Highlights from AABC 2009 Long Beach, California, June 2009

 |  |  |  | Masanori Kitamura, GS Yuasa, takes questions from the audience and highlights the significant life and reliability challenge for EV batteries. | | Tom Cackette, Executive Officer of the Calif. Air Resources Board, answers questions regarding California regulations for stepping up fuel efficency requirements to combat global warming. |  |  |  |  |  | | | Tom Apalenek, BAE, opens the pack integration specialty vehicle session, informing the audience that BAE is installing lithium ion batteries in hybrid buses. | | Jun Furukawa affirms better lead acid batteries are coming. |
 | Chief battery technologists from major automakers state automotive energy-storage requirements and their assessments of the status of the technology and the direction of the growing market. |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | Uwe Wiedemann, Mercedes | | Eckhard Karken, Ford Europe | | Kazuo Tojima, Toyota |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | Ryan Harty, Honda | | Matthias Ullrich, Volkswagen | | Jinho Park, Hyundai |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | Mark Verbrugge, General Motors | | Roland Matthe, General Motors | | Ted Miller, Ford |  |
 Highlights from AABC 2008 Tampa, Florida, May 2008

 |  | AABC Session 1 - Market Development of HEVs and their Batteries Conference Chair Menahem Anderman, President of AAB takes questions from the floor John German, Manager, American Honda Motor Co., Ltd. Danilo Santini, Argonne National Laboratory Scott Miller, Synovate Motoresearch, Inc. |  |  |  | Tojima-san, principal battery engineer of Toyota explains the severity of the PHEV duty cycle on the battery reliability. Hironori Harada, Toyota Motor Co. Roland Matthe, General Motors Mark Verbrugge, General Motors |
|  |  |  | AABC Session 1 - Market Development of HEVs and their Batteries François Orsini, Renault Hironori Harada, Toyota Motor Co. Roland Matthe, General Motors Carol Chambers, AAB Conference Organizer Tony Markel, National Renewable Energy Laboratory Aymeric Rousseau, Argonne National Laboratory Andy Chu, A123Systems, Inc. |  |  |  |  |  | | | Steve Clarke of Chrysler,Chairman of USABC | | Dr. Sheen affirms SK Corp's commitment to HEV business |
|  |  |  | John German of Honda talks about HEV duty profile in the Q&A session |  |  |  | AABC attracted 890 particpants from 20 countries around the world |  |  |  | Dinner Cruise on board the Yacht Starship on Tampa Bay |
 Highlights from AABC 2007 Long Beach, May 2007

 |  | Session 1 on market development of HEVs and their batteries: Menahem Anderman, Conference Chair and President of Advanced Automotive Batteries Hideo Takeshita, Insitute of Information Technology Tony Andreoni, California Air Resources Board Scott Miller, Synovate Motorsearch |  |  |  |  |  | | | Mark Verbrugge, General Motors chairs session 2 of AABC | | AABC Session 2: Toyota presentation |
|  |  |  | Tien Duong, Manager, US Department of Energy Aymeric Rousseau, Argonne National Laboratory Tony Markel, National Renewable Energy Laboratories Dominique Portmann, DaimlerChrysler Michael Andrew, Johnson Controls-Saft Loic Gaillac, Southern California Edison Marc Kohler, Valence Technology |  |  |  | Eckhard Karden, Ford Research and Advanced Engineering Europe Christian Diegelmann, BMW Group Bengt Wahlqvist, Effpower Patrick Moseley, International Lead Zinc Research Organization Kurtis Kelty, Firefly Energy Benoit Soucaze-Guillous, Valeo |  |  |  | Question and answer session |  |  |  |  |  | | | Menahem Anderman and Thomas Keim of MIT | | Menahem Anderman with Tien Duong of theDepartment of Energy |
 Highlights from AABC 2006 Baltimore, May 2006

 |  | AABC Session 1: New Hybrid Vehicle Introduction and Market Growth Panel Speakers: Scott Miller, Chief Executive Officer, Synovate Motoresearch Menahem Anderman, AABC Conference Chair Hideo Takeshita, VP, Institute of Information Technology David Hermance, Executive Engineer, Toyota Technical Center, USA |  |  |  | AABC Session 4: Advances in NiMH and Lithium-Ion Batteries for Full Hybrids Panel speakers: Ikuo Yonezu, General Manager of R&D Business Unit/Energy R&D Center, Sanyo Kazuo Tojima, Senior Staff Engineer, Toyota Kazuhiko Aitaka, Chief Engineer, Honda |  |  |  | AABC Session 5: Energy-Storage Systems for Plug-in and Specialty/Heavy Duty Vehicles Panel Speakers: Tien Duong, Manager, US Department of Energy Gus Khalil, Hybrid Electric Research TL, US Army TACOM Tom Bartley, Manager of New Business, ISE Corporation Xiaosong Kang, Power Electronics Engineer, Eaton Corporation Tony Markel, Senior Engineer, National Renewable Energy Laboratory Rick Gunthner, VP HEV Battery Sales, Johnson Controls“To plug-in or not to plug-in?” Tien Duong leads the discussion. |  |  |  | AABC Session 2: Energy-Storage Configuration and Management in Micro and Mild Hybrid Vehicles Panel Speakers: Mark Verbrugge, Director, Materials and Processes Lab, General Motors Yoshitaka Kambe, General Manager, Toyota Motor Corporation Peter Miller, Director, Electrical/Electronic Engineering, Ricardo Helmut Ollhauser, General Manager/ AFL Electronics Europe, Alcoa Fujikura Thomas Keim, Principal Research Engineer, MIT Consortium |  |  |  | AABC Session 3: Energy-Storage Solutions for Mild Hybrids Panel Speakers: Andy Chu, Development Scientist, A123 Systems Jeon Keun Oh, Leader, Corporate R&D Center/HEV Battery Project, SK Corporation Ahmad Pesaran, Principal Engineer, National Renewable Energy Laboratory Rainer Knorr, Project Leader, Siemens VDO Kevin Konecky, Transportation Systems Program Manager, Cobasys LLC Don Karner, President, Electric Transportation Applications Mathias Ullrich, Senior Engineer, Volkswagen |
 Highlights from AABC 2005 Honolulu, Hawaii, June 2005

 |  | AABC Session 2: Power Distribution and Energy Storage Configuration, Requirements, and Management in Advanced Vehicles Panel members: Mark Verbrugge, Director, Material and Process Labs, General Motors Tsuyoshi Kameda, Manager, Technical Center, GS Yuasa Manufacturing, Ltd. Francisco Trinidad, Innovation Director, Exide Tudor Rainer Knorr, Siemens VDO Automotive AG Ahmad Pesaran, Manager, Energy Storage Projects for Hybrid and Fuel Cell Vehicles, National Renewable Energy Laboratory Menahem Anderman, President, Advanced Automotive Batteries |
JCI poised for primetime in HEV batteries . . . AABC Session 4: Advances in NiMH and Li Ion Batteries for Full Hybrids
 | Panel members: Shinji Hamada, Staff Engineer, Engineering Department, Panasonic EV Energy Tsuyoshi Hayashi, Manager, Engineering Department, Toyota Motor Corporation Christian Rosenkranz, Director Sales and Marketing, VARTA Automotive Systems GmbH, a member of the Johnson Controls Group James Symanski, Manager, Automotive Systems Group, Johnson Controls |  |  |
 |  | Movers and shakers in the industry: Tsuyoshi Hayashi, Toyota Menahem Anderman, AAB Shinji Hamada, PEVE Tatsuo Teratani, Toyota |
Session 5: Hybridization of Buses, Delivery Trucks, and Military Vehicles and their Energy Storage Systems
 | Panel members: Robert King, Electrical Engineer, Electrical Machines and Drives Laboratory, General Electric Global Research Center Kenneth Kelly, Senior Engineer, National Renewable Energy Laboratory Takefumi Inoue, Manager, Large-scale Lithium-ion Battery Engineering Department, GS Yuasa Technology Ltd. Michel Broussely, Scientific Director, Saft France |  |  |
 |  | Poster Presentations at AABC-05 |
 |  |  | JCI exhibit at AABC-05 | AABC-05 Dinner around the pool at the Sheraton |
 Highlights from AABC 2004 San Francisco, June 2004 Automakers gather at AABC-04 in San Francisco to discuss power source requirements for hybrid vehicles

 |  |  |  |  |  | Kazuo Tojima Senior Staff Engineer, Toyota | | Noboru Sato Former Chief Engineer, Honda R&D
| | Takeshi Miyamoto Manager Advanced Powertrain Engineering Group, Nissan
|  |  |  |  |  |  |  | Scott Jorgensen Manager Energy Storage, General Motors R&D
| | Ted Miller Technical Specialist, Ford Research and Advanced Engineering
| | Cyrus Ashtiani Manager, Advance Battery Programs, DaimlerChrysler |
AABC-04 Panel Sessions
 |  | Session 1: New Vehicle Introduction and Market Growth Panel members: David Hermance, Executive Engineer, Toyota U.S. Alan Lloyd, Chairman, California Air Resources Board Ted Miller, Technical Specialist, Ford Menahem Anderman, President, Advanced Automotive Batteries Hideo Takeshita, Vice President, Institute of Information Technology |  |  |  | Session 3A: The Use of Lead Acid Battery in Advanced Vehicles Panel members: Asahiko Miura, Senior Engineer, R&D Division, Shin-Kobe Electric Machinery Shoji Shiga, Managing Director, Furukawa Battery Co. Chester Motloch, Consulting Engineer, INEEL Robert Nelson, President, Recombination Technologies Alan Cooper, European Advanced Lead Acid Battery Consortium |
 |  |  |  | Ikuo Yonezu, (General Manager, Sanyo Electric Co.) delivers a paper on high-performance nickel-metal hydride battery technologies for HEV | | Mike Saft (Saft), Tim Murphy (Idaho National Laboratory) and Menahem Anderman (AAB) in discussion |
 |  |  |  | Ahmad Pesaran (National Renewable Energy Laboratory), Robert Spotnitz (Battery Design Company) and Keith Kepler (Farasis Energy) in discussion | | Dan Herrera, (Associate Director for Mobility Technology, US Army TACOM) discusses military hybrid vehicle programs |
 |  | AABC-04 delegates relax over lunch |
 Highlights from AABC 2003 Acropolis Convention Center, Nice, France, June 10-13, 2003 The power systems that will enable 42V and advanced vehicles - presentation and debate by industry leaders

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