super Capacitors at Mondragon Corporation. Mr. Cubells was educated in England and has been living in Spain for 40 years.
Michael Danzer
| ZSW | SESSTAM Session 3
Dr. Michael Danzer studied electrical and energy engineering at Ulm University, Germany, and at Cardiff University, U.K. He received the Dipl.-Ing. and Dr.-Ing. (Ph.D.) degrees both in electrical engineering from Ulm University, in 2003 and 2009, respectively. His doctoral thesis was focused on the dynamics and efficiency of proton exchange membrane fuel cell systems. From 2009 to 2010, he was at A123 Systems, Inc., Boston, MA, USA, as a research scientist and validation engineer, where he worked in the field of battery characterization and fundamentals of battery operation. Since 2011, he is the Deputy Head of the Accumulator Department at the Zentrum für Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoff-Forschung Baden-Württemberg (ZSW) in Ulm, Germany, where he leads the Battery System Engineering Group. Since 2011, he is also a Principal Investigator of the System Group at the Helmholtz-Institute Ulm for Electrochemical Energy Storage (HIU), Germany.
Marie Dieudonné
| Hutchinson SA Central Research | ECCAP Session 3
Marie Dieudonné is currently supercapacitor project manager and head of the advanced innovation laboratory for Hutchinson. She has worked for Hutchinson for the last 10 years with increasing responsibilities in new, innovative and breakthrough development. She holds a degree in Materials Science Engineering from INSA Lyon (National Institute of Applied Sciences).
Harry Doering
| Zentrum für Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoff-Forschung (ZSW) | LLIBTA Session 4
Dr. Harry Doering obtained his PhD from the technical University of Dresden in the field of lead acid batteries in 1987. He was also scientific coworker in the department of electrochemistry at the University Dresden. From 1989 to 1991 he conducted post-doc studies at the Tokyo University (Japan) on the preparation of thin-film semiconductors and photo-electrochemistry for the CO2 reduction at semiconductors. In 1992 he became scientific coworker at the center for solar energy and hydrogen research (ZSW) in Ulm. In 1994 he became the head of the electrochemical accumulators department at ZSW. Dr. Doering’s current activities are in testing, abuse testing and system techniques for different kinds of batteries and super capacitors: e.g. lead acid, NiCd, NiMeH, ZnBr2, NaNiCl2, Zn-Air, and Lithium batteries.
Sascha Drenkelforth
| Volkswagen AG | LLIBTA Session 3
Dr. Sascha Drenkelforth is the project manager of in-house software development for HV-Batteries of electrified vehicles at Volkswagen AG. He is responsible for the development and specification of the core functions of HV-Batteries at Volkswagen since 2009 and leads the in house SW development of these functions since 2011.
Juergen Duda
| Daimler AG | AABTAM Session 3
Juergen Duda studied automotive engineering at the University of Stuttgart from 2006 till 2012 where he specialized on alternative propulsion systems with the final thesis on the optimization of an energy management for xEVs. Since November 2013 he is in the advanced development team of the HV battery department of Daimler AG, responsible as project manager for HV-batteries (Plug-In- and EV-applications).
Michael Everett
| Maxwell Technologies | ECCAP Session 3
Michael Everett has been the Chief Technical Officer for Maxwell Technologies Inc. since December, 2005 and is responsible for new energy storage technology development. The technology roadmap, identification of new technology approaches and feasibility demonstrations of that technology along with verification testing of new technologies are primary responsibilities of the CTO at Maxwell. Mike joined Maxwell in 2002 occupying various positions in product assurance and product development prior to becoming the CTO.
Christoph Fehrenbacher
| A123 Systems | AABTAM Session 2
Christoph Fehrenbacher is the Director of the European Application Engineering department at A123 Systems, where he focuses on new business development and engineering support for automotive customers. Prior to joining A123 in 2010, he spent 10 years at BEHR where he held several positions in advanced engineering and innovation management including 4 years as a project manager for Lithium-Ion system development. Earlier in his career, he worked in energy storage development at the German Aerospace Center. Mr. Fehrenbacher holds a degree in aerospace engineering from the University of Stuttgart.
Elżbieta Frąckowiak
| Poznan University of Technology | ECCAP Session 2
Elżbieta Frąckowiak is full professor in the Institute of Chemistry and Technical Electrochemistry at Poznan University of Technology, Poland. She has been Chair of Division 3 "Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage" of the International Society of Electrochemistry from 2009 to 2014 and the winner of the Foundation for Polish Science Prize in 2011. She is Member of the Polish Academy of Sciences and President of the Polish Carbon Society. Her main research topics are: energy storage in electrochemical capacitors, Li-ion batteries, hydrogen electrosorption using various electrode materials (nanoporous carbons, carbon nanotubes, graphene, conducting polymers, doped carbons and transition metal oxides); new concepts of supercapacitors based on the carbon/redox couples interface. In 2013, she edited a book entitled “Supercapacitors: Materials, Systems and Applications.
Toshihiko Furukawa
| Nippon Chemi-Con | ECCAP Session 4
Toshihiko Furukawa has an electrical engineering degree from Tokai University, Japan. His technical background is in power electronics and high-frequency amplifier design and development, with over twenty year of experience. He is currently focusing on DLCAPTM technical support and business development in the global market. He is affiliated with United Chemi-Con/Nippon Chemi-Con Group, and holds an IEEE Membership / 92515077 and SAE Membership /6125613949
Martin Giessler
| Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) | LLIBTA/ECCAP Session 1
 Martin Giessler received his Diploma in mechanical engineering from the University of Dresden in 2004 and his PhD degree in engineering from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in 2011. He joined KIT as a research assistant, responsible for the project “transmission of tire forces on snow and ice covered roads” in 2004. He is the leader of the development project battery-electric bus demonstrator. He taught practical exercises on the evaluation of tire and vehicle characteristics (Student Laboratories) from 2009 to 2010, acts as supervisor of student teams working on an industrial project using methods of project management since 2006 at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and teaches foreign students in Automotive engineering. His research interests include tire force transmission – experiments, modelling and simulation, evaluation of vehicles duty cycles to estimate energy consumption, select appropriate components, design and layout of electric circuit and auxiliary components of battery-electric driven vehicles, design of control software and control strategies of vehicles, etc.
Chad Hall
| Ioxus | ECCAP Session 3 ECCAP Session 4
Chad Hall is the co-founder and VP of sales and product management for Ioxus, Inc. His engineering, manufacturing, sales, development, and marketing skills have been instrumental in setting Ioxus in motion and continuing its fast-paced market growth. Over his career, Chad has been heavily involved in several National Lab projects and played key roles in each of their successes. Mr. Hall has performed a critical role in the development of Ioxus by setting up the factory and in securing VC funding as well as federal and state resources for the establishment of the company and further development of products. He attends and speaks at multiple conferences and technology summits in the electrochemical energy storage industry and he continues to contribute to the IP portfolio of the company. Chad is a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and is the Alumnus of Merit, 2010, for SUNY College of Technology at Delhi.
Volker Hennige
| AVL List GmbH | AABTAM Session 3
Dr. Volker Hennige studied chemistry at the Technical University in Karlsruhe. He worked as a PhD student at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (formerly known as Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe) and received his PhD from the University of Freiburg in 1998. In 2000 he joined Evonik Degussa GmbH in Germany where he held several positions in the development of materials and components for Lithium batteries. Having worked 2 years in Shanghai/China as the Senior Director of the Lithium Battery Team and 1 year as Manager for Li-Tec’s industrial business segment he joined AVL in Graz/Austria in 2010 as head of AVL’s Global Battery Competence Team.
Matthias Hermes
| Aquion Energy | SESSTAM Session 3
Matthias Hermes received his diploma degree in Physics from the University of Bonn, Germany and started to work in the renewable energy sector in 1995 at the German Aerospace Center DLR in the field of solar thermal concentrating systems. Mr. Hermes has worked as research coordinator at a FhG Fraunhofer Institute and project manager at the German Energy Agency dena in Berlin. From 2007- 2014, he joined SMA Solar Technology AG and was responsible for sales in Emerging Markets with focus on South Asia and South East Asia. The task included residential, commercial and industrial PV solutions for on-grid and off-grid applications. Since the end of 2014, Mr. Hermes has served as the European Sales Director at Aquion Energy.
Alexander Hirnet
| VARTA Storage | SESSTAM Session 3
Dr. Hirnet studied Physics at Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich. After his PhD in 1998 at the Institute of Crystallography and applied Mineralogy of Ludwig Maximilians University he worked in various positions at Carl Zeiss SMT AG within the Semiconductor Lithography and the Electron Microscopy Business. In 2010 he joined the VARTA Micro Group as Head of Business Development. Since 2012 Dr. Hirnet is Technical Director of VARTA Storage GmbH a new founded subsidiary in Noerdlingen/Germany.
Gerhard Hörpel
| MEET Battery Research Center, Münster University | LLIBTA/ECCAP Session 1
Gerhard Hörpel is co-founder and director of the MEET Battery Research Center at Münster University and responsible for technical and commercial affairs. Furthermore, he is head of the competence area “cell technology”. In this research field a team of scientists, engineers and technicians works on the im-provement of cell manufacturing processes. Previously, Gerhard Hörpel developed the ceramic separa-tor SEPARION at Evonik Industries and was responsible for its production and market launch. SEPARION is the pioneer product for Evonik’s lithium activities. Before that, he was involved in assignments in the fields of research, production, quality and business development both in Germany and abroad. His uni-versity education he completed in 1984 at the University of Mainz with a PhD in polymer chemistry. Ger-hard Hörpel has been involved in 40 patents, more than 25 scientific publications and a large number of more general papers.
Koji Ishiwa
| Toshiba Corporation | AABTAM Session 2
Mr. Ishiwa graduated from Tokyo Science University 1982. He has 32 years of work experience in battery, R&D of Ni-Cd, Ni-MH and Lithium Ion batteries and application engineering for Consumer and Automotive market. Mr. Ishiwa joined TOSHIBA in 2007, working as Senior Manager of the Engineering Department; he is in charge of the promotion of SCiB to Automotive OEM and Tier-1.
Andreas Jossen
| Technical University of Munich | LLIBTA/ECCAP Session 1
Prof. Jossen is Full Professor at the TUM (Electrical Engineering and Information Technology) and the Chair for Electrical Energy Storage Systems (EES). In 1999 he founded the Basytec GmbH. From 1994 to 2010, he was Group leader at the Centre for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research and Head of the group for Battery System Technology. He holds a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Stuttgart.
Eckhard Karden
| Ford Aachen | AABTAM Session 2
Dr. Karden is Technical Expert for Battery & Energy Storage Technology at Ford's Corporate Research and Advanced Engineering Centre in Aachen, Germany. Since he joined Ford, he was responsible for numerous projects in the fields of powertrain electrification, battery modeling and monitoring, and storage technology assessment, with a main focus on micro-hybridization in 14V systems.
Martin Kaltenbach
| Siemens AG | SESSTAM Session 2
Mr. Kaltenbach has long experience in industrial infrastructure and power distribution systems. While being employed at various business units of the SIEMENS AG he has built broad knowledge in automation and power supply projects, system- and product business for utilities and industry. He was working in the field of business development, project management, sales and marketing of power distribution systems and industrial infrastructure over a period of more than 30 years in various countries. The major portion of the project management and business development activities took place in North America and South East Asia and he is well aware about the specific challenges of these markets for utilities and industry. Mr. Kaltenbach made numerous presentations at industry conferences.
Jason C. Kwon
| Samsung | AABTAM Session 2
Mr. Kwon is principal engineer and group lead of low-voltage development for the Battery Development Team of Samsung SDI. Mr. Kwon has led the development and commercialization of 12V, 48V Lithium-Ion Batteries and 48V system solutions including power electronics and electric motor for low-voltage systems for the past 2years at Samsung SDI and spent 13 years at Ford Motor Company and Argonne National Laboratory conducting research in vehicle control technology for advanced vehicles.
Arnold Lamm
| Daimler | AABTAM Session 3
Dr. Lamm studied mechanical and chemical engineering at the Rhine-Westphalia Technical University (RWTH), Aachen. He obtained his PhD from the Jülich GmbH research center, and joined Daimler AG (former Daimler-Ben) in1995. Since then he has worked in different positions as senior manager for “Fuel Cell Stack and System Technology”, “Energy Storages” (Hydrogen tank, High-Voltage-Batteries) and “Fuel Cell Drivetrain”. In April 2009 Dr. Lamm became member of the board of German ACCUmotive at Nabern, and has been responsible for the development of Li-Ion batteries (Hybrid, EV, Plug-in). In December 2010 Dr. Lamm took over a new department at Daimler AG: “Characterization of HV Battery Systems“. He is member of the AG2 in the National Platform Electro Mobility in Germany.
Michael Lord
| Toyota Technical Center | AABTAM/SESSTAM Session 1
Michael Lord is a Manager in Vehicle Regulation & Certification Engineering for Toyota Technical Center (TTC), the North American research arm of Toyota Motor Engineering & Manufacturing North America (TEMA). Mr. Lord has a B.A. in Physics from the University of Pennsylvania and studied Japanese language at Sophia University in Japan before joining Toyota Motor Corporation in 1987. In 1993, he transferred to TTC where he works closely with Toyota engineering and US regulators on issues related to future powertrains, including the On-Board Diagnostic (OBD), Low-Emission Vehicle (LEV), and Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) regulations.
Mark Lu
| Industrial Technology Research Institute Taiwan | AABTAM/SESSTAM Session 1
As a certified senior industrial analyst of the biggest think-tank in Taiwan, Mark Lu is responsible for research on battery-related industries in Taiwan, from materials to cells and packs, and related applications. Not only handling the official government statistics about Taiwan’s battery industries, he also plays a role in providing consultations to both the Taiwan government and companies worldwide. In the past five years, his clients have included the top 100 Taiwan enterprises, GM, VW, Intel, China Steel Company, China Petroleum Company and Japanese material companies. From 2010, he has served as an executive secretary of the Taiwan Battery Association.
Yurii Maletin
| Yunasko | ECCAP Session 3
Dr. Yurii Maletin is a Chief Scientist and co-founder of YUNASKO. After graduating from Moscow State University Yurii got his PhD degree from the Academy of Science of Ukraine in 1977 and the Dr.habil. degree from the Institute of Chemical Physics of Russian Academy of Science in 1989. Dr. Maletin has been doing research in the field of supercapacitors for 25 years successfully leading the team of researchers. He is a frequent speaker at major international supercapacitor conferences. He has more than 80 scientific papers and more than 30 patents and patent applications.
Helge Malenda
| Hitachi Chemical Europe GmbH | SESSTAM Session 2
After college of electrical engineering, Mr. Malenda studied two years in Asia and graduated in Japanese studies as well as Korean studies at University of Vienna. In the past 8 years he was engaged in business development and sales of advanced technology to Europe at Hitachi Chemical. He is assigned with globalization of Hitachi´s industrial battery business since the company’s decision to supply these products also outside Japan in 2012.
Roland Matthé
| Adam Opel AG | AABTAM/SESSTAM Session 4
Mr. Matthé leads the development of the Li-Ion battery system for GM’s upcoming extended-range EV, the Chevrolet Volt. He began his work in the EFLEX concept team in 2006 and moved to the GM Technical Center in Warren in 2007. Up to then he was responsible for system design of advanced fuel cell propulsion systems and batteries.
Wilhelm Maurer
| Infineon Technologies AG | LLIBTA Session 4
Wilhelm Maurer is Director of Funding Projects & Coordination at Infineon Technologies in Neubiberg, Germany. In this role he acquires, coordinates & manages publically funded projects accomplished in partnership of engineers at Infineon, and at Infineon's customers and development partners. Before re-joining Infineon in 2004, Dr. Maurer was Director of Advanced Lithography Projects at Mentor Graphics in San Jose, CA. Before that, he worked on almost every aspect of lithography and masks at different technical and management positions at KLA-Tencor, at Infineon Technologies resp. former Siemens Semiconductors, and at IMS, Vienna. Dr. Maurer received his PhD in Physics at the University of Vienna, Austria.
Michael Meinert
| Siemens AG | ECCAP Session 4
Dr. Meinert graduated in electrical engineering, Electrical Railway Systems, from Dresden University of Technology, Germany in 1995 and received his doctorate in electrical engineering from Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany in 2007. His employment experience included the Siemens AG, Erlangen since 1995 in the field of Rolling Stock and Railway Power Supply as well as the Darmstadt University of Technology from 2001 to 2004. He is currently the Head of the R&D-group for energy storage units/systems as well as overhead contact line free systems at the Siemens AG, Infrastructure & Cities Sector. His special experience include railway systems, High Temperature Superconductivity and innovative energy systems.
Horst Mettlach
| Adam Opel AG | LLIBTA Session 4
Horst Mettlach studied electrical engineering at Aachen University of Technology (RWTH Aachen) and Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU Trondheim) and joined the Electric Vehicle group of Adam Opel AG in 1995. During his career, Horst Mettlach worked on the development of battery systems of different technologies (lead acid, NiMH, NaNiC) for electric, fuel-cell, and extended-range electric vehicles (Chevrolet, Volt, and Opel Ampera). In addition, he represents Adam Opel AG in national and European research projects as well as in standardization committees on electrical energy-storage systems. Mr. Mettlach’s current position is Technical Lead Engineer for rechargeable energy-storage systems (RESS).
John R. Miller
| JME, Inc. | ECCAP Session 3
Dr. John R. Miller is President of JME, Inc., a consulting firm specializing in ultracapacitor development, testing, and application. John is a well-known expert in ultracapacitor technology with 25 years of experience in the industry. In the past five years, prior to joining the AABC team, he has chaired the Advanced Capacitor World Summit.
John Milios
| Sendyne Corp. | LLIBTA Session 3
John Milios (Ph.M., Electrical Engineering, Columbia Univ.) is the CEO of Sendyne. He was the technical lead of the SMBus standard, a member of the Bluetooth Architectural Review board, on the Steering Committee of Smart Battery System Implementers’ Forum, a former CTO & VP of Semtech and the president of USAR, a privately held Inc500 company.
Frank Moebius
| BMW | AABTAM Session 3
Dr. Frank Moebius is the head of research and development of high-voltage batteries for all electrified vehicles of the BMW Group. Prior to this R&D function, he was responsible for the industrialization of HV batteries and electric motors at BMW for several years. This task included the development of manufacturing technologies and the management of the prototype shop of batteries and e-motors. Before joining BMW, he worked for Lufthansa German Airlines in the maintenance engineering department in Frankfurt. Dr. Moebius studied mechanical engineering at the University of Stuttgart and received his PhD (Dr.-Ing.) from the University of Kaiserslautern.
Matthieu Mouvet
| Renault | LLIBTA Session 4
System Architect for EV/HEV Electrical Energy Storage at Renault, Matthieu Mouvet manages upstream battery projects, system roadmap and requirements with vehicle and powertrain stakeholders. Since he decided to shift to xEVs technologies, he joined the battery team, led the technical development and vehicle integration of an EV battery and established battery development standards and guidance. Before that he acquired a solid experience in powertrain and gearboxes engineering for all phases of life cycle , from advance engineering to serial life. He graduated from French engineering school Ecole Centrale de Lyon.
Katsuhiko Naoi
| Tokyo University | ECCAP Session 2
Dr. Naoi is a professor of chemistry at the Institute of Symbiotic Science & Technology at Tokyo University of Agriculture & Technology (TAT). He also serves as a CTO of K&W Inc., a TAT venture company dealing with “Energy Solutions for the Future.” With a Ph.D. from Waseda University, Tokyo, his research interests are advanced supercapacitors, future nanobatteries, and energy, environmental, and materials science.
Masato Origuchi
| Renault | LLIBTA Session 4
After he graduated from the University of Tokyo in 1989, Mr. Origuchi started his engineering carrier in the vehicle research laboratory of Nissan Motor Co., Ltd., where he was in charge of developing Nissan FEV presented in 1991. He continued to develop Altra EV and Tino HEV in Nissan taking a part of developing the world first Li-ion batteries for automotive applications until his resignation from Nissan at the end of 2000. Since 2002 he has been working for Renault in France always in charge of advanced battery development. He is now responsible for Renault’s EV battery development group.
Peter Pichler
| Magna Steyr | AABTAM Session 3
Dr. Peter Pichler has held several positions in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Development at MAGNA. Since 2005, he has lead several development and industrialization programs for Li-Ion electrical storage systems before becoming responsible for MAGNA’s battery-pack technologies.
Andreas Piepenbrink
| E3/DC GmbH | SESSTAM Session 3
Based on his Dr-Ing. in nonlinear control engineering of servopneumatic drives, Dr. Andreas Piepenbrink worked at several automotive tier-one companies in different operational and top managing positions, a.o. Leopold Kostal GmbH, ZF Friedrichshafen AG and Wilhelm Karmann. In 2010 the E3/DC GmbH was established and it has become a leading German supplier of inverters, battery systems and virtual power plants. With 8Mio€ turnover and 35 people employed in 2014, E3/DC is targeting the German and European market as leading supplier for solar and battery inverters in the next years, based on quality, new architectures and maximum efficiency.
Peter Pilgram
| Audi AG | LLIBTA Session 3
Dr. Pilgram is senior scientist for Li-Ion cell development at AUDI AG since 2010. From 2005 to 2010 he headed the R&D group for electrodes and separators of Evonik Litarion GmbH and Degussa Creavis GmbH. He started his career in Li-Ion cell development at GAIA Akkumulatorenwerke GmbH in 2002 where he held different position including head of product development. Dr. Pilgram received his PhD from Technical University of Aachen (RWTH) in polymer chemistry.
Christophe Pillot
| Avicenne Energy | AABTAM/SESSTAM Session 1
Christophe Pillot has built up considerable expertise in the area of battery market. He joined AVICENNE 20 years ago and Spend 3 years in Japan making analysis on the Electronic, Mobile & Japanese battery market. Christophe gained large experience in marketing, strategy analysis, technology and financial studies for the battery and power management fields. He developed the Battery market analysis for AVICENNE which counts more than 200 customers worldwide. Christophe published several annual surveys like “The rechargeable battery market 2014-2025”. He is also the founder & chairman of Batteries congress in France since 1999. He is now Director of AVICENNE ENERGY.
Fabian Alexander Polonius
| Daimler AG | AABTAM/SESSTAM Session 4
Dr. Fabian-Alexander Polonius is the safety adviser of dangerous goods of Daimler AG. He received his PhD in bioinorganic Chemistry from the TU Dortmund, Germany. In 2007 he joined the Daimler AG working on hazardous materials, dangerous goods, waste, environmental science and risk assessment topics within the famous factory of Mercedes-Benz in Mannheim, Germany. From there he changed in 2009 to the worldwide logistics department into the centre of competence (CoC) of dangerous goods working amongst other topics on the transport of alternative powertrain components such as lithium ion batteries and fuel cell / CNG tank systems. Later on he became manager in the advanced engineering department of the truck division researching on exhaust heat recovery systems. Since his appointment as safety adviser dangerous goods in 2012 he has been managing the CoC dangerous goods of Daimler AG.
Marcus Preissner
| Robert Bosch Battery Systems GmbH | LLIBTA Session 3
Dr. Marcus Preißner received his Ph.D. from University of Maryland, USA in the field of automotive air-conditioning. After establishing a test lab in a start-up for fuel cells, he joined the Bosch cooperate research department and worked in the field of air-conditioning, solar systems and stationary storage systems. Since 2014, he is responsible for the battery and BMS test center at Bosch Battery Systems GmbH.
Bernhard Riegel
| HOPPECKE GmbH & CO. KG | SESSTAM Session 3
Dr. Bernhard Riegel was awarded his doctor degree by the University of Stuttgart in 1994. From 1995 to 1997, within his postgraduate time, he participated in different work groups at the University of Texas under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Alan Cowley and Prof. Dr. H.-G. v. Schnering. In 1998, he joined the ZSW as a scientific assistant, working on several projects including ultrasonic corrosion measuring methods for lead-acid batteries. In 2001 he joined the HOPPECKE group and after heading various R&D activities within the company, took over the management of the R&D Department in 2003. Since 2008 Dr. Riegel is additionally responsible for the structure of HOPPECKE Advanced Battery Technology GmbH for the use of nickel metal hydride and lithium ions technology in the industrial market as a general manager.
Jan Ronsmans
| JSR Micro, NV | ECCAP Session 4
Jan Ronsmans obtained a degree in Chemistry in 1995 and a degree in Industrial Electronics in 1999. After working at the University of Leuven and at the Interuniversity Micro-Electronics Center (IMEC), he joined JSR Micro NV in the year 2000, focusing on the development of materials for semiconductor manufacturing and for their integration into the customers’ production lines. Since 2008, he is responsible for the implementation of JSR Corporation’s product portfolio in the area of energy and environment in Europe.
Volker Rothe
| Adam Opel AG | LLIBTA Session 4
Volker Rothe is “Technical Lead Engineer Regulatory” at Adam Opel AG. He is responsible for the development and implementation of regulations and standards for electric vehicles. Previously, he worked for more than 10 years in the alternative propulsion center of the Adam Opel AG with responsibility for safety analysis and certification of fuel cell and electric vehicles. Mr. Rothe is spokesperson for the international automotive manufacturers association (OICA) for the development of a global technical regulation on safety of electric vehicles under the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. He is a member of various working groups on electric mobility in ISO and IEC and he is chairperson of the ISO working group on safety of electric vehicles.
Andreas Rueckemann
| Li-TEC Battery GmbH | SESSTAM Session 2
Andreas Rückemann is a senior industry expert for the successful growth and going-to-market phases of high-tech companies in the fields of opto-electronics, electronics and batteries. For the chemical group Evonik AG he worked as executive in corporate strategy and M&A followed by 10 years of service as CEO for high tech companies in Italy and Germany. He received numerous Innovation and Business awards and holds 20 patents. Today he serves as head of business development at Li-Tec Battery GmbH, a 100% affiliate of Daimler group where he is mainly focused on the growth of the new business of stationary batteries.
Michael Scholz
| P3 automotive GmbH | AABTAM/SESSTAM Session 4
Dipl. Wirt.-Ing. Michael Scholz operates as Senior Consultant within the P3 Group since 2010. He has consulted various customers within the electric mobility sector and thus accompanied the development of charging infrastructure from the beginning. First he was involved in the field of conductive charging and since 2012 in the standardization of inductive charging. Michael Scholz graduated from University of Applied Sciences Kempten as Industrial Engineer (Dipl. Wirt.-Ing.) and specialized in automotive engineering.
Rock S.T. Shen
| China Steel Chemical Corp | ECCAP Session 3
Dr. Shen is general manager in charge of R&D activity, which is related to new carbon materials research and production process development, such as activated carbon materials of EDLC and anode materials of lithium-ion Battery. The research team comprises 26 members and 5 associated researchers from the parent company, China Steel Corp. Dr. Shen also has 25 years of working experience associated with the chemical and surface treatment on steel processing projects.
Olaf Sielemann
| Exide Europe | AABTAM Session 2
Olaf Sielemann is the Director Transportation of the R&D in Europe. In April 2014 he became responsible for the product engineering of all SLI products in Europe for EXIDE Technology. Mr. Sielemann previously held several positions in the R&D for transportation and industrial batteries, and has more than 25 years of experience in this field. Olaf earned a diploma in chemical engineering at the FH Münster (university of applied science).
Patrice Simon
| Université Paul Sabatier | ECCAP Session 2
Prof. Patrice Simon is Professor of Material Science at the Université Paul Sabatier. His research is focused on the characterization of nanostructured materials for electrochemical energy storage sources, including electrochemical capacitors and Li-ion batteries. He is director of the Alistore European Research Institute (www.alistore.eu) focused on Li-ion battery research and Deputy Director of the French network on Electrochemical Energy Storage (RS2E, www.energie-rs2e.com). Prof. Simon was granted with an Advanced Grant from the European Research Council in 2012 (Ionaces project) to develop research on microporous carbons for supercapacitor applications. He holds the Chair of Excellence from the Airbus Group Foundation “Nanomaterials for embedded energy storage sources”.
Bob Spotnitz
| Battery Design LLC | LLIBTA Session 3
Dr. Spotnitz is a leading developer of mathematical models that simulate battery operation. Dr. Spotnitz, who previously held several senior technical positions in materials and battery development, founded Battery Design in 1999 to provide consulting and develop custom software for battery developers and users. He is a well-known speaker on various aspects of battery engineering.
Bengt Stahlschmidt
| GILDEMEISTER energy solutions | SESSTAM Session 2
Bengt Stahlschmidt is head of sales CellCube at GILDEMEISTER energy solutions. In this role he is setting up a worldwide sales organization for the CellCube storage system product line. His previous activities have been: Shareholder and Managing Director of an energy saving consulting company in Switzerland; Managing Director or Sales Director for several companies selling active energy saving products. Prior positions included Executive Board Membership, President EMEA, and Managing Director in the IT industry for several hardware and software companies. He studied mechanical engineering and economics.
Ulf Stenzel
| AVL Schrick GmbH | AABTAM Session 2
Ulf Stenzel leads the battery development activities as part of the hybrid and electric powertrain system development at AVL SCHRICK in Remscheid, Germany. Prior to joining AVL SCHRICK in 2008 he spent 3 years in the development and testing of hydraulic and electric camshaft phasing systems at INA Schaeffler KG.
Jean-Marie Tarascon
| University of Picardie | LLIBTA Session 2
Jean-Marie Tarascon is Professor at the College de France where he chairs the Chemistry of solids – Energy department. Much of his early career was spent in the United States where he developed (1994) the plastic Li-Ion technology. Back in France in 1995, he created the European network of excellence ALISTORE-ERI, which he directed until 2010 when he took over as director of the new LABEX “STORE-EX” and became responsible for the recently created French network on electrochemical energy storage (RS2E). He continues his research on Li-ion and Na-ion batteries, developing new eco-efficient synthesis processes for the design, new negative and positive electrodes, and organic electrodes for sustainable electrochemical devices. During his life, he received many honours, with the latest being ENI’s 2011, ABAA’s 2014 awards and his recent nomination as a foreign member of the Rola Society. He is the author of more than 600 scientific papers, and detains about 75 patents.
Axel Thielmann
| Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI | AABTAM/SESSTAM Session 1
Dr. Axel Thielmann is Deputy Head of the Competence Center "Emerging Technolo-gies" at the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research (Fraunhofer ISI). His research areas focus on scientific, technological developments in emerging tech-nologies such as nanotechnology, advanced materials, analysis of their market poten-tials, socio-economic and environmental impacts, regulatory, technological, and eco-nomic analysis of innovations and technology policy in knowledge intensive industrial sectors, technology foresight and assessment. He represents the Fraunhofer ISI in the Fraunhofer Nanotechnology Alliance and the Fraunhofer Battery Alliance. Since 2010 Dr. Thielmann is coordinating and conducting a Roadmapping and Monitoring process on Lithium-Ion Batteries for electric mobility and stationary energy storage on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
Werner Tillmetz
| ZSW | LLIBTA/ECCAP Session 1
 Professor Dr. Werner Tillmetz has been board member of ZSW and head of the Electrochemical Energy Technologies division since 2004. Working in close cooperation with partners from industry, research and politics, his current research activities focus on all battery and fuel cell related topics. He is also spokesman of the advisory board National Organisation Hydrogen and Fuel Cells (NOW GmbH) and co-founder and board member of the Competence Network for Lithium-Ion Batteries (Kompetenznetzwerk Lithium-Ionen-Batterien e.V., KLiB). Dr. Tillmetz earned his doctor degree in 1984 at Technische Universität München (TUM). For more than 30 years his full attention has been on the investigation of new energy technologies. His career started at Dornier with a focus on energy technologies in space application; he then became involved in developing the first small series of fuel cell vehicles as project manager at Daimler Benz and later as Managing Director of Ballard Power Systems GmbH. In 2003 he became Group Vice President of the global division Catalysts in Energy and Environment at Süd-Chemie AG until 2004 when he joined ZSW Ulm.
Jens Tübke
| Fraunhofer ICT | LLIBTA/ECCAP Session 1
Jens Tübke joined the Department of Applied Electrochemistry of the Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology in 2000 and since 2008 he is the director of this department. He is the spokesmen of the Fraunhofer Alliance Batteries since 2013. Dr. Jens Tübke earned his Ph.D. at the Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg on the field of Macromolecular and Technical Chemistry. In 1997-2000 he was Visiting Researcher at Kyoto University and Toyota Corporation.
Andreas Varesi
| Technomar GmbH | SESSTAM Session 2
Andreas Varesi holds a degree as an electrical engineer and started in managing positions at Siemens. Since 2008 he is Managing Director and co-owner of Technomar GmbH where he is responsible for market research and trend research projects. One of his specialist fields is electric mobility where he is also Work Package Leader for projects funded by the EC. Currently he is working on a research for the German space strategy and a study on the future development of energy storage systems until 2020. In 2012 he got a lectureship for trend and market research at the Macromedia University for Media and Communication in Munich. In 2004 he wrote the specialist book “Was UMTS wirklich kann” about the mobile telecommunications technology UMTS published by Siemens/Wiley.
Matthias Vetter
| Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems (ISE) | SESSTAM Session 3
Dr. Matthias Vetter is an Electrical Engineer with 13 years of experience at the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems (ISE). His various areas of work include autonomous systems and mini-grids, decentralized grid-connected PV battery systems, development of battery systems for stationary and automotive applications. Since 2011 he has been head of ISE’s “PV off-grid solutions and battery system technology” department. Dr. Vetter wrote his PhD thesis on modeling and development of control strategies for fuel cell systems.
Kai Vuorilehto
| Skeleton Technologies | ECCAP Session 3
Kai Vuorilehto is vice president of production in the European supercapacitor company Skeleton Technologies. He got his electrochemistry PhD at Helsinki University of Technology in 1993. After academic and industrial positions in battery development in Finland and Germany, he became adjunct professor for electrochemical energy solutions. In 2007-2010, he worked as CTO for the lithium-ion battery producer European Batteries.
Clifford Walton
| Calgon Carbon Corporation | ECCAP Session 3
Dr. Walton is a senior chemical technologist and global R&D leader with over thirty-five years experience in innovative chemical process/product technology development and establishing international technical business relationships. He has been a professor of chemical engineering at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, a private consultant, and R&D leader with FMC and Celanese Corporations. His expertise includes identification and creation of new chemical and energy storage technologies, leading laboratory and pilot testing through final implementation. He has experience in inorganic, electrochemical and organic processes, including quality control and managing environmental, health and safety (EHS) issues. Dr. Walton is currently the Technical Lead of Energy Storage Carbons at Calgon Carbon Corporation.
Wolfgang Weydanz
| Siemens | SESSTAM Session 2
 Dr. Wolfgang Weydanz works in Corporate Technology at SIEMENS AG. For over 20 years he has been active in the field of electrochemical and electrical energy storage with emphasis on lithium ion batteries. He studied Physics in Erlangen, Germany, and Vancouver, Canada, and received his PhD from Ulm University in Germany. His working experience is as developer of one of the first high power lithium-ion systems worldwide (with GAIA Akkumulatorenwerke), setting up and managing R&D departments with several battery companies in the field of lithium-ion, NiMH and zinc air rechargeable systems (Sanyo Component Europe and ReVolt Technology Ltd). He has a strong background with system integration and application of energy storage. He massively widened his application know how and storage expertise to other fields in electrochemical, thermal and mechanical energy storage as well as renewable energy technologies. He is currently “principal key expert” for energy storage at Siemens Corporate Technology. Further he is author of a book on multiple battery technologies and applications published in 2006, a number of scientific publications, and over 50 declarations of invention / patents filed in the field of energy storage and conversion.
Uwe Wiedemann
| AVL List GmbH | LLIBTA Session 3
Uwe Wiedemann studied Mechatronics at the University of Aalen, Germany and the University of Teesside, GB. He received a PhD degree from the University of Ulm for the investigation of NiMH ageing mechanism in HEVs. From 2003 onwards he was involved in battery management system software development and other development tasks around electrochemical energy storage systems. After working in research and development departments at Daimler AG and Robert Bosch GmbH, he joined AVL List’s Global Battery Competence Team in 2009. His current position is Senior Product Manager.
Joerg Wind
| Daimler AG | AABTAM/SESSTAM Session 4
Dr. Joerg Wind studied physics at the Technical University of Munich (TUM). After doing his Ph.D. in the field of semiconductor physics and sensor technology at the TUM in 1992, he started working in the field of fuel cells and hydrogen. As a project manager, he was responsible for material development for high-temperature fuel cells and exhaust after-treatment at DASA and DaimlerChrysler from 1992 until 1998. From 1998 until 2002, he was responsible for PEM stack development at DaimlerChrysler. Since 2002, he is responsible for strategic energy projects, comprising projects in the field of fuel cell vehicles and battery electric vehicles (including energy systems analyses and WTW-analyses).
Martin Winter
| Muenster University | LLIBTA/ECCAP Session 1 LLIBTA Session 2
Martin Winter is the scientific director of the MEET Battery Research Center at Muenster University. MEET stands for Münster Electrochemical Energy Technology and the director of the Helmholtz Institute Muenster (HI MS) “Ionics in Energy Storage”. Prof. Winter has been the spokesperson of the Innovation Alliance LIB 2015 of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Today he is an associate of the National Platform E-Mobility (NPE) and he is the head of the research council of the Battery Forum Germany. For his scientific achievements Martin Winter has been awarded amongst others with the Battery Technology Award of the Electrochemical Society and the Research Award as well as the Technology Award of the International Battery Materials Association and as Fellow of The Electrochemical Society.
Atsuo Yamada
| University of Tokyo | LLIBTA Session 2
Prof. Atsuo Yamada has been a professor at the University of Tokyo since 2009, directing multidisciplinary research on materials for energy storage and conversion. He received his MS and PhD degrees in applied physics from the University of Tsukuba in 1990 and 1996. After 13 years of service as a staff scientist and laboratory head of Sony Research Center, he was appointed as an associate professor at Tokyo Institute of Technology in 2002 and as a full professor of the University of Tokyo in 2009. He received the Spriggs Award from the American Ceramic Society in 2010.
Wei Zhou
| Audi AG | LLIBTA Session 3
Wei Zhou is a battery development engineer in the Energy Storage System Department at AUDI AG. He has been developing battery thermal management systems in HEV, PHEV and EV for several years. He holds a Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from theTechnical University of Dresden.